Princess of the Sisterhood
F222 is 0 on block. F2233 is slightly negative. After either is blocked your opponent is going to probably try and hit you with something. When you are 0 if you go for a d1 it will probably beat whatever the opponent goes for. When you are - your opponent will probably beat your d1 or whatever else you try to do. In case you didn't notice I am actually not complaining about buffing or nerfing Raven. I actually think she's fine how she is. Also you were basically saying you use f2233 to open people up. F222 is better than f2233.I fail to see your point as it sounds like you're looking for something to put you + on block. Whereas I was talking about using - on block to make your opponent over confident thus you bait them into making mistakes. Why don't you cry and get NRS to patch it?