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Breakthrough Freddy Krueger Frame Data


Zoning Master
Do you have the frame data for what each move/string is on block? Does Freddy have anything that is plus on block? I'm trying to figure out what I should be doing up close with him and it is hard. NMS~teleport works reasonable well on some of the cast. Mid screen sometimes I mix it up to a forward enhanced teleport but are there any other strings I should be using up close for safer pressure?
f+4,3 is Freddy's best pressure string. I believe it is 0 or -1 on block and +5 on hit.

f+4,3 xx FF is safe, has natural delay, and most characters need X-Ray to interrupt. Once you train your opponent to block after f+4,3, you can enter NMS and go for the staple 50/50 mix up. f+4,3 xx back teleport is safe vs everyone not named Raiden if you need to get away.

f+4,2 is also decent albeit not as safe as f+4,3. f+4,2,1 juggles but is -6 on block and awful on whiff. You have to be really careful with this string at higher levels.

If you experiment, you will have some success with f+4,3 and f+4,2. The good thing is two of Freddy's four bad match ups (i.e., Mileena and Smoke) do not have any armor with the exception of X-Ray, so you can pressure a lot with minimal consequences.


Is there any frame data for moves such as f2,1 or f4,2,1? Or do I just ad the numbers and that's hat tht string would be?


Revenant Jade
Is Freddy's Ex Ground Claw safe on block? It seems like I can't punish it because of the pushback. I tried online and even in practice mode so I just try to bait his Ex Ground Claw then punish hoping it didn't catch me in the air with its armor.


Zoning Master
Is Freddy's Ex Ground Claw safe on block? It seems like I can't punish it because of the pushback. I tried online and even in practice mode so I just try to bait his Ex Ground Claw then punish hoping it didn't catch me in the air with its armor.
EX spike is 100% safe on block but has no armor. The best way to avoid / punish the move is to jump forward.


Can we get block and hit frame data on this characters normals? It's important that popular tourney characters such as Freddy and Jax be covered over all others. I wouldn't want a player getting away with abusing some gimmicks.



Can we get block and hit frame data on this characters normals? It's important that popular tourney characters such as Freddy and Jax be covered over all others. I wouldn't want a player getting away with abusing some gimmicks.

Jax will be posted soon. Freddy is last for being Freddy. Claw is -13 and -6 for enhanced for those wondering.
Is there any difference between close spike, mid spike, and far spike in terms of recovery frames?
m2dave nope, all the same. Glove toss is +22 on block full screen away, fingers is +23.


Can we get block and hit frame data on this characters normals? It's important that popular tourney characters such as Freddy and Jax be covered over all others. I wouldn't want a player getting away with abusing some gimmicks.

ok from what i justed check i assume we gonna see jax frame data followed by stryker frame data and then freddy frame data since these are the only 3 characters who are missing frame data right now left in the game.


Revenant Jade
EX spike is 100% safe on block but has no armor. The best way to avoid / punish the move is to jump forward.
I always thought that it had armor so I guess it's the wake up invincibility frames. That's actually good to know because I didn't know about it. So Freddy only has armor on his Ex Sweet Dreams that I do know and nothing elsewhere?


Zoning Master
I always thought that it had armor so I guess it's the wake up invincibility frames. That's actually good to know because I didn't know about it. So Freddy only has armor on his Ex Sweet Dreams that I do know and nothing elsewhere?
Yeah. EX sweet dreams is the only armor move Freddy has. EX teleport has invincibility frames, though.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I always thought that it had armor so I guess it's the wake up invincibility frames. That's actually good to know because I didn't know about it. So Freddy only has armor on his Ex Sweet Dreams that I do know and nothing elsewhere?
Rule of thumb on Armor... If you hit them and they glow and continue, it's armor... If your attack simply doesn't connect, it's invincibility (or wonky hit box depending on the attack)...


Zoning Master
wow Freddy glove toss and freddy fingers being +22/+23 on BLOCK is absolutely ridiculous.
I'm fairly sure several other projectiles provide similar advantages full screen away. The main difference is Freddy has spikes to stop you from moving and jumping.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.

I figured F4 3 was around+9 on hit. Surprised by some of these numbers though. I figured B3 3 was safer than just one B3. And I did not expect 2 2 1+2 to leave you at -4. D: