Power of Toasty
That is absolutely fair, enjoy your accomplishments you worked so hard for, it's just that forums are a perfect environment for something like this, so, it's a bit strange, that some people find it... er, strange. I can talk both story and gameplay, i assure you.Yeah I don’t mean it as an insult, I’m having fun with the absurdity of presumably a bunch of grown adults with full time jobs and full lives, spending their time arguing over MK lore. It’s awesome, and I’m glad that despite having to take on more responsibilities that I still have time to be a dork. I was 15 when I first started playing MK and I’m still a young guy, but I’m far busier than when I was a kid - building a career, working towards a Master’s degree, enjoying married life, and occasionally competing in powerlifting. I’m sure a lot of you guys are in the same boat or experienced something similar when you were my age. Not to be over dramatic, but I feel blessed to still be able to be a dork since a lot of guys get forced out of the hobbies they enjoy as life happens. I think this is an undeniably dorky conversation to have but I enjoy it, you don’t have to “identify” as a dork, but I am what I am, and I’m a fuckin dork. I love MK lore even if I am here more for strategy, tech, and meeting people to play with etc, I enjoy these topics.
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