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How do we feel about mirror matches?


I used to think that mirrors proved who was the better player but after some thought, I think I have to tweak this a little. I now think that it proves who is the more well-rounded with a character. Since hovering in your ideal spacing is out of the question, fundamentals and mind-games are much more important. Mirrors also encourage you to use tricks, moves and tactics that are either outdated, "useless" or just not included on the flowchart of said character.

Let's take a simple example: the Sub Zero mirror.

Now two flowchart SZs will most likely hide behind clones until a time-out draw. Once one person decides to get brave and test the other's defences and knowledge of the hows and whys of cloning, then that player is far out of his comfort zone and forced to do things he's not used to. This could possibly even lead to learning new things about SZ in the process.


some people think that mirror matches determine who has the better character. and thats not the case. i personally dislike mirror matches.


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
I actually love Ermac mirrors, although I was getting a lot of dumb input errors vs you. They were intense nevertheless, haven't played the mirror since last time I played KamikazeJD. But out of all the mirrors, Ermac and Sonya are the best, because they counter themselves hard. and a small mistake is 35%+
yea me too could of won like 2 matches if i didnt drop exforceport combos, and i also saw in the same matches you dropped some x2jktp combos.but yea 4real your ermac iz legit pro, learned a few thing from you, that move you did when you saw i had breaker coming and you did uppercut d1 xray made me roll!!!! that made me crack up from the salt!! ggs bro, despite the cold war footsies i w0uld love to do that again some time ggs.
mirrors in general are just weird. jade mirrors for me suck, because my jade is free, so i just flash/rang all day. shang mirrors are hilarious because of damage boost. :p


Kung Lao mirrors are really fun. Kl shuts himself down more than any other character so it ends up just being pure footsies and very basic playstyle.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Skarlet mirrors are awesome fun. They are super fast, guessing situation one after another, plus madness of screen space controlling daggers, instant air daggers, dagger cancels, down daggers, blood balls, and armoring each other to death. Yup, skarlet mirrors are good times.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


Smoke mirrors are alright. It's always funny when both the players smoke away/towards and throw sb's in synchrony.
When both players are synchronized in their reactions to a given situation, it tells me that I'm getting predictable....Playing high level mirrors are always a learning experience. Playing online randoms in mirrors typically degenerates into some kind of stubborn, idiotic pissing contest.

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


Princess Diana
I really, really enjoy watching Jax mirrors. d4 into gotcha grabs, ground pound fakes, all dat armor. Maybe it's because I was watching Tyrant vs. CDJr. a few days ago idk...


The First Element
I'v never minded mirror matches to be honnest....but i can see how it could bother some people if they have a certain dislike for it .


When I mained scorp every other online match was a mirror when the game came out. I liked them it was like "alright dude let me show you the proper way to play you're character"

Led to a whole lot of ragemail though....

Miss Kanzuki

Baraka mirrors can be fun if both players go for combos..when it's a sparkfest from opposite sides of the screen that's boring af lol