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Happy Thanksgiving TYM!


Happy thanksgiving everyone.

This year, I have a lot to be thankful for.

I'm thankful to be in school, being so close to getting a job after a years long wait. And hopefully meeting you all in december at NEC.

Thank you all for making the TYM Community what it is today. We had a vision here and we accomplished it. We are getting bigger everyday, and we can truly call ourselves a real fighting game community now. Not only does UMK3 stand out in the tournament scene, but even MKvsDC will be a real tournament in a week. If that doenst show our dedication, then I don't know what does.

Thank you Storms for buying the mega-cab for NEC. Thank you all who donated money for me and Juggernaut to attend NEC, that is a true community and I really do appreciate everything that was done. Regardless of the outcome, you guys showed the best side this community has to offer.

Thank you REO for showing everyone the power of BMF! And I hope you do it again!

Thank you Check, for owning them combos so hard, even the MK-Team has called your name!

Thank you BMF for showing our dominance yet again!

Thank you everyone in our TYM Staff for working hard daily on making this community worthy of the fighting game scene, getting recognized as the best high level, best looking, and greatest fan-site out there! Oh yeah! :top:

Kudos to those who stuck with us, and made everything possible!

Even the trolls, the haters, the scrubs, and the weak! :p Have a happy thanksgiving everyone! I mean it! lol

Now... LETS EAT!


Premium Supporter
I am very appreciative of the kommunity as a whole and especially what TYM is "Today". Before TYM I was an "online" guy and now I think of online as practice for offline tournaments. It's all about when we're getting together again next. NEC is approaching and I'm already excited for forthcoming tournaments and the plans we have for them/at them.

If all goes to plan, I'll be chilling with Shock, Tim, Phil, Juggs, Bone, Rob, Dan, Check, Jago, Aldagod(?), REO, Tom Brady, summoning, Riu, THTB, and many others next weekend!!!


Happy Thanksgiving!
This holiday seems to be one that will never die.
It is a great holiday and it's a day to appreciate everything in your life - and have a feast. :) nom nom nommm
Have fun everyone!


Cock Master!!
nom nom nommm
LOL we say that all the time :p when ever im stuffing my fat ass.

Happy thanksgiving everyone.

im thankful for having a job, a roof over my head, loving friends and family.

thankful to have been invited here months ago and happy to be apart of this growing community.

Cant wait to meet all you guys and gals next week end at NEC.
Thankful that because of nec we'll be playing some offline MKD and MKA.

thankful ill be able to play MK2 in a tourney setting for the first time. hopefully i dont fail bad and Finish in the top 3 atleast :/

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!!!


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

There's tons of things I'm thankful for, but I'll just say here that I'm thankful for this community. I know that sounds whack but it's true. It's going to be great next weekend when we all meet and chill!