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How to prepare for Injustice and learn other Fighting Game mechanics?


This one's for you
How does back-to-block change things in general? Like how will it affect dealing with pressure, wave dashing against zoning, etc?

Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to adjust since MK players are already used to walking backward a lot and dashing into the opponent as an anti crossup.


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How does back-to-block change things in general? Like how will it affect dealing with pressure, wave dashing against zoning, etc?

Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to adjust since MK players are already used to walking backward a lot and dashing into the opponent as an anti crossup.
If you can play patient, stay grounded and focus on walking as your main movement in MK, back to block will likely not be that big of an issue. Especially since Injustice normals and specials look as slow as MK's.

Honestly, it's the addition of other game mechanics along with back to block that make the footsie game different. Jump properties, dash properties, projectile properties, start up frames of attacks, etc. Honestly, it's too soon to say whether or not Injustice will be completely different from MK.


I dont see how picking up any other game is gonna help u deal with injustice other then learning injustices in and outs from the start once it drops, im not wasting my money on a game i dont even enjoy playing and probably will never touch just because injustice incorporated some fight mechanics from other fighters into the system, u wanna learn how to adjust? Stick to doing what u have been doing, learn from the community, thats what the community is for to share new tech, ideas, and strategies in fighting games so yea ill just wait till the game drops n start building from there.

Rip Torn

Play King of Fighters 13. Seriously. Its your best training tool for this.
I would say SF4 is a better training tool for Injustice. The dashing in Injustice is more like SF4 than KoF13. The jumping and air game in injustice seems closer to SF4. FADC is like an EX move cancel. HD mode is not in Injustice or SF4. Team aspect is not in Injustice or SF4.

That being said, KoF is a great game. I just think SF4 is a better choice as far as prepping for Injustice.


I was wondering about this and asked the question here .. http://www.testyourmight.com/threads/prep-for-injustice.27163/#post-658475

I think, after looking closer at gameplay footage and also from hearing from people that have actually PLAYED Injustice, its actually closer to MK than anything else. Learning another fighting game (Like SSFIV) with back block, will likely only hurt you, since the majority of gameplay is removed from such games and closer to what we are accustomed to.

Honestly, this game is going to generate a massive player base and I would love to see the MK players dominate this game.