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**Friday Night Fights - Weekly Community Roundup

Hello TYM! We're back with the unofficial official day for the officially weekly round up for competitive events in the Mortal Kombat scene. I know everyone's feeling the hype with the FGC season back in full swing with Combo Breaker, so if you couldn't make it to Chicago this weekend, we've got some other tournaments going on that you have time to sign up and enter.



-Core Values III, June 22: Core Values is an event coming up at CORE PDX in Portland Oregon. Featuring Smash Ultimate, Tekken, Street Fighter and, you guessed it, Mortal Kombat 1, you can enter this event for free if you are able to bring a setup. Also boasting award winning coffee and donuts, come on down if you are in town that weekend: https://www.start.gg/tournament/core-values-iii/details

-MK$1 Round 11: As a follow up, at the same venue (CORE PDX) a bi-weekly, round robin MK1 event has been going on since May 10th! If you are looking for a new hangout spot to play some games, keep an eye on this location for the next signup (looks like they are skipping this week, presumably for Combo Breaker): https://www.start.gg/tournament/mk-1-round-11-round-robin/details

-ROC City Runback 41, June 15: A monthly tournament series in Rochester NY, ROC City Runback takes place at Vertus High School 21 and has a new event coming up in June 15th. Along with that, they host a spot every Sunday for friendly games of all types, so here's one to fill your weekends if you are looking for something to do until the next big official event (this is the Start.gg posting for an older one, hop into their Discord for updates on new events in the upcoming weeks): https://www.start.gg/tournament/agn-roc-city-run-back-39/details


-Run the Inferno Season 2, May 27th: Hosted by LiuKangKickGame on Twitter, Run the Inferno boasts an awesome $500 starting prize pot for entrants, with the previous season hitting $1200 total for prizing. This one is starting up on Monday and it looks like you still have time to sign up. Hop into their Twitch channel's Discord for more information: https://discord.com/invite/V7BgcWd7

-Kingdom of Khaos: A different spin on the tournament genre, Kingdom of Khaos is a 6 v 6 randomized team battle that takes place every week with crowdfunded prize pots and spots reserved for new players who didn't participate the previous week. It looks like the one for this week just happened with no new one ready yet, but hop into their discord to make sure you don't miss the chance to participate in the next one: https://discord.com/invite/TWypyvVz

-Tampa Never Sleeps Online #31, June 6: FGC legend Tampa Never Sleeps hosts a weekly tournament night with Mortal Kombat 1 coming up on June 6. Free to enter, TNS also includes a "redemption bracket" for folks that go 0-2 right at the start to give players a chance to still play. Open to all systems, here's the link to sign up, and follow their Twitch if you somehow aren't already: https://www.start.gg/tournament/tns-mortal-kombat-1-31-krossplay/details

And that's it for this week! I would expect a ton of these to pop up next week following the hype from Combo Breaker, so make sure to keep checking out TestYourMight to stay up-to-date with what's going on in the competitive scene. Some of the events from last week are open as well, so check out the previous write-up to see more.
