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Question - Acidic How can people defend Acidic's OPnes?

Just look at this ESL clip... I mean come on.. this is BS. Even on block the damage is out of control. I'm normally a anti-nurf crier but this needs to be addressed... it is total bunk.

His acid is 12%, and can be punished on block. If you get hit twice with it why shouldn't it do twice the damage? If you got hit with a non-bleed move twice you wouldn't complain about eating that damage. It works the same as caltrops (minus the initial hit).

His projectile is 6% (3% initial then bleed) which is average for a projectile.

Someone mentioned his "safe" flip. It's only safe if you don't use the bar and it doesn't lead to anything. There are plenty of safe special moves in the game. If they use the bar for combo, it's full combo punishable on block

I not seeing what the issue is here.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Acid is dmg on block.. it makes nearly zero difference to his damage output as he is only doing small 15-30% through traditional damge... So even on block the acid + chip is just ludicrous. acid needs to be fixed.. maybe the way the dama stacks or something, as it is the stack that is the problem.
the Exo sting doesn't stack on block, and the Acid Blood does 18% only if you stay in the puddle, and zero on block if you backdash out of puddle or if you armor through the acid puddle.

we just need to learn the matchup, they allready ruined my Character Cyrax and CSZ, i don't want them attacking other players characters in the first 2 weeks after patch. give him 2 months so everyone can develop a proper MU against him.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Lol every week there is a new thread crying about Acidic. This is actually really funny
its only because sonic uses him, and others are crying instead of labbing.

i understand frustration with characters tools, but from experience let me say, i found a way around all of it after proper labbing and Sets.

all we need is time, instead of calling a move cheap, place the blame on yourself, and simply ask what did i do wrong, hit the lab and find openings to what they did to you, use that DVR record feature on XB1 and PS4 and lab up what they used on you, and how you can properly punish what they did. and mostly what moves you should stay out of range of.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
the Exo sting doesn't stack on block, and the Acid Blood does 18% only if you stay in the puddle, and zero on block if you backdash out of puddle or if you armor through the acid puddle.
you can not back dash when you are in the corner and while like any characters there are gaps that dosn't mean that the pressure is insane. The difference is the damage you take while IN the pressure. Take A-List... probably the current top pressure character in the corner. I mean you hit block and it is just not your turn for ages. Acidic is not as bad as that pressure wise, but because the damage happens through a DoT even on block makes Flame Fist Kang or Caltops Black damage on block look trivial.

I can not see who anyone can defend the idea that getting hit by a block string and loosing nearly 40% life can not be considered a little much. Blocking shouldn't work that way and dosn't work that way for anyone else in the cast.
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fear the moobs
Just look at this ESL clip... I mean come on.. this is BS. Even on block the damage is out of control. I'm normally a anti-nurf crier but this needs to be addressed... it is total bunk.

okay so three resets took 80% life is what is sooo broke? hmmmm
even though the meterless reset is only plus 1? meaning nothing is guaranteed. you can hit him before every 50/50. his mid is 11 frames meaning every 9 frame mve beats him. that's what's so broke? please correct me if i'm wrong on any of this because i cannot fathom how someone can think he's still broke


fear the moobs
I labed him a little today and that ish is ridiculous. Exo Sting should be changed from .10% damage to .03%. Acid Blood should be taken down to .10%. And for damn sure his overhead flip in all variations should not be safe on block.
why should i not have a safe cancel? wtf is wrong with a safe cancel that does 5% dmg? and again nothing is guaranteed on his meterless set up omg not even grab. you can poke out of everything!!!!
Alien has the longest opnes in the game.
it pretty much reaches full screen, so try zoning him out


fear the moobs
His acid is 12%, and can be punished on block. If you get hit twice with it why shouldn't it do twice the damage? If you got hit with a non-bleed move twice you wouldn't complain about eating that damage. It works the same as caltrops (minus the initial hit).

His projectile is 6% (3% initial then bleed) which is average for a projectile.

Someone mentioned his "safe" flip. It's only safe if you don't use the bar and it doesn't lead to anything. There are plenty of safe special moves in the game. If they use the bar for combo, it's full combo punishable on block

I not seeing what the issue is here.
actually that's on the bed side for a projectie
this thread got me sooooo heated like this character was hit hard and someone had the audacity to say he's unquestionably broke? i better be missing something here


White Lotus
I'm surprised no one has talked about Reptile's DoTs. Maybe because his puddle doesn't restand? Maybe because his DoTs don't 'stack' like Alien's do? Maybe because his stench doesn't do as much damage as acid? Maybe because you can't zone with Reptile's DoTs?

I'm trying to wrap my head around why people are trying to hate on one character's DoTs so much.


fear the moobs
I'm surprised no one has talked about Reptile's DoTs. Maybe because his puddle doesn't restand? Maybe because his DoTs don't 'stack' like Alien's do? Maybe because his stench doesn't do as much damage as acid? Maybe because you can't zone with Reptile's DoTs?

I'm trying to wrap my head around why people are trying to hate on one character's DoTs so much.
cus fucking scrubs that's why MOTHERFUCKING SCRUBS


Dojo Trainee
If any Alien player wants to fight a 10 or possibly up to 20+ set tomorrow get at me psn: leoj89. I should be available most of the day.
Maybe my complaints are just lack of experience and knowledge with the match up.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
i'm trying to wrap my head around why people are trying to hate on one character's DoTs so much.
i think it is the restand and the stacking. Reptile is a good example of a DoT being strong but not stupid. Imagine his stink aura but applied 3 times all at once.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
you can not back dash when you are in the corner and while like any characters there are gaps that dosn't mean that the pressure is insane. The difference is the damage you take while IN the pressure. Take A-List... probably the current top pressure character in the corner. I mean you hit block and it is just not your turn for ages. Acidic is not as bad as that pressure wise, but because the damage happens through a DoT even on block makes Flame Fist Kang or Caltops Black damage on block look trivial.

I can not see who anyone can defend the idea that getting hit by a block string and loosing nearly 40% life can not be considered a little much. Blocking shouldn't work that way and dosn't work that way for anyone else in the cast.
thats not pressure lol you let him get multiple set-ups on you in the corner and then let him keep you in the corner. its by all measures worse than an actual special that does the damage straight out, because he has to actually keep you in the corner just to apply the damage from the set-ups you let him get.

This thread is just the standard scrubby tym that would rather have NRS make the game severely disadvantaged for everyone not playing their main
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Do not touch me again.
Acidic is broke af are you goons kidding right now? Its venomous dvorah with better dot, Erron black's caltrops, an amazing aimable projectile, and an armored launcher, not to mention whereas Venomous is basically neutral after a restand with no DOT bonus, you're forced to eat DOT, block pressure, AND caltrops damage. Stop being idiots; this variation is BROKEN.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Are u joking me when u say Mileena has no bad MU's??? If anything mileena can definitely be beaten if u can block their unsafe specials which are like -483748 smt on block. U just have to wait for ur chance to strike
for starters thats a pretty poor description of Mileena, but regardless how is that match up specific tho


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
you can not back dash when you are in the corner and while like any characters there are gaps that dosn't mean that the pressure is insane. The difference is the damage you take while IN the pressure. Take A-List... probably the current top pressure character in the corner. I mean you hit block and it is just not your turn for ages. Acidic is not as bad as that pressure wise, but because the damage happens through a DoT even on block makes Flame Fist Kang or Caltops Black damage on block look trivial.

I can not see who anyone can defend the idea that getting hit by a block string and loosing nearly 40% life can not be considered a little much. Blocking shouldn't work that way and dosn't work that way for anyone else in the cast.
there is plenty more options than backdash, armor and it removes all dot stack. if you noticed that when you armor right when they use DB2 or DB4 the Dot damage does not apply when it hits armor. so there is plenty options, and if you are worried about chip and dot so much, you should meter manage and use it for negating there damage.

personally i have no problems with Acidic, thats probably because i used acidic before the nerf, but after the nerf to game point with dot, i dropped it, because that is what was fun for me.

and Acidic lost vortex off EX DB4 which is kinda bs because so many characters get to keep the vortex.

but no matter because my main was Cyrax, and im gonna stick with him no matter.

people thought he was uber op, and he was not. his neutral was garbage, many strings where unsafe. bombs are unsafe, net is unsafe.
besides his reset. but everything he did was only if you let him open up, so in other words you made a mistake and let him get you open, or didn't punish a negative string, and let him follow up. or a negative bomb set. my god they are 106 on startup and negative 73 on recovery.

there was actually people stating his EX bombs where op because they where Plus 8, and they where not, the game stated they where but they where like -7

i just feel the majority of the community nerfs first and never labs.

most of the so called tools that most characters have are very much defendable. you just need to learn the matchup.

if everyone got there requests then this game will turn to garbage.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
i didnt say anything about her matchups, just saying his explanation of mileena and why she doesn't have any bad ones makes no sense

it didn't make sense at all.

she like every character has bad matchups on MKXL

the notion that there is a character that 10/0's the entire cast is absurd.

there isn't even a full on 9/1 mu with everyone, best i think any character could have is a 6-4 to 4-6 across the board.

having an advantage is an advantage, doesn't mean the win is guaranteed. some characters have tools to deal with those advantages when you learn the matchup.

this game is arguably the best balanced MK game ever.

just off the top of my head.

Shinnok, D'Vorah, Alien, Sonya, Johnny are Mileenas bad matchups
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