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How to not be salty?


RYX Nothing wrong with being salty lol. Just don't let it effect your performance. I will literally yell at my TV when playing MK scrubs that try to uppercut through frame traps and still easily win the match lol.


Princess of the Sisterhood
I only get satly online. Online is poop. But just let it out and get mad. Just dont break stuff. I rage a little when I play cawadoody.


A prop on the stage of life.
Its fine to be salty, but don't let it linger. For me it just makes me stupid and impatient in any competitive game. You need to play with friends(play with us! :D ). Trust me, when I win in mk online I'm not stroking myself over the great job I did. When I lose to people I know...I personally just laugh it off and move on to the next round. lol


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Oh yeah Mr +5 on block Reptile Dash and unpunishable whiffed Jax dash Punches.
Seems I'm not the only one who is always salty. Plust you punish both them shitz all the time stop you're whining. Plus you act like whiffed cutter isn't just as bad. FOOL!

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
btw.... I get salty.... but mainly at myself now.

I don't play with randoms... and I take away small victories. Punish dash? VICTORY
AA? Victory!!!
Not drop NJP reptile combo.... VICTORY!!!

its the little things in life.
Reactions: RYX


|| Seven ||
It's very simple, just tell yourself that it's ONLY A GAME. I used to get very salty, but telling myself that's only a game helps me to realize that it's not something to angry over.

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
RYXEveryone I'm an online warrior, call me free IDGAF, and I get salty when the bullshit happens and I know I should have won. Not because I'm better although us MK players are always looking for a fight; get it lol. And the way I see it is use it to your potential but after you feel that salt hit, just take a deep breath let it out and do some violence. Against people where its back and forth no salt. Against a friend, I'm sweating salt LOL. Just don't have the salty mentality when going into something. Don't assume your going to get salty if you lose. Take the salt when it comes and use it and when it doesnt keep that mentality.


a) is it an official tournament setting?

b) are you competing for a prize?

c) does anyone else know or care that you won or lost?

d) do you have any reason to get salty over online casuals?


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Simple...abandon your emotions, you must be like a ninja who does not fear defeat, and seeks to study his opponent before making his next move >o>

.....Unfortunately for me, i'm terrible online but amazing offline x-x....its like tossing kryptonite at superman and making fun of him cuz he can't fight back and telling him he sucks D:


I'm really having trouble here and I didn't know where to put this so fuck it.

First off, holy god damned snowflakes Batman, does Mortal Kombat piss me off. This game is the origin of my irritation. So much stupid shit in this fucking mess that I hate to love.

But could I keep this rage to MK? Lol nope. It carried over into other games; Assassin's Creed, Black Ops 2, shit, I've even been getting pissed playing MGR Revengeance. It's gotten so bad that I can't find any time to play 'zen' -- that is, not getting ready to throw my controller at the wall.

Now, I've been going through a lot of stress, trying to lose weight while going through exams that pretty much decide if I'll graduate, but I just need help here(and I really don't like asking for help). What do I do? I don't want to carry this shitty salt mentality into Injustice when I plan to play competitively(at least online) and contribute to the community, and it's gotten so difficult to sit down and enjoy a game.

Thanks ;_;
I see a few things goin on here.

First, let's address the misconception of the definiton of "Salty". Salty is the normal feeling we get when we lose or when trash talk is directed at us for example. This is perfectly normal and a good thing. It motivates us to do better next time and learn from our mistakes. RAGE on the other hand leads us to doing the Mexican Hat Dance on our sticks, launch our controllers through our televisions, bitch about online conditions, etc. This sounds more like what you are describing.

You mention that this is a very stressful period in your life. That can affect your mood while playing as well. We play games to relieve the stress of our daily lives which then becomes a release for that stress. This is what I think you need to look at. Give the games a break instead of letting it add another stressor to you. When you sit down to play, talk to yourself for a moment beforehand and remind yourself that this is for relaxation and fun. Try to get yourself into the right mindset before you start. Then, if you start to feel the rage building while you play, STOP PLAYING! Walk away and go do something else. Short answer, forgive yourself for the little rage-outs at your games for now and forget about Injustice. All you are doing is packing more food into an already over-full pressure cooker. Set your priorities and deal with them in order. Take care of your exams and graduation and whatever else you have going on first, then you can enter Injustice with a clear mind and better focus.

Just to give you some perspective, I used to rage at my games so bad that my neighbours used to call the cops on me because they thought I was beating a woman in my apartment.....