Ha... I played a Kano spammer last night. Literally all he did was Kano Ball, Up Ball, Air Ball... Just those 3, over and over and over. And be got so mad when I beat him a few times with Mileena. He destroyed me against other characters (same ball spamming), then I switched back to Mileena. He said something like, "oh, Mileena again... So all you're gonna do is spam specials all day?" and I just lost it. The hypocrisy was hilarious. But I started the match with about 3 different combos, and he was like, "huh... alright, alright...." then ended up beating me with ball roll uppercut spam. Meanwhile, he kept saying "how does it feel, same 2 moves over and over, scrub". I reminded him of his Kano, laughed, and quit playing him. I can't stand idiots like that.