You can get a 4 in both before the jump in and inbetween f2 and 1 in the f213 string. 27 total then
If that doesn't leave enough time for wraith to be out to get the 4 after bf3 then just using f2413 and not the jump in 41 should still work.
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Does mb laser touches airborne opponent? If not can't I just reversal mace charge/wing evade or something to get out at some point?
Theres 2 problems w this post
#1. You picked hawkgirl vs Zod? Half joking here, dont go all mace charge and shit on me
#2. You cannot at any point mace charge or evade out, if you do ill confirm into 40% combo
#3. Pretty sure (havent checked) i can parry your mace charge pretty easy on reaction like Doomsday Shoulder
seconds you have to block against zod, one before zod, two before zod, three before zod....
yay for nonexistent chip damage!
its not about chip, its about keeping u locked down for 15 secs min while being able to go in for a mix up at anytime into 41%+ damage and if i land all this on block its 25 hits on block
Why? I don't think he did more than 12-15%? That's like giving Aquaman MB Trident Rush for two bars.
see below
its not about chip, its about keeping u locked down for 15 secs min while being able to go in for a mix up at anytime into 41%+ damage and if i land all this on block its 25 hits on block
Good shit, Pig. My only concerns are these:
-Last hit of second laser not connecting. That's a lot of frame advantage lost, so side arm isn't free against every character. That might be punishable by reversals, as well.
-Can you backdash between b23 and d12?
True, i think some may not be hit by the 2nd laser and honestly I most likely wouldnt do the 2nd mb laser id probably just do a side arm shot and then slow ball
I do think you can backdash after b23 before d12 but im going to want people to do that in time so i can blow them up
The whole idea here is this:
Say I get a hard knockdown summon trait, Trait swipe to jump 2 trait swipe f2 overhead grab (Mid, OH, MID, LOW, OH)
or same deal except Swipe ji2 b2 overhead grab (Mid, OH, Low, OH)
or same deal except swipe ji2 b2 low laser mb (OH, Low, LOW)
etc etc etc
its not about chip, its about keeping u locked down for 15 secs min while being able to go in for a mix up at anytime into 41%+ damage and if i land all this on block its 25 hits on block
can armored moves escape these???
I dont know but im pretty sure you can back dash after b23 on block before d12 comes out but in the end thats kinda what i want
Hey guys remember day 2 of zods release and m2dave declared him to to be no better than mid tier...
awesome! but Phantom Strike has a bigger minus cuz Superman can punish it with his super.
yea youre right,its probably -3 or -5 at most but doing trait swipe after the PS turns it into one continuous block string so it doesnt matter really
For the same reason you pushblock DD Venom.
Mix ups.
Dead spot on !!!! Just like Nicholas cage in an audition that he no longer attends cause he is the definition of beauty and hollywood
Zod can trait slash while in the air to make jump ins much safer too. If you try to anti air the slash hits and starts a massive damage combo.
Yea this also adds another hit so this post should say 26 Hit FT