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Guide How to Fight Lobo


A couple of things:

You can't "react" to a 19 frame move. Even if it is a command throw, 19 frames is simply too fast.

As Arma broke down, the post-knockdown game is heavily in Lobo's favor.

Sure, Batman could backdash. Lobo can make that read though, and go for a hook charge or a low hook which puts Batman in the same god damn situation again.

We can slide and either A) Eat a full combo if blocked or B) be at -10, where we almost HAVE to block whatever you choose to wake up with, which in and of itself can be a guess.

Or we can block and make a guess. Backdashing only eliminates one option.
YOU CANT BACK DASH the command throw after the overhead chain ending combo. every characters ONLY choice is to wake up attack. So he doesnt even have to do anything that risky to stop me from backdash/jumping/blocking/picking my nose. He just has to do a command throw and be afraid of wake up slide that gets me no damage and puts me at negative.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
YOU CANT BACK DASH the command throw after the overhead chain ending combo. every characters ONLY choice is to wake up attack. So he doesnt even have to do anything that risky to stop me from backdash/jumping/blocking/picking my nose. He just has to do a command throw and be afraid of wake up slide that gets me no damage and puts me at negative.
Right, my bad. Its awful for Batman, is my point

Captain Oxygen

The end of one combo is the beginning of another
Am I messed up or is this stickied for no reason?
I noticed it was stickied, I never intended for it to be stickied, but I think it's alright.
It's basically just a guide on how to fight lobo with a few things from me, which is kinda what most people need. Almost no one knows how to play Lobo or plays the matchup as well as they should.

I've always thought every character needed a basic guide on how to fight them because of how NRS characters are designed, you have to know every string and specific frame data for each frame, special, mb special, etc. Those little things have a much bigger impact in here than other games do. In NRS games it's hard to just "roll with it" with your character when you end up fighting characters like Bane and Hawkgirl. I actually tried to make a basic guide on how to fight every character thread but that got no replies.


Filled with determination
As someone who dropped Lobo a long time ago yup, character was just a real hassle to play.


Same exact thing Batman vs Bane
Generally, yes, but lobo gets MUCH more than bane does. Because when batman does guess right on bane, he makes bane pay for it. However lobo's knockdown game is relatively safe unless you're afraid of a move that puts you at plus 10 on hit! LOL. Against lobo you can't jump out, MB back 3, or backdash command throw. It's either wake up, or don't wake up.

Now I have to make a chart vs bane's knockdown game.

Captain Oxygen

The end of one combo is the beginning of another
i fucking guess so, dude
Like it sucks. Ever since Civil War I've practiced super hard before every major, spending hours in training mode to figure out setups and how to deal with characters like Superman, Flash, etc. And then I just go to Majors and lose to bad matchups. Like I went to California and trained super hard with the BLT guys and still to this day I get shit...

I'm sick of working super hard to get nowhere with this character :/
You were kinda right about how this character still has big issues.
Like it sucks. Ever since Civil War I've practiced super hard before every major, spending hours in training mode to figure out setups and how to deal with characters like Superman, Flash, etc. And then I just go to Majors and lose to bad matchups. Like I went to California and trained super hard with the BLT guys and still to this day I get shit...

I'm sick of working super hard to get nowhere with this character :/
You were kinda right about how this character still has big issues.
I know exactly how you feel about looking for setups that help out vs the tougher matchups, I've spent countless hours/videos trying to find all sorts of tech or anything at all that helps in certain matchups. Hell, whenever I played someone like Ducky or Chef, I'd immediately go to the matchup thread and post my thoughts then try to find out how I can counter some of those characters' strengths. Anyone that is a regular to the Lobo forum can pretty much attest to that much. I used to say Lobo is one of the funnest characters to play, but he comes with so much frustration.

I don't blame you for wanting to drop him, hopefully you do well with whoever you switch him out for.


The Free Meter Police
I'm still over here maining Lobo in complete seclusion. I do find myself in a lot of situations where I'm just chilling, hoping that the opponent puts me in an advantageous position.

Captain Oxygen

The end of one combo is the beginning of another
Hey, took a break from Lobo, but I just enjoy playing him the most.
I guess I was just super burnt out and dissapointed in my placings, but I'm still gonna play Supes for bad matchups and I'll still practice/get better with him.

But yeah, I've spent like a year and a half trying to be the best with this character and I'm gonna keep at it.
Rewrote the thread a bit just so it's a guide on how to fight lobo, since it was stickied? :p (honestly I think every character should have at least a simple guide on how to fight them)