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General/Other Final Round 2013 Roll Call: Sub-Zero Players

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
denzel has payed for his aggressiveness many times, just because he has crazy good fundamentals dont mean that his style is the most optimal for winning.

whats with the second sentence? if you have an issue with me, take it to PMs.
There is no one size fits all when it comes to playing a character. Some ways work for certain ppl, others work for others. If you wanna be really technical about it. The best style is one that mixes aggressive and lame.


Joker waiting room
There is no one size fits all when it comes to playing a character. Some ways work for certain ppl, others work for others. If you wanna be really technical about it. The best style is one that mixes aggressive and lame.
its another thing basing your style on a matchup, another basing it on the person beside you
Great shit you guys. Some of you had it really tough. Not to try and take anything away from you other Subs because you're all great, but I was most impressed with CptXecution. One of the top Subs of the world, no question.
Man Final Round was awsome im not pleased with my performance that much cause i believe I coulda did better but ehh mayb next time.

First off shout outs to my Lin kuei brothers who join the battlefield Seapeople,@Sgt.Reed,@Cpt.Execution,@Semi Evil Ryu,and Snozero.

I really enjoyed the sub mirrors taking on some of yall in mirrors was fun I love sub/chess mirrors Semi evil ryu we didnt get to play but we will one day im considering to take my sub on the road more might come to UFGT MIGHT!!! Lol if money is right and cpt.we didnt get to finish our mirrors lol its 1-1 it must finish :) fun matches tho nevertheless also if you need help with reptile I can help i know the mu too well. Well till next time ppl also if anyone wanna get games on PSN hit me up on crazy_cyus_88