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Future of MKX on PC; MKXL Enhanced Online PC BETA

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Who even knows. The most likely scenarios are:
A). Maybe NRS wanted to fix HVS' failure. They were completely set on it, but the amount of damage done would take an extremely long amount of time to fix, and considering most of the studio is moving on to the next game, then they just decided to drop it
B). Same as above, but they were extremely intent on fixing it and porting all the DLC over. WB, however, doesn't want to fund it because of how poor the PC port sold, so WB cancels any further development on PC, they'll gain enough money as it is with all the new DLC they're releasing
Then GJ to them because none of the pc players will be buying mk11. They lost a lot of money in the long run. Total players who own mkx on steam are over 400k. and 60k players are still playing the game(not daily). The rest probably let the game rot in their library because you know port sucks or they simply didnt like it. But 60k is a lot. They lost 60k kp2 sales, 400k mk11 sales+its dlc sales. Which would be HUGE money return only for giving the pc players what ps4 and xbox players are going to get. PLUS they lost a chunk of twitch view because you know pc users are more likely to watch mkx streams. Seeing the stats, i dont think they know what they are doing.
I see it differently: we have been guaranteed (by Ed Boon himself) that PC version will be as good as console version. It is recorded. It has been advertised like this. Nobody forced Ed to make these promises. He did it by his own volition, and it turned out he was lying. I wonder if you guys would happily hand over your guaranty cards, when product you've purchased no longer possesses advertised features. If WB had any ethics, they would inform beforehand that game might lose support at certain point.

Plus WB has now such a bad reputation among PC gamers, they might as well drop the whole PC market. Their decision is even stranger, knowing that PC port of MKX is now very decent (aside from online in some cases).


The smart stuff!
I might not agree with tossing so much sht on NRS, after all they were contracted by WB to develop and focus only current gen consoles version of the game. I'd love if this situation taught them to treat their work the way CD PROJEKT does: if you love your title, you'd rather develop it in house for all the platforms. Witcher team is far smaller and less funded then NRS, who sits in WB's pocket. Yet they can effort a great support for great game to all the systems they have released it on. For now it looks like NRS plays completely along side with WB and has no sympathy for MK fans who predominantly play on PC. Should Injustice 2 happen, should WB be stupid enough to offer it for PC, all you PC gamers should pay attention if it's developed in house or not.


You're content to just keep getting angry and calling me an idiot while I've just calmly presented you with plain facts.
Those plain facts you keep citing are making you look like you have no sympathy what so ever and are only in this thread to remind everyone how right you are and how wrong we were for buying MKX on PC.
That might not be the case but that's what you're projecting and right now I don't want to hear how NRS&WB are ENTITLED to do this... as if the "PC morons" that bought their game aren't entitled to anything.
So yeah... get lost
I didn't say they are doing right. I've even continually, reasonably acknowledged that it sucks to lose support.

I'm simply stating the fact that you've lost nothing guaranteed, nothing entitled to you.

Your purchase does not guarantee you unlimited post-purchase support.

You're content to just keep getting angry and calling me an idiot while I've just calmly presented you with plain facts.
Products are never entitled to people. Ever. Netherrealm can actively patch out characters and be well within their rights to do so. It's a matter of princaple.


Meta saltmine
Dude stop being so damn OK with this crap... Day 1 the fucking game did not work and it kept on not working for 3 days on my end and AFTER all that I had to put up with 6 month of the game having memory leaks and it causing my GPU driver to crash EVERY 20 minutes.
First of all, I repeat that it's not NRS fault someone on Steam decided to enable public download too early, and it's not their fault Steam servers were already chocking because of GTA downloads. Although I admit it was questionable decision to release on that date.

Second, like I said, I go by my own experiences and I cannot say I suffered any issues like leaks. The game worked for me even when I was trying to launch it on inadequately poor hardware (I upgraded later).
"Day 1 crap" was fixed for me in like 24 hours - so the game actually came out for me on schedule. Not 1 day earlier, when muppets didn't realize it wasn't 20th yet, on schedule.

And I am not okay with what happened now. I am very surprised and disappointed. So what now? You want me to start posting inane bullshit or lie about my prior experiences? I signed that petition, I'm voicing my concern here, I am pointing out that WB are missing out on sales. But they already know everything I've got to say. Anything else?

Then GJ to them because none of the pc players will be buying mk11.
I'm pretty sure WB are done with PC and that's exactly the reason they don't care about upholding their reputation there.


Shimapan Destroyer
on bone?

i will stay positive with street fighter 5, killer instinct, tekken 7 and guilty gears xrd, dont you worry about that.
i just wanted mk to be in this list.
very much.
It's cross-buy on PC. It's been confirmed since it was announced that all content packs will transfer to the PC purchase.

(It's also on sale right now for $10, btw. Season 1 is free and Season 2 is just $10 with an XBL Gold account discount)


The smart stuff!
I don't know if this counts as a source.
Put your self in shoes of a person that is anticipating the game, is hesitant whether to buy it or not, and then this guy comes in and tells you in interview of a guy who reviews games that PC version will be just the same as consoles. MK9 PC is the same as consoles. Injustice as well. No content is missing from any of the versions (except one exclusive char in MK9), netcode is shitty on all systems. They are very alike. Then I hear MKX will be the same again, and I have no reason to think that it will be missing content some time in the future. I'm not talking about support. I'm talking about CONTENT. And I'm talking about advertisements and assurances that we all heard before game launched, this one being one of them. If you should not make your mind on that basis, then why the hell even ask questions in interviews and answer them? What is the point of them if not to help you make your mind? Can we stop making simple things complicated?
Put your self in shoes of a person that is anticipating the game, is hesitant whether to buy it or not, and then this guy comes in and tells you in interview of a guy who reviews games that PC version will be just the same as consoles. MK9 PC is the same as consoles. Injustice as well. No content is missing from any of the versions (except one exclusive char in MK9), netcode is shitty on all systems. They are very alike. Then I hear MKX will be the same again, and I have no reason to think that it will be missing content some time in the future. I'm not talking about support. I'm talking about CONTENT. And I'm talking about advertisements and assurances that we all heard before game launched, this one being one of them. If you should not make your mind on that basis, then why the hell even ask questions in interviews and answer them? What is the point of them if not to help you make your mind? Can we stop making simple things complicated?
I don't know. Angry Joe shouldn't be used as a source for anyone. He kinda sucks.


I don't know. Angry Joe shouldn't be used as a source for anyone. He kinda sucks.
He kinda , was asking Boon alot of questions from PC community ; which he was ignoring since the launch of the game.
Or we should pay 60$ for game , and then just yea whatever 60$ ... For someone it is big money...

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
So yeah, I don't post here often, but I just came in to say that one of my goals this year was to play more MKX. I'm no stranger to the tournament scene, and I love the MK community (<3 @Tim Static).

I have the PC version. Bought the Premium Edition week 1, even knowing about the bugs. I had faith in NRS that they'd fix things. After hearing the news about MKXL and how PC players got snubbed, I bought KI Season 1&2 instead (which is cross-buy on PC and releases next month).

You guys deserve the best in all things, and I hope this legitimately doesn't hurt your community.
Duckie is DAA BESSSSS <3
We've had this discussion with so many clients....

"Sorry, we don't support IE9 anymore. You can continue using the product we sold you, but you can't upgrade"

"But we paid for it!!!!"

"No. You paid for a product, not unlimited unconditional support of that product."

Yes, losing support sucks for many end users. But there's nothing new, or evil about discontinuing support on a certain platform.

If you are upset you aren't getting KP2, that is a perfectly legitimate thing to be upset about. I use Linux so welcome to my world. But to say you are owed this due to your initial purpose is flat out wrong.

MKX is not a free program that came packaged with my computer. I cannot freely switch between KI and SF5 for free if need be.
Nor can I make simple software changes and continue to get support on it.

And no, while they are not obligated to support a program their is a question of ethics and customer service. This is not a 3 to 4 year old game. This game is practically new for all intents and purposes and for PC gamers in particular started out as a shoddy product so it was months already before they could get the promised product. With continued assurances that they would get it right. With it working well as it had for the past couple of months it's more accurate say the full product wasn't finished until closer to November. We're playing a product less than 3 months old.

A couple of months later massive updates and upgrades are announced no doubt spurring a small flurry of sales on all platforms. Then informed in a less than one paragraph tweet that they were not supported a few weeks later. Combine this with Steam's strict refund policy and the whole ordeal feels like a deliberate scam.

All in all statements like "it's a business" or "I told you so" are neither helpful nor productive it's merely tasteless victim blaming. Because regardless of how informed or uninformed the purchaser was they were still undeniably wronged. People purchased this under the lie that it would be treated equally to the console versions. It was not. They're exercising their right as customers to voice their displeasure and demand a refund for their product. We probably won't get a refund. In which case it further damages my perspective. I should not have to hold up a company who has been so forthright about helping out the community and growing the scene to the same standards as a shoddy RPG maker game on early access. But there you have it.
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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Yeah, do absolutely nothing, let corporations shit on you, and spend your life getting walked over because you have no backbone, no fight in you, and never pushed back against anyone trying to fuck you over simply because you weren't sure you could get results.

Some of us are going to do what we can, maybe we don't achieve much, maybe we do, won't know until we try. Yesterday you naysayers were telling Braindead there was no chance in even getting a response out of NRS, they don't care, etc, but he didn't listen to you weak minded idiots, and he proved you all wrong. If it's something I care about, which I do, then I'm gonna fight for it whether the odds are against me or not.

I seen you in these threads encouraging people to drop it and go home. Unless you work for NRS, you should stop mindlessly working against your fellow costumers just because they aren't falling in line. Grow a backbone and stop being sheep


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Put your self in shoes of a person that is anticipating the game, is hesitant whether to buy it or not, and then this guy comes in and tells you in interview of a guy who reviews games that PC version will be just the same as consoles. MK9 PC is the same as consoles. Injustice as well. No content is missing from any of the versions (except one exclusive char in MK9), netcode is shitty on all systems. They are very alike. Then I hear MKX will be the same again, and I have no reason to think that it will be missing content some time in the future. I'm not talking about support. I'm talking about CONTENT. And I'm talking about advertisements and assurances that we all heard before game launched, this one being one of them. If you should not make your mind on that basis, then why the hell even ask questions in interviews and answer them? What is the point of them if not to help you make your mind? Can we stop making simple things complicated?
This ... for the next MK game to be released in future, ok, if NRS hates PC gamers community, and think we are not worth, ok, all right, just make thing simple: don't make a PC version, so, we all gonna buy a console to play it, or just ignore the game existence and carry on/proceed to other games and/or interests .... but since they have released MKX, the game come out, and have been update with the patches, and having all DLC content the consoles version have, they should deliver a version with everything, and not a product missing parts ..... what's the point of giving customers a game with 90% of content , while other versions , you can have 100% of it ? this is always bad propagand and negative marketing stuff, always ..... very stupid move indeed ..... NRS probably wil be blacklisted regaring reputation after this decision.


Shirai Ryu
I bet that what happened was that WB must've gotten rid of High Voltage after they finished 'fixing' the PC port, and then left the port with nobody else to work on it which would be why MKXL/KP2 are not going to be available on PC.

Honestly I doubt there'll ever be another MK or NRS fighting game on PC again, WB just doesn't care enough to get a decent company to handle the porting and NRS themselves have never even touched PC gaming before, so
I bet that what happened was that WB must've gotten rid of High Voltage after they finished 'fixing' the PC port, and then left the port with nobody else to work on it which would be why MKXL/KP2 are not going to be available on PC.

Honestly I doubt there'll ever be another MK or NRS fighting game on PC again, WB just doesn't care enough to get a decent company to handle the porting and NRS themselves have never even touched PC gaming before, so
Which depending on the success of KI and SF5 (which will be even better without MKX to compete with) will see if that was ultimately a huge mistake or not.
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