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Funniest thing you've done in a vs umk3 game

Well just thought this might be an interesting idea to dwelve into. About 10 minutes ago I was playing this guy on umk3 ds and he liked to slide a lot and use unmasked sub zero I beat him 70% of the time using characters like ermac sheeva cyrax scorpion and kabal and robot smoke he beat me a few times which was kinda annoying so I decided to use unmasked sub zero for a mirror match then all I did was slide slide slide ice clone 7hit combo rofl beat him with it once then just about on the second time I was about to beat him he disconnected I bet he got really pissed off hahaha I love it.


I don't know if you'd consider it funny but I did some retarded Ermac combo after getting some kid in the corner and getting him with a TKS it was something like TKS, aaHPHP, JK, RH, TKS, aaHPHP, ducking LK. Just kind of stupid because there was no way this dude was going to beat me. I forget who it was but he got really pissed and left the room after that match.


Dojo Trainee
not umk3, as I don't got it yet but in MKA character select screen.... Lets just say I let out some ADHD on that thing...


Threw a guy 5 times in a row with Kung Lao, not sure he knew how to stop it. Really funny when you consider Kung Lao's "giant spinning wheel" style throw.


Elder God
doing mercy - smart missile glitch in 2on2 and the guy wasnt dead after mercy comes out, beat my sektor cause i stop playing (since i though he will be dead case the glitch), and my second player didnt come out at all (like it is in 2on2) and i lose lol

Tim Static

one time, I was playing UMK3, and I told a joke, and it was funny. Haha.

What about Sheisse and his Reptile elbow dash infinite? :lol:
I do this all the time. Use sub-zero and at the fatality screen, freeze them and say something like "You got cold feet", "Cool off", "Chill out", est.. 8)


Sir-Jabs-Alot said:
I do this all the time. Use sub-zero and at the fatality screen, freeze them and say something like "You got cold feet", "Cool off", "Chill out", est.. 8)
When I do his "Ice Breath" Fatality sometimes I say "Minty fresh mother fucker." Sometimes when I do Jax' "Slice and Dice" Fatality I say "Chop dem niggaz up!"


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Accidently do roundhouses while I'm trying to do actual combos lol :lol: and wind up getting the win.


turning invisible with Smoke and just ducking and LK the whole match lol


Funniest shit that I encounter while playing UMK3 DS, is that on the character selection screen people always seem to play along with me when I like move my cursor around. They pick up my pattern and we move around the screen like a lil train or something. It's fun as hell, and then this one kid and I, no clue who, but we did that shit forEVER and then I stayed in my top left corner and he was in his top right corner. I'd sit there and wait while he would start in the top right and then do like a weird memory game type thing where he would move his cursor around the screen and then go back to his corner. And I would have to copy it. It was fun as hell. I have NO CLUE how we both knew to do that but it was fun none-the-less. I always seem to be entertained on the character selection screen on the DS. :lol:
I was playing my friend one time and snagged him with hsmoke's spear... his health was at DANGER and instead of doing: roundhouse, uppercut, etc.... I did a ducking lowpunch..,, yeah man somewhere where it really hurts. :lol:


Houzi88 said:
Funniest shit that I encounter while playing UMK3 DS, is that on the character selection screen people always seem to play along with me when I like move my cursor around. They pick up my pattern and we move around the screen like a lil train or something. It's fun as hell, and then this one kid and I, no clue who, but we did that shit forEVER and then I stayed in my top left corner and he was in his top right corner. I'd sit there and wait while he would start in the top right and then do like a weird memory game type thing where he would move his cursor around the screen and then go back to his corner. And I would have to copy it. It was fun as hell. I have NO CLUE how we both knew to do that but it was fun none-the-less. I always seem to be entertained on the character selection screen on the DS. :lol:
That is awesome, I'm impressed and a bit jealous.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ha, Ha ^ yeah dude I know it's funny to turn invisible and just duck, funny part is your foe gets paranoid :lol: and winds up doing nothing sometimes.

BTW, I was laughing for 5 minutes when I saw your avy phant :lol: that monkey from Family Guy is hilarious