I have no idea because it wasn't playing ranked, or player matches against randoms that helped me improve. It was playing against good players in 1v1's and any KOTH get togethers.
Not sure about my current w/l ratio's I stopped playing ranked after about 100ish matches because at least in the period when psn came back up 101% of ranked players used scorpion and did 111 into spear and spear into f214 so obviously I wouldn't improve and the 'good' players I'd run into would do 24 low hat x infinity.
Anyway even though its obvious your record =/= skill. If you want to improve find people on this site or add good players you've played against, ranked is total ass and even if you come across an actual good player theres no rematch option. Learned quite a while ago that to get better you have to play against better people. Still this doesn't stop the cool kids who like to sit around in the big rooms with their 5000 wins to 300 losses declining every challenge/ cherry picking opponents and holy shit if they ever want to play more then 1 game after losing.
Didn't used to be good but this sponge taught me a good Sektor.
now i can be considered mediocre,waiting till i can pull a good streak on a TYM KOTH.
at release day i'd just learn a 22% sektor combo and do it all the time,after the 2 months i didn't bother training,just did story mode and playing BO.
after that i saw a good SZ in a KOTH,learned him,mained him for 400 matches.
after that i stopped playing MK for a month because i just got DA2
when i came back almost everyone would beat me.
after that i trained and trained online got half decent
then i met YUR,he made a koth,i fought vs altsa,an excelent smoke
mained smoke for 2 days,was decent-good with him,party because hes super easy to use.
aaaand finally watched and slowly leeched off YURs sektor.
and that was the story of my life in MK.