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For those who grew up playing MK and other fighters in the arcades, read this

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
great find Tim...brings back ALOT of nostalgia...i praise this man, and everything he said was soooo true. I remember alot of cool people who liked to teach and help out back in the arcades and I remember a lot of dickheads who got sucker-punched when they deserved it. The hispanick drug-dealer he spoke of existed in every arcade and if not it was a ridiculously skilled Asian dude or a Brutha that could SRK you out of any move you attempted. The release of MK2 at the Echelon Mall in New Jersey...Exhilarama, an arcade with it's own Roller-coaster harbored 8-10 copies of MK1 and SF2 series games, plus not just one but TWO of the new MK2 cabinets. One of the greatest arcade experiences in my life. GOD-LIKE...i wonder if that place is still open. Now how did society go from that....to this pathetic fuck-up we call "online"? Fucking FAIL, man
My days at the Arcade:

1) Choose your Destiny

2) Mega Endurance

repeat until someone walks up to you and plays. (2 hours at most)

It was the social interaction that made things great. It didnt matter who you were. You were all there for the same reason (Kind of like a Cypress Hill concert). How in the fuck this died....with the exception of tournaments.... is beyond me.

BTW, same shit for KI2. I believe if you challenged someone after you beat gargos then the ladder recycled itself.

Other than that.. ITS ALL ABOUT PINBALL. I used to sit on those machines pumping out high scores for free credits longer than on MK or KI2. Addams Family, Attack from Mars, Medievil Madness, Whitewater, Stargate, Roadshow, Revenge from Mars. (all while keeping my eye on the MK and KI2 machines :))

great post, tim, as well as arez (very nice stuff) and schiesse (always good).
