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Filming tonight : CARDBOARDCAST (a Boxy Podcast!)


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Sounds fun man. I'd be down to be on...or in the box...lol. I think you should talk about past mk characters that would be cool to see return. My personal favorite of the forgotten random characters are Kia and Jatakka from MK: Mythologies Subzero. (The two other bad ass bitches along Quan Chi's side). Talk about that!

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I've got a few delicious players onboard, but I don't wanna set anything in stone 'til tomorrow when I get my timeline in order...the goal is to get enough folks on the Boxy train that I can record a session or get some words of wisdom/delusion with a few players every day from today until saturday, by which time I can cut and paste it all together into a Kombat cornucopia.

It could be anyone?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Sounds fun man. I'd be down to be on...or in the box...lol. I think you should talk about past mk characters that would be cool to see return. My personal favorite of the forgotten random characters are Kia and Jatakka from MK: Mythologies Subzero. (The two other bad ass bitches along Quan Chi's side). Talk about that!
Omg. Is that where the other two chicks came from? I never played Mythologies, but I remember those two from the run-in with Quan in Konquest in MKA; I always wondered who they were.
Would love to have you, Runway :D. Yay for the growing of the list...

It could be anyone?
Anybody :). Having a topic or something in particular you want to tackle is a plus, as I wanna make the topics throughout as diverse as possible, whether you want to talk tech and gameplay, matchups and such, or you just wanna get silly, it's all gravy. Wanna see who'd win in a knife fight between Skarlet and Justin Bieber? Think there's a movie coming out that'd be better if it starred Johnny Cage? Who would win in a Presidential election between Raiden and Quan Chi? The best part of being in the Box is you're always encouraged to think outside it :D.

dont kiss me you [ban incoming]. :cool:
What can I say. Being on camera brings out my affectionate side. :rolleyes:

This is starting to shape up so awesomely. You guys make my heart happy.
TIME TO SPREAD THE WORD...if only I had a megaphone.


As I said earlier, I will definitely join you guys whenever that works for you all, pretty awesome to be including us less glamourous folk:cool:.

I'm also curious how many people will be present per session.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

That, I'm not entirely sure. I've never done anything quite like this before, so once my feet have become wet, I'll figure out when I'll be running one-on-one's and having group sessions. Sooooo excited...