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How many online games before you started getting good?


Black lantern
Just got done playing my Ranked record is 5433-1063, and yeah, still can't beat Kung Lao. Finally beat REO's Kung Lao 3 times though, lost 10 but still. He needs frames, no ifs ands or buts about it.

Always had trouble with very good Scorpions until tonight, went 2-2 with Slips and it gave me a ton of confidence vs Scorpion for me.
damn how did you find so many ranked matches! you must be patient as hell.. it takes me like 10 mins to find a ranked match on psn

ADR Napalm

Well that's because you're on PSN, XBL takes 5-10 seconds 95% of the time, the 5% is like 10-60 seconds max.

You're playing on the wrong system. :)


Sinestro's might!
Took me around 800.

My first 800 were all on non ranked player matches. I had around 300 wins and 500 losses. And at around this point I figured out that Subby was my main and now I am number 5 in ranked matches.


Black lantern
Took me around 800.

My first 800 were all on non ranked player matches. I had around 300 wins and 500 losses. And at around this point I figured out that Subby was my main and now I am number 5 in ranked matches.
i gotta get xbox just to play ranked, im soo jealous!
I'm noticing reading from a couple of posts the match up experience. I seem to have Sektor down pat but the only real match up experience I have is against a pretty decent Ermac (Rev) and Subzero (My friend), everyone else I have to depend on my knowledge of my own character and hope they don't know the match up, and likely with Sektor it's rare that they do.


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar
Im around 1875-410 and I feel I'm still learning.

Every good mileena match is a struggle, she annoys the shit outta me.
Getting in on Kanos is a bitch as well (played Napalm's Kano twice last night and went 1-1)
Finally, Kung Lao (especially online) needs no introduction nor explanation. Not necessarily in the context of it, but Lao's the closest thing to an 'easy' win you can get online


The Coolinator
I don't think playing online is a good indicator of skill in the game. There are too many punishable situations that you just can't punish online like you can playing offline.

Not to mention that it's a crap shoot as to what kind of lag will dictate the flow of the match. Some times it's visual hitching and everyone sees that it's lagging. Other times it's the big pauses that lock the game up for a second or two. Then there's the awkward input lag where it looks like the game is running smoothly but everything happens a few seconds after you press a button or combo sequence<---- that's the worse for me because it always seems like my opponent isn't lagging at all.

I really enjoy this game but it's got horrific netcode and it seems to be the most sensitive game ever as far as NAT types go.


The Free Meter Police
I'm somewhere around 150-130. I have a long ways to go as far as learning matchups goes though. Over the next couple weeks I'm going to be playing ranked nonstop until I can't see straight. I'm trying to get all trained up for Fighter x Shooter.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I don't think playing online is a good indicator of skill in the game. There are too many punishable situations that you just can't punish online like you can playing offline.

Not to mention that it's a crap shoot as to what kind of lag will dictate the flow of the match. Some times it's visual hitching and everyone sees that it's lagging. Other times it's the big pauses that lock the game up for a second or two. Then there's the awkward input lag where it looks like the game is running smoothly but everything happens a few seconds after you press a button or combo sequence<---- that's the worse for me because it always seems like my opponent isn't lagging at all.

I really enjoy this game but it's got horrific netcode and it seems to be the most sensitive game ever as far as NAT types go.
This is the problem I have with online. The timing is just so inconsistent due to varying degrees of lag. The input lag is the worst thing. I mean, I will admit I can look like a complete scrub at times because I just can't execute any of my stuff. Other connections can be OK and even if I lose, I still show I know what I am doing somewhat. I haven't played tonnes online. I have 700 wins and 290 losses at the moment. I consider myself an average player but online can make me look like complete crap half the time. I struggle to land jump in punches some of the time. I wish I could play offline competitively just because there are things in the game that I haven't learned how to deal with yet and I get blown up by them but I can't really learn how to consitently deal with them online. Offline I could.


I don't think playing online is a good indicator of skill in the game. There are too many punishable situations that you just can't punish online like you can playing offline.

Not to mention that it's a crap shoot as to what kind of lag will dictate the flow of the match. Some times it's visual hitching and everyone sees that it's lagging. Other times it's the big pauses that lock the game up for a second or two. Then there's the awkward input lag where it looks like the game is running smoothly but everything happens a few seconds after you press a button or combo sequence<---- that's the worse for me because it always seems like my opponent isn't lagging at all.

I really enjoy this game but it's got horrific netcode and it seems to be the most sensitive game ever as far as NAT types go.
Exactly, online is good for playing real opponents if you have limited experience with that, but it's not going to decide if your actually good or not. Even if you win most of your matches it means nothing when you play against someone offline.

Most players online play differently than they would offline. I know that I do for sure because of lag and other variables. We have to get the idea that numbers or win records are everything out of our brains. It's sad how a lot of people ask "what's your win/loss record?" like it means something.

Let me put it this way... if you play players better than you and get your ass beat often your going to learn a lot, if not your just going to stay the same. I play 1 of my friends who is a whole lot better than me for like 40 matches+ and I lose a ton. When I go play other people or play this person again next time I see results.


It's Official. I Suck.
Depends on your choice of character, I would say. I play online (too old and secluded to find offline games) and I enjoy it, but I have hit a wall of sorts. I main Sindel, kind of side play Mileena, Sheeva, and Jade. There are lots of people who are obsessed with getting the wins who just take one of the lag proof (read teleoporting) characters and flowchart them to death, since you can't punish many of their moves online. I can often beat them with Sindel (and strangely sometimes Sheeva), but its just so tiring and frustrating, particularly when you lose due to input lag. The character imbalances are much more pronounced online as well, so it doesn't help that I play those four characters, particularly with the tough execution required on some of them. Because of that, I will generally drop if someone picks KL or Raiden and just mashes the 50/50 strings, because its impossible to break out of that pressure in online, and its absolutely no fun.

Now, when I get someone who is playing a mid tier character (or just a non teleporter) and mixing things up, the game is still really fun online, even if I am getting my ass pounded, because I am actually learning some things and seeing something new. Plus, you get an actual chess game when its not just some guy mashing out kickkickkicksupermanlol all game long. I love facing someone running Rain, Skarlet, Stryker, Jade, or even Reptile (though his dash is rediculous online) because you actually get to mess around and try new stuff. Simply put, if they ever fixed the net code, this would be the best fighting game of the modern era, for pure fun.

I do feel like I have hit a wall, though. I can win consistantly with people on my total games played using Sindel, but I am not learning anything new with her. When I go into the newb rooms to work on Sheeva or Jade, I always seem to end up playing someone who is abusing the lag with Smoke or Scorpian. I don't care about the epeen thing (I just want to enjoy the game) so the whole W/L thing means nothing to me, or I wouldn't be messing around with Sheeva. But I often feel like if I just caved in and picked any of the flowchart teleporters and faceroll my way to 2k wins, like so many of the fragile ego wonderboys who come prey on the beginner rooms do, I would be farther along.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Online can blow so hard. Cant tell you how many times lag has cost me a match. Like you just lag in the middle of an important combo or off of an X-Ray. The timings get all screwy.

It took me around 700-800 matches and watching a lot of videos and listening to STBL show. I play really well now but still have about a 1:1 ratio. I dont like to constantly play the same guys so I lose. I know dudes with 4:1 ratios and have 5000 played matches, but all they did was play as Scorpion against dudes with the shittiest records. Fuck being that guy.


Frost Warrior
Getting "Good" is an ongoing experiance. One does not simply do match 572 and he is then automaticly good at the game. To describe getting good at a fighting game is like a chart. Continuously going upright as your experiance with match-ups continue.


The Coolinator
Getting "Good" is an ongoing experiance. One does not simply do match 572 and he is then automaticly good at the game. To describe getting good at a fighting game is like a chart. Continuously going upright as your experiance with match-ups continue.
Well said. It's kind of campy and cheesy but it applies to every thing in life: Knowing is a roadblock to learning. Knowledge is a golden spiral that can never be encompassed in totality by one person.

I'm getting too serious here. I think I pooped a little in my pants.

ADR Napalm

I'm with you guys on how online doesn't compare to offline, but I've played so much of both that I can easily adjust from match to match to match. Online, to little lage almost lagless online to extreme lag, just make it happen. :)
I guess it depends on what you mean by "good." For my first 200 player matches I lost way more than I won; at one point my record was 52 and 127. Once I was inspired by watching Reo, I settled on my main. Now I've got 1000 matches under my belt and I usually win more than I lose. Online w/l ratios don't mean much but I will say this: yesterday I fought and defeated two guys who were both in the top 100 for ranked matches on PSN. That was a confidence booster!


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I'm with you guys on how online doesn't compare to offline, but I've played so much of both that I can easily adjust from match to match to match. Online, to little lage almost lagless online to extreme lag, just make it happen. :)
I like to play the people I have the best connections with. If they're better than me, I play them anyway and just try to get better after getting bodied for the 10/15th/20th time in a row lol. If they're of a lesser standard, I try to help them during our games. It doesn't really matter. All I want is good games. Online is full of complete d*cks though, which does not help a person in my situation. One person today sent me a message telling me to get raped along with a load of disgusting language because I left after I was beaten because I was so disgusted at the lag. I couldn't even do a jip 214 with Sub the lag was that bad. I'd jump in and do a standing 1 followed by a standing 4 when I tried to. That's unacceptable and does not decide who the better player is, that just decides who can get lucky, and he happened to get lucky at the end of the third round by going through my Xray with his own.

A lot of the people online need to grow up and focus on helping each other get better instead of having ego wars. It is so stupid to sit and watch a guy teabag me after a super close game while he's wearing the mk3 Cyrax outfit. I don't understand these people, and I still sit through this sh*t and send them messages saying gg.

So, to the online warriors, grow up and realise that beating noobs online doesn't make you good.


Weather Man
Does a online record mean anything? no not really can you tell if someone is good by playing them online? ABSOLUTELY.

You can't tell me if you played 10 games with someone you couldn't judge there skill level to a degree. Its like this Ive never played MKF30, Bryan, PreludetoAgony, or MilkySituation offline, but I have played them online, and by this I can tell you right now they are good players. The strategy of these players can still be seen. They still make good reads on there opponent which in my opinion can determine just how good a player is. All about the reads.

You may have a match were you drop a punish or miss a combo due to lag, but Kombos do not make the player neither does punishes, which Id like to add its not even that bad punishing things online. Reptile dash punishable, Raiden Tele punishable, and all your offensive heavy characters such as Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, and Kabal all can be escaped.

If you don't like playing online due to random A-holes that roam around join the TYM rooms and have some friendly competition or just say F*** it and play randoms.

Also to go with this post to any others I play with online your all very good I just listed those few names because they give me the most trouble lol.