you have to treat this, like you deal when you face a boss fight in a hard game, like, for example, Dark Souls: you try, lose, and try, lose, and keep trying again, until you defeat it, and so, you learned from you previous attempts and can overcome the difficult .... in this scenario , don't you had to lose first , to win next ? I think fighting games matches ought be treated same way : you lose, but , you try to win, and you will, soon or later, hehe
personally, I enjoy much more playing good and excellent players, even the ones much much better than me .... I was playing MK11 with some random dude in casuals, and went 12-0 against him , and was boring, no fun, no challenge at all .... I enjoyed much more another tough match that I barely won 5-4 , because the dude gave me hard time and fought like a lion, so, this is what make you learn in this game : take your loses as as boss, and face better fighters, to give you incentive to improve