Scoot Magee
But I didn't want to dash
A faster d3 to have a low option for people to care about?
So 111 super is doing it wrong huh, have you read any of my previous posts. I think then react, that's what a good player does and I'm never just "throwing it out there." I know the dangers of random supers, especially GA's. aside from that, good post. I agree that his block strings are fine now, even b1,3 and the pushback on electric could help his combo potential up close at least. It seems like elect arrows are more of a back off move so idk if nrs would change its properties for offensive use thoughSuper is fine, Original Poster you are just using it wrong, you can just throw it out there man, you will get your ass blown up.
Low arrow hitbox is being fixed, this has been confirmed by Paulo,
I would like normal arrow to have the 1% boost, something like adding 5% to bnbs aint gonna buff him enough or break the bank.
the push back being less on Electric arrow would be nice too.
I dunno, he is never going to be top tier, so there isn't too much you can add to him that wouldn't make him OP. Leave the Super and the strings now that they have been nerfed.
Hopefully they don't totally wreck him in the next patch. 90% of people still don't know what to do about D1 Arrow. But players are starting to block strings better.
So 111 super is doing it wrong huh, have you read any of my previous posts. I think then react, that's what a good player does and I'm never just "throwing it out there." I know the dangers of random supers, especially GA's. aside from that, good post. I agree that his block strings are fine now, even b1,3 and the pushback on electric could help his combo potential up close at least. It seems like elect arrows are more of a back off move so idk if nrs would change its properties for offensive use though![]()
I didn't "think" he was going for MB b3, I saw it, he did it! I read him and got punished that was my gripe. After practicing more with super, yes I've learned that there are characters that can counter it but even so more than 1 hit of armor isn't asking for a lot since other characters have the tools they have. I know it's a setup tool but its also a damn SUPER. I've been playin this character since day 1 and have come to this site to get info about stuff I don't understand for as often as I can. I'm married, have a newborn, and a 6 yr old, and am a fulltime student in collge, but I still try n do my part with this game. I play GA bc he's the most fun outta the bunch, now don't insult me by recommending SM.Yes you can escape 111 super,
I did read all your posts, you also said you did wake up super, why would you ever do wake up super, even if you though he was doing a MB B3?
There is time after Arrows super start up animation where they can hit you, and if this happens then even if the super hits them it won't go full animations. This is due to the fact that its unblockable and you can still combo off it at the end. Its a fair trade. If you want a character that can just through out super to get outta shit or punish shit, you should play Superman.
Arrows super is about set ups and seeing if people know how to get outta them. I have about 7 different super set ups and only 2 are inescapable as far as I know, but most of them always hit.
Either way, I don't think you understand how the super works, I like it and it works fine.
I didn't "think" he was going for MB b3, I saw it, he did it! I read him and got punished that was my gripe. After practicing more with super, yes I've learned that there are characters that can counter it but even so more than 1 hit of armor isn't asking for a lot since other characters have the tools they have. I know it's a setup tool but its also a damn SUPER. I've been playin this character since day 1 and have come to this site to get info about stuff I don't understand for as often as I can. I'm married, have a newborn, and a 6 yr old, and am a fulltime student in collge, but I still try n do my part with this game. I play GA bc he's the most fun outta the bunch, now don't insult me by recommending SM.
I only brought up my personal life because I'm just trying to emphasize I don't have time to religiously go on these sites like some of you guys do. I've played a lot of fighting games n my life and in comparison to supers in other games, supers normally have a universaI thing that balances everyones. I just feel GA's super, even tho is unblockable, doesn't excuse him from the same duration of armor. Sorry I went off earlier, my kid was screaming bloody murder and then you said that supes comment. I think supermans more busted than an snk boss character played by the CPU. I only played around earlier in practice mode and did test which characters could punish 111 super. I only did the hero side but NW, BM, Cyborg, WW, AM, SM, HG, GA, GL, n Shazam all have supers that will interrupt and super GA instead. If you guys already have this info, plz, point me in the right place. It just sucks that it's news to me. I'm ok with well timed supers beating it but normals that are thrown out beforehand is just where it seems unfair, that's all.settle down there chief, your personally life doesn't have to come into it, I have 3 kids and am married, what does that matter. The reason the super is the way it is and has no armor is because it's not a punish move. It's just not,
now you compare it to other peoples supers, well other people cant combo off there super either, and other peoples supers are not Unblockable, so the trade off is the delay time before the bomb goes off, and not having armor. Its simple. He doesn't need it. thats all I'm saying.
I said the super man thing, because you want a super that works like that, to punish people for doing something, his does that.
Either way, I'm done with this thread, his Super is fine.
Yeh ive been learning more about his super, I still think 1 more hit of armor wouldn't hurt. Especially, if he keeps getting nerfed like this. I mean it sounds like NRS wants raw super to be his only reliable tool at this point. All his block strings getting nerfed?? b1,3 only works in the corner and 111 on hit in the corner only works on certain everyone said, ducking pulled arrow to duck high projectiles...its bs that the bow gets hit. also I would say normal arrows do 2%. it's not huge but it will help the zoning war that he already loses to decent zoners.
Everything else is fine. Chris G had a huge rant to me at SJ where he said that they want to nerf all of his strings into super....which from how he put it, they are most likely going to put it into effect. I think the ice arrow will be the only option left but I'm talking too soon, the patch isnt here yet but I'm hoping they don't continue to slowly nerf him....which is what they have been doing.
Also ando, every character can trade supers with GA after 111 super. The timing is more strict depending on the character.
Ga vs Ga for example, you have to use your super to counter at the last possible second so you have invisibility and avoid the super completely.
Hawkgirl also gets out of every option arrow does too....wing escape 3 on hit, on block of any of his strings will get her out and punish you for 11% also.
Yeh ive been learning more about his super, I still think 1 more hit of armor wouldn't hurt. Especially, if he keeps getting nerfed like this. I mean it sounds like NRS wants raw super to be his only reliable tool at this point. All his block strings getting nerfed?? b1,3 only works in the corner and 111 on hit in the corner only works on certain characters.
No disrespect man but most supers aren't that punishable, only superman and a select few others have punishable supers and its another thing in this game that's matchup specific. GA's super has armor but it only lasts for "1" hit and only a split second if that. I went into training and further tested his and other characters supers like BA, CW, DS, SM, BM, AM, KF, DD...etc and they all have 2 hits of armor and most of em were safe on block. I just believe he should get the same fairness in that regard, that's all. Besides, what's wrong with using his Super as a defensive option like I did if I make a good read? Yes it's a setup tool, but NRS has been taking away almost every setup opportunity from Arrow with these patches. Even 111 into super can be backdashed and his blocked b1,3 thing that everyone is talking about, I have yet to see it work. If they did decide GA's super need only one hit armor, then why not give us the option of holding back/forward to make the arrow hit shorter/farther? I think that's fair, they're giving the DLC characters specials that do the same thing. Just me thinking outside the box at this point.
Ok I was just having a mirror and did freeze jmp 2,111 for super reset and da last 1 hit, on recovery the other GA did super as well. Mine hit but nothing happened, da blast was right on em . Yet his super worked n lost da match. Was it previously stated that GA's super beats GA's super anywhere? Things like this is why I think super could b a little bit better, I've done this to other characters, minus superman, and my super always beat theirs out since I did it first. Does sum1 know why this happened?
No the other GA didn't armor through it, at least the armor color changing animation didn't show up. It was if it just whiffed or something, but the explosion was right on em. Also, b1,3 does work on block in the corner but from what was stated earlier by 7L, that's probably going bye bye soon tooDid the other GA armor through it?
GA needs a damage buff, but not by just increasing his overall damage.
GA needs a meter burnable version of df1 which in my eyes would increase his damage by 5-7% when ending combos with it.
His specials need to be more reliable combo enders.
Players could chose to end combos with 22,3-frozen arrow for a 29% damage or 22,3-df1(MB) for a 34-37%.
The super is fine like it is, but his fire arrows need a slight increase in chip damage to allow him to compete in equal conditions in the zoning wars against top tiers.
This minor changes would make GA a more balanced character, there is no need to go crazy l0l
70% anywhere on screen isn't enough damage for you?
What game are you playing?70% anywhere on screen isn't enough damage for you?
What game are you playing?
you're missing the point, people should be able to decide to do MB combos or super combos. As of right now GA arrow has no other choice than to save meter for super combos. superman does 60% with trait from super, that's about the same damage that GA can get from super with unclashable damage. every if not most characters have the choice to burn meter to do more damage, why not give GA the same choice?
Yes. You need to get 4 bars first. And it's not guaranteed that you'll land it. And it's not anywhere in the screen, it only works mid screen/ if you land a combo IF you have a frozen arrow.GA can do super resets that get between 60-70% dmg.
Yes. You need to get 4 bars first. And it's not guaranteed that you'll land it. And it's not anywhere in the screen, it only works mid screen/ if you land a combo IF you have a frozen arrow.
Then you see characters with vortexes, 45% 1 bar and 70% 1 bar in corner into ambiguous setups.
Play against a good Deathstroke/Superman/Bladam, then call me back baby.It's not hard to get ice arrow, and while you can't do it directly in the corner, you can do it pretty damn close. Also, certain setups are guaranteed. I understand that GA is lacking compared to other characters, but I would rather keep him the way he is right now, being a 50/50 character that can do a big money shot with full meter, then another meter based vortex character.
Play against a good Deathstroke/Superman/Bladam, then call me back baby.