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How often will u play MK9 after IGAU?


Man of Tomorrow
The same amount until it stops appearing at most tourneys, then I'll play it off and on but I don't think I'll ever let go of MK9.


@shanxterx follow me hoes
the majority of people assume that all MK players will be automatically picking up injustice...lot of people dont really care about it and i am one of them. IF and IF i end up buying it it is because the whole KH crew is picking it up...if it turns out to be a good game then i will devote 50% of my playing time to it and the other 50% to MK9


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Once IGAU drops, I will be focusing on that and AE. I will still play MK at tournies and offline and such. However I will not be seen online that often for it.


I'll be playing MK even more to get ready for EVO :D Will probably play Injustice a little here and there to avoid MK burnout like I play SFxT and MvC3 right now.


Boob Titbot
I'm still surprised anyone is still playing that shitter, MK9. Are you guys still jerking off to fatalities and Tom Brady?


Cold day in hell...
I'll be playing them both and if Injustice doesn't take hold I'll drop it like I did TTT2 before it. MK for life. Mortal Kombat as a series is one of my earliest and best memories of gaming. I only started learning competitive play to see how far i could go with something I already loved.


Depends in the two fellas I play with. After that its the netcode. I'm really interested in this game, but if the online is Mk level I won't be able to last long. I love Mk as a series, which is what kept me playing online. Dc I could take it or leave it. I'm interested in the gameplay which looks great but I can't handle all that lag for another 2-3 year's.



My blades will find your heart
I dont play MK9 anymore except for at tournaments and casuals. That won't change with Injustice, although I would probably play more casuals on Injustice to start out.
It depends on a few matters: The online stability; the gameplay; and which characters of the roster I like (as characters, not fighters).

Somebody tweet Ed Boon to include a PS3-exclusive guest character for me to main; even if he/she has to be DLC.
Or just a guest character in general.


King of the Jobbers 2015
You know me, but I don't know you. Sorry, buddy.
Why do you assume I know you? I was merely pointing the fact that a random scrub that is obviously a huge Mortal Kombat fan, noticeable by the usage of JC and Freddy pictures, comes to a Mortal Kombat forum, to bash on the game for random reasons. People like you actually exist, I think they're called attention seeking masochists.

Stay free.


cr. HP Master
Too many people here are basing their decisions on netcode. MK has a horrible netcode, yet the people that complain about it still play frequently online. I believe the same will happen with Injustice.

Personally, I haven't really played MK in months. I do miss playing it, but everytime I put the game in I become disappointed with all of the issues in the game. It's sad because I grew up with MK and love the franchise, but I'm sick of bugs, glitches, gameplay mechanic issues, etc. etc. I'm a big Batman and FG game. NRS seems to have addressed the major issues I had with MK9 for Injustice. If the game plays as good as it looks so far, I doubt I'll touch MK except every now and then.

I don't want this website to turn into a MK vs. Injustice fest though. Both games are produced by NRS, I don't see why we can't support both games like the Capcom community does there's. Lets just remember this because I can imagine a lot of bitching about news/posts when Injustice drops. MK only guys will be salty.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
I'm still gonna play MK only to beat the challenge tower because like a noob I still haven't beat it but as far as online goes lets face about a month after Injustice drops MK9 online will be DEAD :-/
Too many people here are basing their decisions on netcode. MK has a horrible netcode, yet the people that complain about it still play frequently online. I believe the same will happen with Injustice.
When I typed "It depends on a few matters: The online stability; the gameplay; and which characters of the roster I like (as characters, not fighters)" I mean it depends on all three; not putting all the weight just on the online, though I did list that before the others.

If it turns out the online isn't much better than MK9's online, then it'll increase the amount of times I'll play MK9 again over GAU; even more so if the gameplay doesn't fit my style and/or most, if not all, of the characters aren't so relatable to me.