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Breakthrough Hawkgirl VS Flash 10 - 0 MU?????


Get over here!
If you have to tell people it was a troll, it's not that people are idiots, its that you suck at trolling and or lying. And after your constant tearing that flash "isn't viable after patch" tirade, how can you blame anyone for taking this seriously?

since this thread provides neither humor nor value can we put this trash thread to rest, mods?

STORMS EGP Wonder_Chef
I discovered it was a troll in one of the first posts. I honestly think it is because you are stupid. Did you even watch the video. There is no way that wasn't a troll...


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Have you ever considered the possibility that you are stupid for thinking this is a troll thread?

I have. :)

Think about it guys, if this was a true troll thread, it would be closed by now. But it isn't. Which means Zyphox secretly wants us to help him. Don't you see? HE NEEDS US.

You are not helping by forcing him to pretend this is a troll. You are only making him sadder. For shame.
ask people who had played me, do they think i need help to overcome mace charge? AK Pig Of The Hut Mikemetroid Espio GamerBlake90 i could keep going, but its a waste with some on here, i started the entire thread with a troll sentence, i don't know how people do it, they are good at trolling, and Mr. Mileena knows how this is a troll, but you guys some how believe believe him when he says its not, but hes trolling also...... LOL i should have recorded his voice as well, it would have made more sense.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Random stuff here, but you have to be one of the smartest players this community has to offer. If I were rich Id hire you as my injustice consultant. I would also pay for you and the rest of the UK guys to get a runback at evo.
Injustice consultant, you're onto something.

It'd be brutal...