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Dojo Trainee
Peachy, first I want to say best wishes for your mother. Everyone here at TYM will keep you and your mom in their thoughts and prayers. We're fighters and we don't give up! Your mom won't either.

Secondly, I want to say that you really made me feel welcome here on TYM (extra shoutouts to Espio + Chongo + DragonPick) when I first joined, and it was awesome to join a Mortal Kombat message board, of all things, and find a place where people were really supportive and awesome about my sexuality, let alone find others like me! No matter where you go, no matter where life takes you, we are not alone and we never will be.

much love and hugs


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Go do what you gotta do man. Family is more important than anything. I really hope everything works out and we will miss you while you're gone. <3


Online Punching Bag
Very admirable to put your life on hold to try and help and spend time with your mom in this type of a situation. On the flipside its a bummer to see you go. You seem to get along with everyone and will be missed.


I miss you
Farewell in this journey. Do know that you are one of my heroes. Thanks for everything and best of luck with this painful moment.

Bet ya' momma is real proud.

Mucha suerte, estoy seguro de que para vos es un momento difícil y espero que puedas superarlo pase lo que pase. Acá en TYM siempre vas a tener gente con quien hablar. Un saludo a tu mamá, te deseo lo mejor, porque te lo merecés.

Best of wishes.


Something wicked this way comes.
It's never good to hear about someone having to go through this. I wish you and yours all the best, Godspeed, and goodluck :)


Dojo Trainee
hello my TYM bruhs!!! i am thrilled to report that i have returned!! i am so happy to be able to resume my activities here!!! it has been some time, but i am back home in california. my mother survived her stroke and recovered fully!! her cancer is in remission, and her emphysema, which of course can't be cured, has at least been made more tolerable with better oxygen tanks and meds. i helped moved her out of her house to my lil brother's. there she is near her doctors, the climate is better for her, and he lives just a few miles from my sister, so she will not be alone. i tried to get her to move to san francisco with me, but she has decided it's too wild for her :D. i am grateful beyond words that she has rebounded so well and can now perhaps enjoy her senior years, hopefully many more. and i am reunited with my husband!! it was so difficult to be apart, but at least it's now behind us. i took your prayers, well wishes, and touching sentiments with me...thank you all. they really helped get me through the worst of it. i am forever indebted to you guys. xoxoxoxo

i am also happy to report that i have joined the san francisco MK scene!! Reno_Racks kindly opened his tattoo parlor up on sundays for tourneys, casuals, etc. i atttended this last sunday and got to pit my sheeva against his fearsome rain and WoundCowboy and his amazing shang tsung....sooo great to have an offline scene!! my sheeva and sindel gave a strong showing...and with these top-caliber players to train with now...my girls will be invincible!!!

i again want to thank you all for your thoughts and for reaching out to me with support and encouragement. love you guys, and am hyped to start playing with you all again!!
That's very great news to see! Welcome again to this land of darkness, Toasty Boosts, tier lists, occasional drama, knowledge and friendliness, called TestYourMight.com! Time to celebrate!


STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
It's great to hear that your mother is doing much better and I'm glad that you were able to help her through it.

And even though I already said it, welcome back! haha

Now you just need to get an xbox. :p ... or play me on that unknown account again. lolz


Welcome back. Family is everything.

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


Dojo Trainee
It's great to hear that your mother is doing much better and I'm glad that you were able to help her through it.

And even though I already said it, welcome back! haha

Now you just need to get an xbox. :p ... or play me on that unknown account again. lolz
i will get an xbox as soon as i am able...it will be big fun!! missed you much!! in a semi-heterosexual way ;) LOL