Couldn't help but ponder what he might look like, after drawing this I realized his P2 colour better have a ginger beard, I want some Breaking Zod :3
In like 10-15 minutes on http://www.twitch.tv.When is the reveal supposed to be?
Freakin Eyebrows said we're supposed to get a character reveal today. Where is it?
2 Generals of exquisiete skill as you listed need not fight each other in battleZod Of The Hut vs m2zod
Make the beard more like the movie Zods!
I'm gonna main Zod with you2 Generals of exquisiete skill as you listed need not fight each other in battle
You should be more concerned what we will do to your planet
Now it makes me wonder. Does injustice Zod have 90's goatee or traditional meaning of the word Goatee :3
Fucking car game.
No patience. It will be revealed later if not now. We will eventually get one so I'm not concerendWell now i'm getting pissed...
To be fair it was supposed to be announced yesterday.No patience. It will be revealed later if not now. We will eventually get one so I'm not concerend
Actually I based the original off of a terence Zod pic, but I goateed it, because desription said, Goatee.What about the old movie zods beard? Awesome btw.