he has one low hit combo which is b2,3 and you cannot link that with anything. other than that he has an overhead which is b2,1+2. he has a terrible mix up game for a reason as you said. rain players would have to rely on their other tools as well as jump in punches and crossovers in order to land some of these combo. the overhead string could be easily read and fuzzy guarded if the opponent is ducking and has good reactions though. the low hit combo does 10% on block and is pretty quick but is is very unsafe for rain from what i can see. i'm not sure but the overhead string seems unsafe on block too. just realised you can cancel both strings after b2 into geyser kick which is very safe. the geyser kick looks incredibly hard to punish for some characters.
Agreed for the most part, however his B+2 and A is really fast and safe so it's good to use here and there, his 2, B+2/1 is useless imo but I did see one player last night use that in some of his combos only doing 32% but so far I don't see much use for that move. But he does have his B+2 and B+1 which are good to play mind games with, they both look very similar coming out one is high, other is low.
His super RH kick IMO is near to useless, takes too long to do but at least you can cancel out of it with a dash. It seems tough to punish but the move itself doesn't come out fast enough imo to be worth anything...I've noticed you can get one off after a bubble combo, but if you miss time it, it whiffs...just not worth it imo
Rain is tricky, yet not overpowerful....he's a lot tougher to use then I thought he would be initially and apparently he doesn't have two teleports like we thought. One is merely a throw, and the other is just an enhanced version of his normal teleport but it hits you. The fact that his teleport can be done in the air is a good thing, still not as fast as Raiden's though(doubt anyone's is speed wise maybe Smoke compares in terms of speed)
His lightning leaves him WIDE open if you miss, should only be used from a far or in combos imo. His water bubble also leaves him WIDE open if blocked or missed, it just seems he stays in that animation forever compared to the other ninjas shooting fireballs....
@Premo, neat combo. I have a bunch of nice ones myself, ranging from 33%-54% with X-rays and without, I also did a 62% and 61%, but you need to do the Enhanced boost....
He's good Rain, not too powerful, nor bad either. He's a tricky bastard.
I agree. I had similar experiences. Aside from the super kick, all of his special moves are poor versions of other special moves.
Water-Port - more start up and recovery frames than Raiden's teleport. Rain is in the air as soon as he appears.
Water Bubble - very unsafe. I think of the water bubble as a poor version of Cyrax's net. Sure, Rain can control his opponent, but the opponent automatically breaks out of the bubble on trades. Occasionally, I also had my opponent breaking out of anti-air bubbles. I am not sure whether this is a glitch or not.
Geyser Kick - not too bad, but not too good either. Punishable by fast special moves up close. Safe versus anyone but Reptile at max range. The Geyser Kick is a poor version of Noob's shadow up kicks which have quicker start up and recovery frames.
Lightning - very unsafe. Blockable but juggles. What to say? It is too unsafe to be used a zoning tool, unfortunately.
Aqua Splash - safe but very short range. Can be crouched under. Poor version of Sektor's flame burner, more or less.
H2O Boost - Provides damage boost but you cannot block. I guess NRS has learned nothing from Quan Chi with these types of special attacks.
I am honestly disappointed. I thought he would turn out a lot better. Maybe it is still too early to pass judgement, though.
While I agree with most of this, I disagree about the NRS hasn't learned from QC, unless you mean disabling blocking is dumb which I do find is since as soon as Rain's foe hits him, his damage boost is dead....but nobody forces you to use it, he can still get decent mid 30% to 42% damage without boosts....
Foxy, what reset? Unless there's a vid, I doubt it exists...and Rain isn't that good, he's solid, but he's not the best, nor the worst...