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Filming tonight : CARDBOARDCAST (a Boxy Podcast!)

Lt. Boxy Angelman

So as the title entails, I'm making use of my weekend by taking my somewhat-decent powers of entertainment and putting them on film tonight.
It's gonna be EVERYWHERE. Mortal Kombat, real life, in between, on the outside, inside out, music, TV, snacks, more Mortal Kombat, politics, superpowers, my thoughts on my favorite horror movie of all time, "The Ring," characters I love, characters I HATE (*cough cough* Liu Kang Drahmin *cough*), my love for the 3D MK games, the entertainment I get out of the epic fail that is the 2012 GOP campaign, and god knows what else...pretty much gonna turn on record and let it fly :D.
Now, where I need YOUR help, fellow TYM'ers, is since this is almost entirely being done for your entertainment as my bestest buds as of late :D, I wanna hear YOUR input and ideas and put them to good use, and it comes with a 151% Reset Guarantee of being awesome.
Question? Thoughts? Topics? Stories? Rants and raves? Complete nonsense?
Pro players, regular players, Bill Bellamy players, Broadway players,


So lemme know, peoples. Help Box help you laugh your ass off AND be educated :D.

@MikeMetroid, Enenra, Shady, Hitoshura, I know you guys have gotta have some good stuff brewing in your Kombat-laden brains.


Cock Master!!
We should have. Mk players politicast lol there's a bunch of us that are into politics.

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Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Callin all mods: Front page dis.

Topics to talk about on the podcast:

-What are your hobbies?
-How did you choose your characters?
-Do you play offline? (if so, how?)
-What are your aspirations and dreams in life?
-What are your thoughts on current event X?
-How do you view the MK community?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

How would we give our assistance, Mr. Box? Via telegraph or...?
Right here, right here in this thread.
Between now and later tonight when I start taping, I wanna gather as many useful, ridiculous and delusional ideas from as many of you as humanly possible.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Callin all mods: Front page dis.

Topics to talk about on the podcast:

-What are your hobbies?
-How did you choose your characters?
-Do you play offline? (if so, how?)
-What are your aspirations and dreams in life?
-What are your thoughts on curreent event X?
-How do you view the MK community?
IN! :D.
And DanCock, you're definitely right. In an election year, what better time to let the politico bullets fly.
If we start talking politics I'll start grunting and moaning. I don't know politics, but I know how to make things uncomfortable.
Lol. If there's one thing Lewis Black has taught me, it's how to make politics funny for people who hate politics.


Go to hell.
Right here, right here in this thread.
Between now and later tonight when I start taping, I wanna gather as many useful, ridiculous and delusional ideas from as many of you as humanly possible.
Sounds dope boxy. Gimme questions and I'll give you some good stuff.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Hmm...questions for my peoples...alright, how about this:

-Greatest and most awful film/band of all time.
-The one thing in MK, past, present or future, that drives you/drove you absolutely crazy.
-Stonerism: for it or against it?

I'll think of more...hmm...here's one for the older crowd:
Technology: you guys that remember when the most complicated thing a person could own was a DVD player or a fridge with an icemaker. How do you feel about how absurd and advanced things have gotten in the last decade? Embracing change, wishing for simpler times, or concerned Skynet is gonna bring about the end of days?


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
-When to do fatalities in a tournament
-Why Rainbow Kombat is awesome
-Playing the game on 360 or PS3 offline
-Cage's nut punch is HEYYOHHH not HOOO or HOEEEE. its 2 syllables
-How do you practice
-What matchups are you currently working on

(its Mikemetroid, not MikeMetroid ;) )

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Some MK-related thoughts:

As someone openly fascinated by MK mythology, where do you feel Story Mode should progress in the eventual sequel?

The dead are different, the living are different, the alliances are different, but there's still a great deal of uncovered ground from the 3D generation storyline that has yet to be touched.
Who comes back? Who doesn't? Order or Chaos? What do you wanna see?


Go to hell.
-Aliens is hand down the best movie ever made. Entertains me every time, and Aliens kick ass.. That Justin Bieber movie can eat a dick. Fukkk Offf is my favorite band right now, I love that techno shit. Again, Justin Bieber can go die.
-Reptile wasn't playable in Deception.
-I am not a stoner but I have a lot of friends who are. So getting rid of it would upset them, and therefore I'm all for it.
-I workout (is that a hobby?) almost everyday, I play the American football, and video games.
-I play Reptile, Sub Zero, Noob Saibot and Rain. Reptile has the best theme and back in MKT when my dad did his fatality to me as a 3 year old, shit blew my mind. I could not comprehend he was a ninja dinosaur but I loved it. Sub Zero is a pimp, nothing better than taking someone by the hand and dragging them to the corner for an ice clone gang bang. Rain is pretty baller, he doesn't care about what you are doing because his round house has super armor and leads to 40+%. Get at me. Noob brings sexy back and throws a person at you. Liu can throw fireballs, KL can throw hats, but it's ok because I am throwing a person at you. Too bad NRS is so scared of him being MKT status and made him suck, bleh.
-I play offline with the dude over there that lives with me, and at some local tournaments. They are all CoD and Gears kids though, so they suck at MK.
-I want to be an engineer or a writer. Not sure which right now.
-I think Santorum fans are lulzy
-I love this kommunity. I have made some real life friends here.
-I want MK to not have Human Sub Zero be dead, and make sure Reptile stays alive. That's
about it. I don't care too much about any idea of the story I have, that's what NRS gets paid for and MK9 did a good job, but Sub and Rep need to stay alive. Reptile also needs to be more of a killer and not just an enemy to blow through. Make Earthrealm lose a lot more too, that would cool people.
-Do fatalities in top 8 on stream to appease the masses.
-Why Rainbow Kombat when you can have klassic musik?
-360 all day
-Cage is a closet homo
-I practice on expert ladder and online with TYM guys
-Working on Reptile v Sonya and Rain in general.
-MK9 Krypt was great because it was so brutal... But MKD had Noob-Smoke in the krypt and that was #swag
-QuantumPhysics because he would be fraaaaaaaay offline
-Mileena and Kabal are annoying
-EVO is still the best tournie EVAR
-An excuse to turn off the TV and play MK.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Thank you, guys! Keep 'em coming :D.
Whatever you wanna see on the chopping block, let it be known and your will shall be done.

OH! There's one: The Krypt. If you've played all the Krypted titles, which was your favorite/most hated:
-Damn-near-impossible to empty but trolltastically amusing MKDA Krypt,
-Konquest-inclusive not-impossible MKD Krypt,
-Easy to open, alt-costume stuffed MKA Krypt, or,
-Brutal beyond belief, Nekropolis-based MK9 Krypt?


Lt. Boxy Angelman

-If you could fight one player, for high stakes - say, in the Finals of a tournament - who would it be?
(My answer could potentially start a fire...)
-Who's the one character, no matter who you're playing or how familiar you are with the match, you cannot STAND running into?
-What's been your favorite tournament/stream/show in MK9's lifespan?
-The Maury Show: depressing array of broken people, or hillarious display of human idiocy?
RoboCop is the best movie ever made. Talk about that.
Evidently, I do have history with Robocop :D. That's goin' in just for you, Mr. 7.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Also planning a character-by-character satirical rant and rave of the cast.
I've got some things to get off my chest.

I'm looking at you, Mileena. I don't give a damn if you're a 10 with your veil on.

You've had this coming.

Here's one: Who do you WANT to win EVO?
Not so much who's most likely to win as who you really want to see come out on top.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Who are the guests?
I've got a few delicious players onboard, but I don't wanna set anything in stone 'til tomorrow when I get my timeline in order...the goal is to get enough folks on the Boxy train that I can record a session or get some words of wisdom/delusion with a few players every day from today until saturday, by which time I can cut and paste it all together into a Kombat cornucopia.