Here are some matches between EMP DarthArma and myself..
That was indeed me, can you link me to the vids on the fighter spirit stream, casue I can't find them anywhere. Also I live in palm beach so unfortunately I don't live that close other wise I would. And it sucks that you moving back to texas already, did you go to CEO?Yeah I'm not sure If my Xbox Live account is still active guys! I did the 1 month thing to get the rest of the DLC, and yeah I live in the Orlando, FL area at the moment, but I'm moving back to Texas in like a week. The internet out here sucks so I never really played online. Brighthouse Networks sucks, but in Texas I'll have Verizon Fios, so I'll be set! Just PM me some of your PSN and XBL tags and I'll be sure to add you! My XBL is just: OFIDYAN
Also Kyle Rayner was that you I saw on stream at the Fighter's Spirit tournament? If so, you're welcome to come chill sometime and get some matches in with me! I'd like to play that Superman player that won as well if you know him!
Dude, don't move back to texas....FL needs you!!!!!Na man I can't find those vids anywhere! I wasn't watching it on my own computer, but I saw the archive stream! I just watched it straight through. Your GL is legit!
I did not make it to CEO, I was still held up back in Texas because I go back and fourth. I did beat up My God 88's Superman that weekend though. Texas Bar Fights 12***UCC***-Texas-Bar-Fights-Round-XII-(Fort-Worth-TX)-June-29-2013?s=4613360184d3b82f428c07ba5c0d3094&p=651682&viewfull=1#post651682
I should've entered MK as well because my Reptile can whoop up on him! I hope he sees this! 3rd place at Evo ayyyyyyyokaayyyy
Hahaha I would man, but the job is in Texas!Dude, don't move back to texas....FL needs you!!!!!
Yo add me o XBL, or ps3 My psn is KyieRayner, and my XBL is Kyle Raynere, just as they are spelled. I'm still working on the way you do the j3 reset. the small step into the cross over non cross over is so hard.Hahaha I would man, but the job is in Texas!
Are you able to do it online consistently? ( don't say otg, as that word is taboo, now we are just going substitute "THAT" in all caps when we talk about "IT") after all we don't want NRS to hot fix it.Thanks, good to know, I was always good with that window so I was surprised it worked. So g.l completely untouched is nice. Seems like my mb lift may be a little off for timing but everything else is fine. Mb b3 leading to 40% pretty much
I watched the whole video and I can tell you in a single sentence where you're going wrong.Any Tips?
Thanx for the feedback it was definatly needed. the bane match up i dont really know how i should play so i will be working on decision making and the WHYI watched the whole video and I can tell you in a single sentence where you're going wrong.
As I like to say, you're just doin' shit.
In other words, it's all in the "why". You don't have a cohesive plan on how to approach the game. You know Lanterns combos and tricks and that he can shoot projectiles from far away but I don't see you understanding why you're doing a specific thing at a specific time in a specific place.
This was especially evident against Bane, a character who will FUCK you if not given the proper respect.
My advice would be to really think about WHY you're doing something and examine the decision you're about to make before you do anything.
Bane needs to be kept away with chaingun while he has venom because it will break all 3 levels of armor and you can MB it on reaction if he gets caught doing anything other than blocking. When he is on venom cool down you can either try to open him up if you're close to him and get big damage, or if he's too far away make him block air rockets to build meter.Thanx for the feedback it was definatly needed. the bane match up i dont really know how i should play so i will be working on decision making and the WHY
Real good shit man!Here are some matches between EMP DarthArma and myself..
Amazing video. Hope to see you at TX BarfightsHere you go guys
NRF Crimson Panther
@G4S KT Smith
@Kyle Rayner
Shots fired lol.Here you go guys
NRF Crimson Panther
@G4S KT Smith
@Kyle Rayner
hahah they're going down broShots fired lol.