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"How We Reinvented Klassic Kombatants Cyrax, Sektor, and Noob Saibot", Joe Epstein of NRS

@BlazingShrapnel gets full credit for this article:

NRS drops articles on the Xbox site for upcoming dlc, this latest one has details about Noob's buff/install:

Launching on September 24, the Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns expansion is not just a massive drop of story, modes, skins, palettes, new and adjusted moves, bloody new Brutalities, all-new Animalities, and other bits, chunks, and tweaks – it’s also a reintroduction of three klassic characters whose pedigree and backstories both in and out of game stretch back almost to the beginning of the Mortal Kombat Universe.

Yes, Khaos Reigns brings back Cyrax, Sektor, and Noob Saibot – but with Mortal Kombat 1 establishing a whole new timeline for the series, they aren’t quite as you remember them. Here’s how we honored the history of these fan-favorite Kombatants, while reinventing them for the new game.

Cyrax and Sektor
Mortal Kombat 1 Khaos Reigns Expansion Screenshot

These fan-favorite yellow and red cyborg ninjas date back to Mortal Kombat 3 (1995) and served as a change of pace from the typical ninjas and demigods that made up our roster previously. The appeal of the cyborgs has always been the way they mesh mechanized tools and more halting, robotic movements with the martial arts of the Lin Kuei. Back in the day, they were two of the most fun and fearsome fighters from one of the most beloved and distinctive games of that arcade era.

In subsequent entries, they’ve often returned, whether as fully-fledged roster fighters like in Mortal Kombat (2011), represented as the mash-up fighter Triborg in Mortal Kombat X, or as Story mode exclusive guests in Mortal Kombat 11. Paying homage to the klassic Mortal Kombat 3 forms, Cyrax and Sektor from the ’90s arcade era already appear in Mortal Kombat 1 as Kameo Fighters, ready to pop out and assist your main fighter on command.

Now with Khaos Reigns, entirely new versions will round out their own roster slots, mixing up and referencing various versions along the way, but with many curveballs courtesy of the New Era’s leader, Fire God Liu Kang.

The most important change? They’re all-human now. Instead of a marriage of man and machine, Cyrax and Sektor are all flesh and blood. In this timeline, neither of them is a cyborg, but they augment conventional ninja training and the usual blades, bludgeons, and brawn with all sorts of advanced tech. Their styles, backstories, and allegiances are riffs on what you may remember. You want technological-minded mechanical ninja combat? You got it, but with a different finesse, heart, and wit than before.

Gameplay-wise, Advanced Designer Michael Bellipanni’s focus for the reimagined, cyber-assisted fighters was to hearken back to various versions of both of them, while putting new spins on things. Let us break down both of them.

Breaking Down Cyrax
Cyrax is the quicker of the two, with an acrobatic fight style influenced by ninjitsu and enhanced by high-tech friction boots. Her tool deployment is less direct – she can ensnare foes and lay explosive traps for them, and can quickly relocate all over the battlefield, sandwiching the opposition between her location and her devices.

Most of Cyrax’s tricks come by way of her amazing sphere multitools, which are brimming with lethal functions. To add extra bite or oomph to several of her normal attacks, Cyrax keeps an orb tool in her hand, which can either be used as a set of blades or detonated in bomb form at point-blank range – don’t worry about her safety, that’s what the suit’s for. The orbs can also naturally be tossed as good old-fashioned timed explosives.

In enhanced form, her orb devices zero in on the enemy before whirling to action with horrific spinning blades. Orbs can also be thrown directly at foes to burst upon them with sticky, trapping foam. When subterfuge is appropriate, a device can be detonated at Cyrax’s feet, creating a distraction as she flits suddenly behind her quarry.

Mortal Kombat 1 Khaos Reigns Expansion Screenshot

She can even toss out devices that do nothing, the perfect dirty trick to make a defender turtle up and expose themselves to mix-ups and throws. With some dexterous device juggling, Cyrax can keep several of these options in play and on field simultaneously, improvising temporary defenses, and planning steps ahead on offense. And you’ll see just how creative Cyrax can get with the orbs when the time to Finish Them fatefully arrives.

From her suit’s built-in features, Cyrax is most reliant on the high-tech friction skates on her feet. These work by jacking the surface coefficient of her footing way up or down, drastically affecting adhesion and repulsion properties on the fly. She uses this capability for effortless gliding and speed boosts, rapid direction changes off walls, and to enable ensnaring kick attacks. A modern take on Cyrax’s klassic Mortal Kombat 3 air throw comes by way of this friction-boot assist, and she’ll be quite slippery to pin down in corners when she can spring off of walls over danger, when she’s not just deceptively gliding right through it. If you haven’t guessed it, she’s a bit of a trickster, ready to play with her food as a hit-and-run keep away artist.

Breaking Down Sektor
Cyrax’s crimson-hued, somewhat awkward comrade-in-training, Sektor is far more direct. Sektor is much more reliant on the brute strength and futuristic ordinance capabilities of the Cyber Initiative’s tech. Under the proverbial hood, Sektor’s packing an assault helicopter’s worth of guided and unguided explosives. On the ground, she can choose between dominating lateral space with rockets or launching more sophisticated targeted or homing missiles into arcing trajectories. In midair, she can release descending burst grenades that can be set off when desired; when enhanced, these airborne bomb-droppings can be immediately followed up with more aerial attacks, leading to all kinds of possibilities.

Mortal Kombat 1 Khaos Reigns Expansion Screenshot

Add it all up and she’s better armed from afar in terms of sheer firepower than anyone on the field.

That’s before you consider that she is wearing a fortress. Where Cyrax’s suit is adapted for agility and deception, Sektor’s armor has all its points pushed into power. If Sektor has enough warning against incoming threats, she can extend extra anti-projectile shielding. With perfect timing, she can retaliate immediately after with one of her own projectile attacks just after deflecting a hostile shot – and shot deflections don’t just give Sektor an opening to shoot back, they also energize her suit, powering up a couple of her strongest normal attacks.

Being able to redirect unpredictably in midair is one of the strongest (and most fun) traits a character can have. This is good for Sektor, because her suit’s boosters effectively give her multi-jumps and flexible air combo extensions. That puts her in a position of power against other kombatants who dominate the skies with irregular options, like Ermac, Homelander, Nitara, and Sindel. Thrusters also let her boost off from almost any position before slamming down behind the enemy.

The suit’s numerous thrusters and ports can also be seen adding boosting and scorching touches to many of Sektor’s normal attacks, and when dialed up, considerably provide Sektor with a flamethrower special move. Would you like to bet that these features and more are demonstrated spectacularly in several ways throughout her high-energy Fatalities? You would win that bet.

Sektor does not favor the indirect approach, and she’s not very susceptible to direct approaches either. She can wear down the opposition at long range, firing off her own salvos while absorbing the opponent’s suit-boosted combos up close when the mood strikes.

Noob Saibot
A new interpretation of a generational villain also emerges from the shadows. Or rather, with the shadows. Noob Saibot’s first appearance was strictly as a deeply hidden secret foe all the way back in 1993’s Mortal Kombat II, where the player had to score dozens of wins in a row to fight an entirely-black silhouette. One reason for the abundance of palette-swapped characters in early Mortal Kombat games was simply because of economy: everything had to fit onto arcade and console cartridges. Recoloring existing content was a low-impact way to add more stuff. Jade, Rain, Reptile, and Smoke also started out as simple recolorings, before being fleshed out on their own merits later on. Legend has it Ermac belongs on that list too, but that’s another story for another time.

Alongside the ketchup and mustard-flavored cyberninjas, Noob Saibot is a major player in the expansive story of Khaos Reigns, where New Era origins and motives are explored for all three. Fittingly, in past incarnations, the secret fighter named after Mortal Kombat’s co-creators (if you don’t know, just read his name backwards) is usually depicted as a mindless pawn of a malevolent presence. Whether that’s true in Khaos Reigns is not something we’re going to spoil here. But, come on; look at him. Noob Saibot is heavily cloaked, thoroughly armored, wearing blades on his fingers, and trailed by a roiling shadow that behaves independently. If he’s not working towards evil goals, watch out for whatever is (this isn’t foreshadowing or anything…).

Breaking Down Noob Saibot
That shadow is core to Noob Saibot’s whole identity, in every way. He isn’t just a grimdark edgelord reaper-type. Almost all his moves are influenced by whether his shadow is present. That shadow can be cast underfoot or be seen standing up on its own two feet and moving around – and it isn’t just for looks, it’s information. If Noob Saibot’s shadow trails under him, waving on the floor like upside-down smoke, it’s available for summoning, joining in to enable or amplify most of his kit. But a preoccupied shadow is an unavailable shadow. Some of Noob Saibot’s moves simply aren’t available without the shadow, and many are quite different compared to their shadow-backed versions. Using the shadow to your advantage becomes a constant dance of risk and reward.

Read the full article here: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/09/13/mortal-kombat-1-khaos-reigns-cyrax-sektor-noob-saibot-breakdown/
Scott Naylor


I really fuck with the new Sektor, and I don't find Cyrax offensive, I wanna preface with that before I'm criticized, BUT

This is a shitty reasoning for it. Liu has been in every NRS game, why not make him a woman? Or make Sonya a man? Why not give everyone something vastly different? The Cyborgs in their fully playable actual characters have been in 1 NRS Mortal Kombat. Triborg was his own character, and MK11 was a bit upsetting for the Cyborg fans. I keep saying, why make them human? Women, sure, idgaf, but why take away the coolest thing about them? Tekken 9 making Kuma a guy who likes Bears type energy.

And Noob hopefully plays fluidly with his mechanic. It's definitely either going to be unnecessarily complex or the coolest shit ever to me, personally.
I really fuck with the new Sektor, and I don't find Cyrax offensive, I wanna preface with that before I'm criticized, BUT

This is a shitty reasoning for it. Liu has been in every NRS game, why not make him a woman? Or make Sonya a man? Why not give everyone something vastly different? The Cyborgs in their fully playable actual characters have been in 1 NRS Mortal Kombat. Triborg was his own character, and MK11 was a bit upsetting for the Cyborg fans. I keep saying, why make them human? Women, sure, idgaf, but why take away the coolest thing about them? Tekken 9 making Kuma a guy who likes Bears type energy.

And Noob hopefully plays fluidly with his mechanic. It's definitely either going to be unnecessarily complex or the coolest shit ever to me, personally.
I'm here for Lady Liu and He-Sonya. Let's fucking go!
This is a shitty reasoning for it. Liu has been in every NRS game, why not make him a woman? Or make Sonya a man? Why not give everyone something vastly different?
My guess: Liu and Sonya or mainstays of the franchise, staple characters who rarely miss a game, classic or modern. The cyborgs, while absolutely having their fan base and all (including me), are more tertiary characters of the original trilogy.

So it's easier to do such a change as a gender swap on the "lesser" characters.
I just don't get what creators are thinking. I mean, sure, I personally do not get a bug up my arse about this kind of stuff. I think the new cyborgs look awesome and I[m keen to play them.. BUT... would I have preferred the "originals". Of course.

I do not understand why in so many different forms of media the creators feel they need to change and reinterpret stuff. I just don't know why they do it, and it is not just NRS... it is like literally every single type of media from comics, to games to films to TV etc etc.... and it is not a recent thing either.. well before all the loosers cried woke at everything.

If you are paying for and developing for a existing IP with built in fans... why not just USE the IP as is, the ones all the fans love?
You know something, this is a post I can like whole heartily. I don't have a problem with all the change but I get it. But I also understand why people get annoyed by it. Lol. But when someone tell me they are building a new era with existing characters and everything is getting changed I don't mind that either because I know what's in store. Some people don't like that and that cool too. I see it from all angles. I'm one of those types of people where i say, hey show me what you got and I'll judge accordingly instead of pre judge based off what I think it should be. Even if I don't agree with the premise. Lol anyway tangent aside this is a good post Holmes.
Then, boy, wait until I tell you about Li Mei and Stryker.

I think there's a way to make "genderswaps" cool without it being so obtuse.
They were setting up a good one for Nightwolf with the whole "Nightwolf is a mantle, not a person" thing. She even shows up in his MK11 ending.

Sektor being a woman is whatever, I'm disappointed she's a small woman tho. One of my favorite things about Sektor is that he's a big fuckin tank. It's a shame this new one just shares the same body as every other girl in the game. She doesn't need to be Marisa big, but at least put her on par with Geras or something.
They were setting up a good one for Nightwolf with the whole "Nightwolf is a mantle, not a person" thing. She even shows up in his MK11 ending.

Sektor being a woman is whatever, I'm disappointed she's a small woman tho. One of my favorite things about Sektor is that he's a big fuckin tank. It's a shame this new one just shares the same body as every other girl in the game. She doesn't need to be Marisa big, but at least put her on par with Geras or something.
Idk how to do spoiler tags, have you read the leaked script for Khaos Reigns?
Judging by the context of your post tho, I'm hoping it has something to do with Sektor taking PEDs and watching Tom Platz motivation videos. I need my bitch to have thighs like the Quad Father
In the script it says Sektor becomes extremely jealous of how dummy thick Bi Han gets as Noob Saibot. This makes her resort to Test and Dianabol. She's cycling the dbol 12 weeks on, 8 weeks off and running the test full time. All she does is go to the gym, eat 5500 calories a day, and Ninja shit with Cyrax. It starts to affect her moods in harsh ways, that's actually what we see in that trailer where she and Cyrax fight in the woods. The post credits scene suggests that years later, even jacked out of her mind with crazy hulkbuster-like armor, she's still not satisfied with her size, and is considering a BBL. I was floored at how much story time is actually dedicated to this.
Also, people calling anything in MK1 "cheap" and "low effort," don't actually know how video games are made. Even your most basic Triple A game costs millions of dollars and countless man hours with huge development teams to make.
graphics, orchestra takes amount of money to make, such as environmental design, costumes, but testing things to work propelly should be the job on who is employed on the studio, and they should give us a game as polished as possible, right now NRS feels no different than ubisoft in terms of quality
graphics, orchestra takes amount of money to make, such as environmental design, costumes, but testing things to work propelly should be the job on who is employed on the studio, and they should give us a game as polished as possible, right now NRS feels no different than ubisoft in terms of quality
Every game these days comes out a little undercooked. Why do you think there are so many Day 1 patches in the Triple A space?

Don't get me wrong; this game definitely feels unfinished. However, I think that has more to do with the publisher than the studio itself.
Every game these days comes out a little undercooked. Why do you think there are so many Day 1 patches in the Triple A space?

Don't get me wrong; this game definitely feels unfinished. However, I think that has more to do with the publisher than the studio itself.
It's definitely a studio issue, specially on a studio as staffed as NRS, this shouldn't be a no brainer.

The way this thing it's organized it's as it follows:
You have at the top
Investors - which are WB, and every other bilionarie who cares about money, this category doesn't give two shits about the game the studio they fund give to the consumers, they only care about numbers, 1 million has to turn into 2 millions or more, if they don't get a return of investment, they start to ask the hard questions like "Why the game i invested into it's not doubling it's money!"

Then you have the creative team, which it's a niche of ppl who think about the games they will do, more often than not, the creative team share ideas among with the lower part of the studio, which are devs, art section, QA, sound design and so on.

It's studio responsability to have a work ethic of checking for bugs and loopholes as they are making a game, even if there is a day 1 patch ready to fix the majority of problems they attacked, there are key problems who shouldn't never be allowed to be shipped along with the game, like africa impossibility to have an online match among themselves for an entire year since release.
these are crucial things.

There is also the fact that this game feels a bit out of touch with some things like match making, replay feactures and so on, NRS really dropped the ball here, and still failed to not implement changes to improve this particularity.

Now we're on a verge of getting essentially a new game, and the few things we know of it, it's
Cyrax and Sektor are back, they are genderswapped, noob saibot is back as well, some characters do have new twists, some kameos have new moves.
Story Expansion

But here are the hard questions?
How is online?
Do we still have to look stare at nothing while the game search for games?
Are there improvements on replay feature, UX and UI of the menu and training mode?
Gameplay wise, how was the game shaken overall? anything new mechanical wise other than animality that will help revitalize the already existing characters?
Has the inputs of the game went under a revision? does longer blockstuns that last unecessarily long went checked to make the inputs feel less clunky?

These are the things i actually want to know, and so far, nothing it's heard about it, only that a few characters got this, and few kameos got this, more guests, noob, cyrax and sektor, here is animalities and new skins.

But to tackle the actual problems that plagued the game since launch some of these went unfixed, i haven't heard anything about it, and the game will be out next week, to me, that is worrying.
It's definitely a studio issue, specially on a studio as staffed as NRS, this shouldn't be a no brainer.

The way this thing it's organized it's as it follows:
You have at the top
Investors - which are WB, and every other bilionarie who cares about money, this category doesn't give two shits about the game the studio they fund give to the consumers, they only care about numbers, 1 million has to turn into 2 millions or more, if they don't get a return of investment, they start to ask the hard questions like "Why the game i invested into it's not doubling it's money!"

Then you have the creative team, which it's a niche of ppl who think about the games they will do, more often than not, the creative team share ideas among with the lower part of the studio, which are devs, art section, QA, sound design and so on.

It's studio responsability to have a work ethic of checking for bugs and loopholes as they are making a game, even if there is a day 1 patch ready to fix the majority of problems they attacked, there are key problems who shouldn't never be allowed to be shipped along with the game, like africa impossibility to have an online match among themselves for an entire year since release.
these are crucial things.

There is also the fact that this game feels a bit out of touch with some things like match making, replay feactures and so on, NRS really dropped the ball here, and still failed to not implement changes to improve this particularity.

Now we're on a verge of getting essentially a new game, and the few things we know of it, it's
Cyrax and Sektor are back, they are genderswapped, noob saibot is back as well, some characters do have new twists, some kameos have new moves.
Story Expansion

But here are the hard questions?
How is online?
Do we still have to look stare at nothing while the game search for games?
Are there improvements on replay feature, UX and UI of the menu and training mode?
Gameplay wise, how was the game shaken overall? anything new mechanical wise other than animality that will help revitalize the already existing characters?
Has the inputs of the game went under a revision? does longer blockstuns that last unecessarily long went checked to make the inputs feel less clunky?

These are the things i actually want to know, and so far, nothing it's heard about it, only that a few characters got this, and few kameos got this, more guests, noob, cyrax and sektor, here is animalities and new skins.

But to tackle the actual problems that plagued the game since launch some of these went unfixed, i haven't heard anything about it, and the game will be out next week, to me, that is worrying.
I'm sad you're annoyed that you're not getting the specific niche stuff that only competitors care about.

That sounds so hard for you.

As far as game development goes, it's the publisher - not the studio - that decides how budgets are allocated and how much time is given for a deadline. If the game is rushed - and it is - that's a publisher decision, not a studio one.

As far as QA goes, we don't know what previous versions of this game looked like. What you don't understand is that QA is both very time consuming and tedious work.

I remember an episode of the Avoiding the Puddle podcast where Dizzy talked about his time in QA, and how one of his jobs was to make sure the Brutality requirements for Jacqui worked on every character, on every part of the screen, on both sides of the screen.

That's just one feature for one character. Now multiply that across every feature, character, stage, and interaction in the game. Stuff gets through. This is hardly unique to NRS. As I've said, most games drop now have bugs and glitches in them. Game dev teams are bigger than they've ever been and games cost more to make than ever before.

The important thing - to me - is that problems and bugs get fixed when found, which NRS has been pretty consistent in doing.

I get that you're mad that your garbage country can't play the game online and that colors pretty much everything for you when you talk about it - but you gotta get over it.

Just play Tekken. I'm sure everyone loves the game and no one has ever talked about it's flaws. Just pretend that Knee tweet doesn't exist. ;-)
I'm sad you're annoyed that you're not getting the specific niche stuff that only competitors care about.

That sounds so hard for you.

As far as game development goes, it's the publisher - not the studio - that decides how budgets are allocated and how much time is given for a deadline. If the game is rushed - and it is - that's a publisher decision, not a studio one.

As far as QA goes, we don't know what previous versions of this game looked like. What you don't understand is that QA is both very time consuming and tedious work.

I remember an episode of the Avoiding the Puddle podcast where Dizzy talked about his time in QA, and how one of his jobs was to make sure the Brutality requirements for Jacqui worked on every character, on every part of the screen, on both sides of the screen.

That's just one feature for one character. Now multiply that across every feature, character, stage, and interaction in the game. Stuff gets through. This is hardly unique to NRS. As I've said, most games drop now have bugs and glitches in them. Game dev teams are bigger than they've ever been and games cost more to make than ever before.

The important thing - to me - is that problems and bugs get fixed when found, which NRS has been pretty consistent in doing.

I get that you're mad that your garbage country can't play the game online and that colors pretty much everything for you when you talk about it - but you gotta get over it.

Just play Tekken. I'm sure everyone loves the game and no one has ever talked about it's flaws. Just pretend that Knee tweet doesn't exist. ;-)
Tedious work, but that's what they're paid for, they have to make sure stuff work, specially when placed under a team with numbers of QA, not just dizzy.

Not just my "garbage country" the entire "continent" its under the same situation, guess we're all garbage too, it's like we haven't tried to get refunds for a game that we aren't allowed to play and NRS abided by issuing refunds to us, but no, let just pretend that our trash continent doesn't matter when clearly our money does.

but guess what, at least we can play tekken still and build a scene here, but you're already shutting yourself up on your bubble since our problems don't matter to you, it's okay, as i said earlier, don't shoot yourself in the face then cry over why you shot yourself in the face
Tedious work, but that's what they're paid for, they have to make sure stuff work, specially when placed under a team with numbers of QA, not just dizzy.

Not just my "garbage country" the entire "continent" its under the same situation, guess we're all garbage too, it's like we haven't tried to get refunds for a game that we aren't allowed to play and NRS abided by issuing refunds to us, but no, let just pretend that our trash continent doesn't matter when clearly our money does.

but guess what, at least we can play tekken still and build a scene here, but you're already shutting yourself up on your bubble since our problems don't matter to you, it's okay, as i said earlier, don't shoot yourself in the face then cry over why you shot yourself in the face
I was using Dizzy as an example. Do you...do you not understand how that works?

Then play Tekken. It's not like you're offering anything of substance regarding your opinion of the game. You don't like it. We get it.

Go do something you do like.

As much as you and Blakfellow try to will it into existence, the game is far from dead. Die mad about it, I guess.
Tedious work, but that's what they're paid for, they have to make sure stuff work, specially when placed under a team with numbers of QA, not just dizzy.

Not just my "garbage country" the entire "continent" its under the same situation, guess we're all garbage too, it's like we haven't tried to get refunds for a game that we aren't allowed to play and NRS abided by issuing refunds to us, but no, let just pretend that our trash continent doesn't matter when clearly our money does.

but guess what, at least we can play tekken still and build a scene here, but you're already shutting yourself up on your bubble since our problems don't matter to you, it's okay, as i said earlier, don't shoot yourself in the face then cry over why you shot yourself in the face
Whoa! Why are you calling your continent trash, bro?

That's pretty damn harsh.