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How many times have you changed your main?

King Contradiction

Nueb Member
Martian Manhunter will be my one true main. No matter how hard he is to use, no matter what tier he is. But for now, its Batman. It always has been. Even though I do have many alts that I am working on adding to the main list.


Superman- He always been my main and didn't change since I got the game and will always main him as he my favorite DC character and hero.

Deathstroke- No longer use so I dropped him.

My other mains i'll be picking up probably General Zod and Powergirl when she comes.


Filled with determination
Several times went

Batman- kinda an obvious choice to start did really well with him

Sinestro- wanted to try the all powerfully zoning this was pre patch so he wasn't amazing but again did really well

Bane- alway been a fan of grappler again was pre patch was a short run before I got annoyed

Nightwing- really only used him because escrima fury is so cool lol

Lobo- my current "main" because I'm a masochist tons of losses due to dropped inputs and my W/L record has taken a plunge but dammit I have fun pretending he's Macho man Randy Savage.


Noob Saibot
Aquaman and Sinestro day 1.

I haven't played the game in over a week so once I try out Scorpion, he might be in the rotation.


Lost between choices.
Well... Everyday I'm shuffling. Seriously, can't pick a main.

It's that I have some things factoring that always get in the way:
- aesthetics (not just the costume, but moves, walk, dash, jump and etc.);
- foundness for the char;
- gameplay;
- (probably the dumbest one) how overplayed the char is.

So right now I'm playing Grundy. But I'm still waiting for Martian Manhunter, which is my favorite DC char (along with Flash, but honestly, I really don't like how he looks and plays in this game).

I think about Batman, because I do think he looks cool in the game, I like the char (specially Flashpoint Bats), but he's SO overplayed (or at least that's what it seems to me) that I get turned off.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Pretty much just Batman.
I wanted to play with Batgirl, but because it takes me about 24-48 hours of training time before I feel comfortable with a character to work in matches...and I wanted to grind out as many matches as possible and spend less time in training mode than I did in MK...I pushed her, and every other character I considered maining to the wayside.

These days, though...I'm looking at Babs again, maybe Black Adam, as I've wanted to try him out ever since I saw his release trailer and read up on him with World War III storyline.


I like to play bad characters
I came into the game not really knowing who I wanted to roll.

After playing it a few days I settled on Bane. I just liked his playstyle despite my shortcomings with playing against many people and characters. It's beyond satisfying to get him on a roll and hear someone saying "no, No,Get Away...Ughh"

Recently I've branched out and tried to get into some other characters. The first was Batgirl because TBH I get zoned a lot as Bane (shocker I know) so I wanted a zoning answer and she very much provides that. I've also started playing a little Wonder Woman. I feel like I have a lot of room to grow with her, so many options, I'm only scratching the surface still. Guess the characters I'm playing have pretty decent AA's, I hate non stop jumping. They also have solid mix ups IMO. I'll always play Bane though, I just like him. And the second you nod off he takes just takes massive chunks of life bar, I love it.

Alexandru Pascu

Started with Superman and he's still my go to guy, but lately I've been experimenting with Green Lantern, Scorpion, Shazam, Black Adam and Aquaman. Now I'm looking into picking up Wonderwoman and Flash. Flash seems like a blast to play and 50%+ combos with 1 bar and trait sound hella appealing. Wonder Woman mostly cause I'm tired of Block,Dash,Block,Dash-ing against Supes spammers and she just seems to naturally counter Supes' zoning. Also she's badass. I just love the look and feel of her combos and also her Low Starter is really good. It's nice to get 40% off of low starters without having to learn Killer Frost.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
When I started I decided before launch I was going to main Green Arrow and maybe have a backpocket Grundy.

Now I main Green Arrow offline only and have an Online main of Batgirl due to the latency and my backup became Bane instead of Grundy.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I've tried Green Arrow ( i still like him)
Played Batman
Went trough Flash
And now i stick with Aquaman because he has everything i need to use in this game
Batman > Bane > Batman > Flash > Wonder Woman > Green Arrow > Batman > Solomon Grundy > Green Lantern > Superman > Scorpion > Batman

So, yeah. Seems Batman is the character I mesh best with. We'll see how things look in future DLC


<3 Fighting Games!!!
I have been testing just about every character since I got this game 2 weeks ago and now I think I've finally settled on a main.. Scorpion. He's my main from MK1 and I've always had a soft spot for that Spirit of Vengenance (Scorp's got many similarities to Ghost Rider now that I think about it)

But when I first got the game I wanted to try Black Adam right away because he's such a badass and his moves are flashy and cool looking, but after giving him a try in the lab I didn't like the flow of his game, and after dabble a bit in Aquaman I decided to try Superman.

Superman is a lot of fun to play for me. I like how versatile he is at zoning and mix up and he's got answer for just about every type of fighter in this game. I was able to get his 1,1,1,scoop>mb breath>b3,j2,d,df2 combo going and tested against Med difficulty AI, but all this time I keep thinking I don't want to just main him before giving other fighters a chance. So I started playing the following:

Killer Frost
Solomon Grundy
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman

In other words, pretty much the whole roster save for a few. Ultimately none of them really appealed to me. My mains in other fighting games are Kung Lao (MK9), Fei Long (SFIV), Kazuya/Akuma (SFxT) so I favor aggressive fighting style mostly. Maybe that's why Superman isn't my main despite spending so much time in the lab with him. For now my main is Scorpion and alt is Superman until further notice. I will see what other DLC fighters will be before deciding whether to stick with these two or not.
Aquaman, stopped playing him for Harley Quinn, gave up on her when Batgirl came out, and now I can't decide if I want to stick to Batgirl or Shazam


Worship Only What You Bleed
I still haven't found a main yet. I've bouncing between Green Arrow, Killer Frost, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman.


Edenia lives!
Started w/ Killer Frost, Raven, GL, and Black Adam. I didn't like any of their playstyles except for GL and then I picked up Wonder Woman, found my new Reptile and Kitana. I haven't looked back since then, For Themyscira and For The Corps!


MK is kinda dope
Went from Bane to Superman (got bored of him quickly) to WW to finally at BA, found my true char that fits my style

Alexandru Pascu

See username.

Escrima Fury is the coolest special in the game followed by Joker's MB pipe beatdown.
I'm a big fan of Dick (ignore that) and I do agree Escrima Fury is awesome, I still think the best/most aestethically pleasing in the game is Superman's follow up after a b3, with F2 xxlow scoop, standing 3, Rising Grab and then finishing it off with a heat vision.

I don't get why people say Supes is boring. He has some pretty cool combos. There's something about freezing your opponent smashing him against the wall knocking him down on the way back only to effortlessly chuck him back into the air gracefully only to punch the ever loving shit out of him and then grab him while mid-air slam him into the ground while you blast him with EYE LASERS when he's down. I always imagine him doing that o Darkseid in an animated fight and Darkseid being all like 'holy shit he means business, how can I fight him when he's like this?'


In Zoning We Trust
I started with GL because he's my fav comic char ever. Mained him about 10 days or so but then everyone and their grandma started using him. Searched for a new main and found the dynamic duo known as Ravenestro.


I didn't know who Black Adam was, but the second I saw his gameplay footage he was my man. I'm still using him and I have no intentions of dropping him. I had no interest in Bane pre-release, but after seeing some of his gameplay on Art's stream I decided to pick him up and he's been my secondary ever since.