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Hey guys, I'm new and I have one little question..

Can someone give me a very short description of some of the terms used on this site? First of all, I don't know what the buttons "1,2,3,4" map to when people are describing kombos. Also, there are some other terms being thrown around that make me think "whaa?". I bet there is a thread describing these basics so please go easy on me and don't call me too much of a noob!

Anyways, besides this stupid question, I hope to learn a lot from this site and eventually be able to help others down the road.



welcome to the site

the number reflects the button to press
for psn, xbox
1=square, X
2=triangle, Y
3=X, A
4=O, B


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
1=Front punch
2=Back Punch
3=Front Kick
4=Back Kick


BnB=Bread and Butter

There's more depending on which ones you mean :)


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Welcome to TYM.

1 = :fp (X/Square)
2 = :bp (Y/Triangle)
3 = :fk (A/X)
4 = :bk (B/O)

Think of the buttons on a controller. Now think of X+Y on the 360 controller or Square+Triangle as the "top" buttons. From left to right, 1 then 2. Now do the same for the other two. 3 for A/X and 4 for B/O.
Awesome, thank you so much guys! I wish people would just use those little pictures, but I can see how that could become a hassle!


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Awesome, thank you so much guys! I wish people would just use those little pictures, but I can see how that could become a hassle!
It's not that hard actually, people are just lazy. All you have to do is ": fp" with no space. Very simple and easy!