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How many characters should MK10 have ?

How many characters should MK10 have ?

  • a maximum of 25

    Votes: 13 13.3%
  • 25-30

    Votes: 24 24.5%
  • 30-35

    Votes: 35 35.7%
  • 35-40

    Votes: 13 13.3%
  • 40+ (entire MK cast)

    Votes: 13 13.3%

  • Total voters


Alone is where to find me.
I'm very concerned about the number of characters MK10 is going to have. I know this poll won't have any bearing on the final outcome but still I would like to know what people think.

Personally I'm a big believer of quality over quantity. A big cast would no doubt reduce the amount of depth each individual character would have. I want no more than 30 characters at max so that they could be well polished, unique and balanced. I don't want another Trilogy or Armageddon where characters are cheap. Please share your views.

Peter Quill

You’re No Fun
I voted for 40+. Do I seriously want it? No. Would it lead to a good game? No. But can I dream? Yes. XD.

Seriously though I'd probably agree on about 30-35
I'm very concerned about the number of characters MK10 is going to have. I know this poll won't have any bearing on the final outcome but still I would like to know what people think.

Personally I'm a big believer of quality over quantity. A big cast would no doubt reduce the amount of depth each individual character would have. I want no more than 30 characters at max so that they could be well polished, unique and balanced. I don't want another Trilogy or Armageddon where characters are cheap. Please share your views.
You say 'no doubt', but there are fighting games out there that manage to achieve both a huge cast and decent balance (see: Tekken Tag Tournament 2). That said, it'd take a hell of a lot of work.

In the context of MK, I'm fine with a cast size of 30-35.


Alone is where to find me.
You say 'no doubt', but there are fighting games out there that manage to achieve both a huge cast and decent balance (see: Tekken Tag Tournament 2). That said, it'd take a hell of a lot of work.

In the context of MK, I'm fine with a cast size of 30-35.
I don't dispute that it's possible to have a big cast size while still having high quality of characters. However, its not practical. A company usually allocates a fixed budget and time frame for any project. As a result logic dictates that more quantity beyond a certain point would reduce quality.

No point in stating what is theoretically possible. We have to look at MK's history for reference.


Alone is where to find me.
As many as it needs.
Needs based on what exactly ? The story ? Only a few characters are required for the core story. Most characters just have their own side stories that may or may not exist depending on whether or not you want the character in the game. Some come in pairs like Cyrax and Sektor, Hotaru and Havik. If you exclude Kitana you are free to exclude Mileena and Jade. I don't really concern myself with this issue. I believe NRS (or any company making a fighting game) decides on the rough size of the cast before they start developing the story.


"On your Knees!"
Same amount as MK9 dont need to be big just yet, it is still growing and some other characters in the MKU can be introduced like Tremor for example. Then after it becomes a trilogy then it could have the same amount as MKA but NO 3D MK please.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I picked 35-40 simply because I think they should rebalance the cast of MK9 (buff the weak, nerf the broken), and then add a handful of new ones, followed maybe by a little bit of DLC.

Like Street Fighter, I think MK should start carrying over from the last games so we can hop right in and hit the ground running. Bring all the characters back with some new tweaks and changes, then throw new ones into the mix. Much easier to balance that too instead of starting over from scratch again. I think this is a good opportunity to finely tune their series and start building from the solid foundation that Mortal Kombat 9 provided.


Alone is where to find me.
I picked 35-40 simply because I think they should rebalance the cast of MK9 (buff the weak, nerf the broken), and then add a handful of new ones, followed maybe by a little bit of DLC.

Like Street Fighter, I think MK should start carrying over from the last games so we can hop right in and hit the ground running. Bring all the characters back with some new tweaks and changes, then throw new ones into the mix. Much easier to balance that too instead of starting over from scratch again. I think this is a good opportunity to finely tune their series and start building from the solid foundation that Mortal Kombat 9 provided.
This would require much more frequent releases than what we have. You can't release an expansion pack after 4 years. So I'm assuming this game is totally new and even the returning characters from MK9 are different.

EDIT : great ! I have normal distribution curve.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
MK9/Injustice has a good size. Keep the original cast at 25-ish and do 4-8 DLC.

If they want to include new characters for the roster, remove the least favored MK9 characters to replace them instead.

Though sadly, that will be a tough choice to make because all of MK9's characters were lovable. Personally, I wouldn't mind Rain, Smoke, Stryker, Sindel, Kano and Sheeva removed and be replaced by new characters instead.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
This would require much more frequent releases than what we have. You can't release an expansion pack after 4 years. So I'm assuming this game is totally new and even the returning characters from MK9 are different.
Perhaps, but I still think it's the best option if NRS is still wanting to solidify and expand their influence on the competitive FGC.

Even if there is a three or four year difference, that's plenty of time to include some relatively big gameplay tweaks. I think MK9 had enough bugs and a poor enough netcode to warrant a large gap between releases. That being said, NRS always shines in the single player content of their games. A good reason for the large gap between games (apart from balance) could be due to the creation and implementation of a gigantic new story/adventure mode, as well a new netcode, and new online features. I think this could be a good way to please the casual audience, and help retain a consistency for the hardcore crowd to chew one and appreciate. Just my personal thoughts, of course.


Cage ban wagon?
I like having lots of variety. I wouldn't mind 40+ but there will be a lot of characters that will not be viable im sure so im good with 30-35.


Cage ban wagon?
30 max. I think 25 is ideal.

40+ is way too much matchups to learn. Especially if the game has a lot of character specific stuff. 10 is too little for MK.
Learning more matchups is not the problem. That is actually what makes separates the good from the best imo, with the matchup knowledge and all.

Only problem with too many characters is there are too many useless characters that nobody will use because they are not good. Nobody is trying to play a game where 10-15 of the characters are Jade tier.