Thanks Kyah, I appreciate you confirming everything I said. The only thing we don't know is who authorized the moves in MK9, as the moves were brought to my attention after they were done, and not like "Hey Shock, so and so was DQ'd because they were late, can we move them to a later pool?" I'm under the impression these players were unfairly DQ'd, meaning they were called once and knocked out. This isn't how the DQ system works.
If FR was willing to go through with the death pool, I would have had no objection to it, but as you can all see, we were never told this was a go. The punishment for players who register at the door is having to pay more money. This is very common for events, as some increase by $10 in increments every few weeks leading to the event, with around a $50 at the door fee. That is your punishment. If you cap a tournament, show up and register and your game is full, that is another punishment, you can't play. If there's no advertised cap, and there is an at the door registration, you can't punish players by ignoring past performance for registering at the door. If you advertise this as such, then you will turn away players. Sometimes people don't prereg for reasons other than laziness. Sometimes they don't know if they can go for sure until shortly before the event so I don't think there's a true way to gauge this.
The only other way to do this is for every major to have seeding points at smaller/other events across the year and only have those players get seeding placement. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I really can't think of any time where a handful of players came up with such an arbitrary rule and tried to force it upon a tournament they were merely attending. Seems like a huge conflict of interest to me. I hate to drop the logic bomb here, but it really seems like the only thing a death pool does is create an easier path to the top for players who might otherwise not make it there.
Again, I apologize for the lateness of the brackets. The absolute main reason for this was the system hotfix bug. This is limited us to something like 3 working stations upon go time. In addition to that, the merging of the pools slowed down progress a bit because they had to be reorganized. Had they been merely slammed together side by side, it would have been an even bigger shit show. As Kyah stated, he was fine with us shuffling players as long as they stayed in their time frames. There were still some casualties due to the shuffle, and again I apologize, particularly to PPJ and would like to work something out with him for a future event, as he won NEC and I feel did not get a fair shake.
The only other factor for slow pools was the over emphasis on the stream matches. Granted, I supplied the stream setup, but I was at the stream at most 10 minutes of any hour because I was dealing with many other issues across the night. I didn't know there were problems unless I asked, and over the course of the night, 3 different times I demanded that the losers brackets be moved along and let the bracket runners send the matches to the stream, run commercials, ads, talk about sponsors, etc during down time.
The tournament finished through to the top 8 at 11:56 PM. Considering the delays in the tournament and the size of the bracket, that's not bad.