Law Hero
There is a head on a pole behind you
I can definitely see how it's not everyone's cup of tea.Law Hero, well that's the thing, and I think its just a difference in our mental wiring. It's awesome that From tucked a universe away behind the game, but the fact it only exists as that, an entity that exists outside the game itself, it feels cheap to me. You could take Burger Time and add a bunch of cryptic references behind each different hunk of meat and lettuce then drop subtle hints after each level, it still wouldn't be deeper than make burgers get points. There's simply no incentive to uncover Dark Souls. Its just an easter egg.
For me, the challenge of completing each area or any objective is my main reason for playing, and most of my enjoyment comes from the success of overcoming a challenge. When I first played Demon's/Dark Souls, I was completely satisfied with playing to just play; however, after a while, the questions of "why is this here," "who is this REALLY," and "what does this mean" became a whole new task. While playing through the games, I found it just as exciting to grab a new item and quickly examine to understand what it is, why it was there, and how it relates to the world and characters. I think the challenge of the game is the best part, but uncovering the history and story is like another challenge hidden in the game. For me, it just adds even more to it. But like I said, I'm sure that kind of structure isn't for everyone, and I can see how it might be a little offputting for some.