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Green Lantern

Mr. Freeze

Green Lantern and Grodd Main
I wonder if his trait will be the same as INJ1? It created a lot of great set up opportunities off of B13 into trait.


Long live b13 minigun
Doesn't look like his Super is an AOE anymore.

Looks like a new move at 1:41 but that might just be cinematic. Either way I'm hypeeeeeeeeeeee


Neutral Skipper
I just hope GL plays a little differently this time. If he's as similar as Batman and Superman are to their I1 counterparts I can't play him. But his design and voice are way better, so there's that.
Doesn't look like his Super is an AOE anymore.

Looks like a new move at 1:41 but that might just be cinematic. Either way I'm hypeeeeeeeeeeee
It's a cutscene, that's why it has the black bars onscreen.
More boring than the PGA tour zzzzzzz
Fam you have a Cyborg mood.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I bet new GL will have a better way to get in on stuff than the jet engine this time. It was a constant issue vs power zoners that he struggled to get inside last game. Twice I saw DJT out try a desperation swap to Doomsday vs Superman in a grand finals just to roll the dice that they could make it work once inside. Too bad Doomsday is designed to lose vs Superman's trait.

If Green Lantern gains mobility options vs Superzonin or zonin in general I fully expect more DJT Top 4.

Mr. Freeze

Green Lantern and Grodd Main
I bet new GL will have a better way to get in on stuff than the jet engine this time. It was a constant issue vs power zoners that he struggled to get inside last game. Twice I saw DJT out try a desperation swap to Doomsday vs Superman in a grand finals just to roll the dice that they could make it work once inside. Too bad Doomsday is designed to lose vs Superman's trait.

If Green Lantern gains mobility options vs Superzonin or zonin in general I fully expect more DJT Top 4.
I agree and also the meter burn roll option will give GL a new way to get in on Zoiners


I hope hes very similar. They could make his F2 string better though.

I really loved his zoning vortex style and I LOVED lanterns might so much. If they could give me an exact port from Inj 1 with better movement I'd be happy.

Maining day 1 most likely again.
As long as he keeps his b1,3 I don't mind the other strings and special moves being reworked. I'd like to see his b3 being a giant punch construct like in the comics, the brick wall could be his new trait kind of like Urien in sfv.