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I am RollTide8569 i play Umk3 alot, tekken 6, SF4, sometimes MKvsDC, and mostly other fighting games on Xbox Live. my gamer tag is the same as my forum name.

i'm from www.classicmk.com so most ppl don't prolly know me here yet.

I'm a big Alabama Crimson Tide football fan, thats where the roll tide came from. We won the national championship recently and our on the way for a second one under coach Nick Saban. College Football is my favorite sport.

I'm rooting for the Vikings in the Super Bowl, watch out for Favre he's on fire and will not be denied
Welcome. Play me in SFIV.
sure haven't play sf4 in a while but i need to get my skills back for SSF4, so jus send me freind request and tell me who u r so i will accept

last time i played i had trouble w/ my combos but thats only because i havent played in months a lil bit of trainin mode will fix that

I main Sagat and Ryu, who do u use?


Premium Supporter
welcome to MKE, rolltide!

enjoy the site... it's still very new and in the works so expect more "additions" as time goes on.
also forgot to mention I have Kaillera and play MK1 MK2 MK3 UMK3 on mame32k and MK4 and MK Trilogy on Mupen64 online, so if n e one plays kaillera lets play. My aim is countryboy8569 add me and we will play kaillera
i dont know why they only opened up the tourny section, thats so lame. they should have just opened up the WHOLE forum again or left it the way it was (closed)

But i guess were on a trial basis for now and it will be fully functional one day if everything goes well