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Horror Movie Fighting Game on Steam Greenlight - Clash of the Monsters, Please Vote!

As someone who codes from time to time and wishes to publish games in the future, this is very inspirational. I like the graphics so far but its great to hear you're going to even further improve them
I definitely recommend you start building the game that you have always dreamed of. Seeing it come to life is so so rewarding.

I have been in the game development industry for nearly a decade now, and have shipped my fair share of titles. But this is the game that I always dreamed of playing as a kid, so it is an honor for me to see all of you being so receptive to it. I'm very very fortunate to work at a studio that allows side projects - I definitely still get to fulfill my indie ambitions =)
A quick update everyone. Since this thread gained heat yesterday, you guys have helped drive our Steam Greenlight percentage rating from 71% up to 75%. This is huge, and we are so thankful!

We are now down to the last 25%, and still need all the help we can get in getting there. Please keep those votes coming!



It has begun
Voted yes. This looks like it could be a good bit of fun.

Any chance we'll get to see some Lovecraft-inspired characters make an appearance?


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
i want this game just so i can play as the spooky scary skeleton on the character select screen, i mean that spooky scary skeleton sends shivers down my spine, those shrieking skulls just shock my soul to the point that it seals my doom tonight, and how could i not when those spooky scary skeletons speak with such a screech? it just makes me shake and shudder in surprise when i hear those zombies shriek! but i am so sorry skeletons they are so misunderstood, they only want to socialize, but i really dont think they should.... okay im done, but seriously i want to play as the spooky scary skeleton


Your friendly neighborhood cynic
This looks like a lot of fun. Though it would be cool to use block button. Just because I feel like the market is filled with back to block games and it seems everyone just follows the fold when it comes to fighting games. Still, you will get my support man.
Quick update: Clash of the Monsters is 97% of the way into the Top 100 on Steam! We are almost into Valve's review process - just 3% more to go!

If you haven't yet voted for us on Steam Greenlight, please do so at the following link.

Since we are so close to being Greenlit, we are now working on a way to distribute Beta builds to those interested in being a tester. You WILL get credit in the game. Please help us spread the word and drive in those last 3% of votes. Thanks!

Adam 'CaliMaestro' Smith


Is their any information on how the game is gonna play out there? Liek info on system mechanics, how characters play, anything like that because info is really scarce for the game so I don't see a reason to throw a vote up.


I missed this when it was posted before. I'm a HUGE fan of these types of fighting games, I absolutely love terrordrome. Will absolutely help any way I can. Would also love the opportunity to test.


Normalize grab immunity.
I'm also curious what the system/mechanics of the game are. Especially if you'll give people the chance to help test it out. Good luck to you!