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Match Footage HawkGirl Battle Footage


Loud and Klear~
Footage from a recent tourney. Got 5th :/

Vs Ares

Vs DS/Batgirl

Vs Supes x2 (2 different players)

I'd love some input/critique coz i played like ass throughout imo, especially against the supes players. I couldve beaten both of them but i kept doing stupid shit and not capitalizing on openings i had.


So thaaaats what you look like :p just wanted to say that before I watch it.

EDIT: Well, a complaint would be that during the Deathstroke match you gave him a little too much respect when he wasn't trying to zone you out with his guns (which he hardly did). You were much more alive in every match but the deathstroke/bargirl match.

Oh and you don't really use the 22 string. 22u3 is actually safe on block and has the option of moving you to the other side. So it's nice to do to annoy enemies imo.

But really great job on the corner combos. Those were great to watch. You just love your f13 don't you? Haha


Loud and Klear~
Lmao yeah i have a thing with the ds and batgirl MUs, i've been derped too many times by these asshats that now i mostly freeze and hope that they fuck up tbh.

And i dont really abuse f13 unless i notice the opponent doesnt know wtf to do against it xD if they just keep blocking it its awesome coz it fucks with their head and its free meter, plus if u notice theyre standing you can do b22 x we2 for a juicy combo.


Eternal Blaze one of my criticisms is you got too predictable with interactable usage in the Superman matches I noticed versus Knoterror, I think that hurt you a lot.

That poor guy caught in forward 1, 3 pressure I love it lol. Saw you interrupt his down 1 sword, which is good shit :). I always try to convert into combo, preferably down 1, trait, 2, mace charge if possible, but really good reaction on that.

I was wondering why you don't use 3,2, mace charge as it's a true block string one of her fastest mids and on hit the damage is really good too.

I really liked your patience versus Deathstroke and those were some really smart reads on mace charges.

I like that you use back 2,2, 3, but from what I saw you never cancelled into mace charge with back 2,2 and since back 2,2, 3 is minus 9 that might be a good way to mix it up, especially if you MB mace charge since it adds a nice overhead on the end for a low, overhead mix up.

I noticed after a lot of down 1's you'd do uppercuts and with uppercuts being so unsafe you could easily do another option that does more chip and is safer on block, I don't know if those were input errors or not though.

Also, Superman ugh, I feel your salt lol <__<.


Loud and Klear~
Yeah idk what i was thinking, i just wanted that shit over with coz this was immediately after a 6 hour drive and i had to play 3 supes players back to back (the 2 i lost to where in the vids, the one i beat was off-stream -__-)

i didnt know i could interrupt tbh, I've never played against Ares before that set xD was mostly trying stuff out, i'll be converting from now on though =P

I'm not a big fan of 32 coz the 2 whiffs on alot of crouching characters and i've eaten combos here and there for using it, if you watch my old sets i used to have it as one of my go-to's but i stopped after a few d2's into combo thanks to the whiffed 2 -__-

b223 is usually my check to see if the opponent knows how to block against hg, i start mixing in b22 x we2 in the corner but i rarely use either midscreen unless i'm kinda desperate for a knockdown >.>

the d2's are just stupid reads on a jump or a button. I've been doing that alot lately coz most of the locals i play are marvel players and like to jump away when they panic and its been giving me good results, against people that are most patient though it just looks dumb and weird as you saw in the vids xD
Maybe i should start buffering we or something if i do those..

Thanks for the input! that was helpful so i wont make the same mistakes next time (i hope lol).

Also Is it me or are hawkgirl and (sometimes) supes players the only people that ever throw in injustice? I cant even remember the last time i got thrown in this game xD seems like people just completely forget about them..


I think that hawkgirls like to throws because we can set up for a throw rather easily. Especially with a we3 into a throw. Plus we're not so combo reliant outside the corner so it's free damage really haha.
Well guys, I finally got around to getting my hands on a vid capture card :) This community really inspired me to pursue this and record some footage because this is just an awesome community, lol.

Anyway, here's some gameplay of me (Dr. Aeon) vs. NW. I wish we had a bigger local scene where I live. Majority of FGC here plays mahvel or sf4. There's only 4 Injustice players I know, lol: Myself, NW, Flash, and Doomsday. Makes it hard to have exposure to different matchups aside from online play which is blah. Anywho, I haven't touched Injustice for couple weeks and this was first time playing again. I welcome any and all criticisms as that will help me to improve. Thanks for watching.

Some personal notes:
-I need to confirm D1 hits better. I'd do extra D1's on block and got hit alot not respecting opponent's ability to counterattack.

-I'm working to integrate 22U3 into my gameplan as B23 is easy to block and - on block as opposed to 22U3

-Be more attentive to opponent's meter and ability to clash and do unclashable damage like F3>B3

-WingDings sux Dick. Working to get more consistent at jump back MC to beat it

EDIT: Moving to northwest in about 4-5mos :)


Vggs! I love mirrors with Hawkgirl <3 Lol i realised that i jump so much sometimes tho

GGs :D. There's a part 2 and 3 that have Wonder Woman and friends too if you want to check those out.

I used to not like Hawkgirl mirrors, but I kind of like them now that I'm playing someone who plays more footsies lol.


Regina George of discord
GGs :D. There's a part 2 and 3 that have Wonder Woman and friends too if you want to check those out.

I used to not like Hawkgirl mirrors, but I kind of like them now that I'm playing someone who plays more footsies lol.
Lol i will, thanks!
And yes i also used to dislike them because they were random at the beggining!


Loud and Klear~
y'all are high hawkgirl mirrors fuckin suck >__> lol, its only fun if both of you decide to play a ground only match which isnt optimal as hawkgirl has trouble dealing with her own zoning >.>;

Nice to see some footage here again though so i wont complain xD


Loud and Klear~
Footage from a tourney last weekend. I've become too flowcharty so I'm definitely gonna need to break that. Plus I realized I have no idea on how fight good Bats players that dont just j2 all day..
Tips/critique is appreciated coz I've hit a wall and I'm losing to players that I feel I couldve beaten.

Vs Grundy

Vs Lex/Batman

Shitty side footage vs Scorps


TrulyAmiracle Batman is more of a RTSD match up in my opinion. I usually try to stay on him and in his face because his trait plus zoning is a lot better option than mace tosses and can reach full screen whereas Hawkgirl's downward mace toss doesn't(you already know that though). It prevents him from setting a lot of his trait shenanigans up as well.

I was going to say you should be more patient with mace tosses as some of those got you tagged by his zoning, which caused you to lose the match too. Patient zoning is huge, especially since if you weren't in whiff recovery you could have just ended trait and evaded his bat.

Try to slow it down sometimes too, give yourself room to breath and think about your next move. I notice with a lot of Hawkgirl players and I'm including myself too is that sometimes we rush too much when we don't have to, take your time and play more footsie oriented. If you're worried about being flow charty, that will help you in droves.


Loud and Klear~
Espio Yeah I did realize i have obvious patterns that I keep doing even if they're blocked them before, and I still try to fly and toss maces too much and it cost me quite a few matches already :/ we need a fullscreen air mace toss NRS so I can just derp my way out kthx.

I also need to practice up on f1 xx WE2, that shit is hard for me coz i need to be done so fast. Plus optimizing my punishes where i could be going for 35%+ but go with with 1 xx WE3 instead for 17%...

I've been watching other HG players lately trying to see what I can do to break out of my patterns and mix it up. Hopefully next time I'll have some footage to show it'll be more.. umm "refined" :p

Till then more footage of me sucking lol

vs Zod

vs Flash/Aquaman