Ok real talk, you're a lazy injustice player
Extremely lazy
Realtalk m2dave at KIT was put into my pool, I went to the lab and in FIVEEE MINUTES found a way to not only evade 100% w no problems all 50/50 full screen mixups but punish it w half the cast including NW full screen .
Maybe spend less time bitching about things u have no clue about and more time labbing for answers
Still to this day no one has ever done ,what I found, on me
i don't know how to explain this but hear me out, when you know the ins and out of your character, its alot easier to find things that blow your character up, for example have you seen me do in the corner b22 MB SP or b22f3 MB SP cross up? I AM THE ONLY THAT KNOWS YOU CAN DASH FORWARD OUT OF IT, i've done it to other flash's players that like to use it in the mirror. i think the same applies here, you found something about your tech and trait that no one has because not only did you discover it, but you are also a very good player. i have found things in the MU mid match playing against zod that i had to go test out after to see how viable it was. and trust me when i say this, every day since FR i have been in the lab against zod, looking through your tech, do it on me (as best i could) and seeing how to counter it. this still doesn't apply to all the supposed secret hidden tech you may have like everyone supposedly does. IMO and this isn't a knock on you or any one who hides tech, but i post ALL my tech, if i ever hid tech, i never actually used it in tournament or i deemed it un viable before posting, i would find something broken and be happy and say i got this amazing tech that am keeping secret for said major. but then i would test on how to blow it up and deem how adaptable the tech is and i won't use it or just won't deem it worthy or gimmicky (like all of Muffin muggers tech vids). what am saying is i learn after NEC that tech wasn't enough to beat great players, i had a list longer then amount muffin muggers lies of gimmicks and tech but knew that i had to level up in order to do well, and to play out of my mind if i want to win. all this secrecy about this character and that tech won't help you win against a player that is out playing you. i think zod is becoming more and more fair everyday i spend in the lab with him, am just here to tell you that you are going to have to out play me to beat me again