I can say that I'm very likely to decline a 144/8 record. It just doesn't sound like it'd be a fair fight at all, and I'd rather have fun than waste my time. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who feels that way too. My record is about 150/80, somewhere around there, and I still get quite a few declines. And I'm really not very good.
My favorite matches are when I find someone of roughly equal skill. Like last night I fought a guy for 18 straight matches, Mileena vs Mileena... It was 9-9, then I switched to Sub-Zero and won 2 more matches before he called it quits. That was really fun.
It's too bad the PS4's "Players Met" functionality is so crappy, because I would've added him had he actually shown up in the list. Instead, it was just people from hours before.