RM Truth
Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
A phantom is at a 25-50% health disadvantage going in, and they may be invading up to 3 people AND they're at a lower SL. It's definitely in the host's favor.
My very last pvp battle in that game lasted 15 minutes. Host kept on casting warding in 1-4, I fought him from pillar to post from the spawn point, up the alleys, up the stairs, all the way to the dragon bridge, where I cut off his escape. Fuck couldn't cast warding as he had my sword to his fore and fire to his aft. Twas awesome.
No way is it in the hosts favor. Instant speed health recovery makes health totals mean nothing. Multiple people don't always help if the invader knows the area, and knows what he can use to kill you. If you don't believe me on how stupid it was, check this video.