SKYPE: igotbass
I assumed the same, people even told me he got really good since I don't play umk3 no more all like that, I was under the impression he was beating on people like low C tier people like @tehdrewsus and like Mojesta. Arion told me dude was flogging all them people so one day like 3 months ago me and @Biggs played a FT15 lol. I was like fully willing to lose from not playing for so long and get exposed on Youtizzi but ...@Biggs is the smartest guy in the room, I figured that out a while ago.
me and @Biggs agreed to a Bass's of the bench Kabal vs @Biggs everyday reptile FT 15 on XBL, the set ended in him rage picking Kabal after I had him 5-4 and he got flawless babies. LOL claiming he can't compete because of the characters meta or some bullshit he ultimately ragequit lol. Im sure he didnt tell nobody about it but it happened lol. He was like decent but just like the tier list says definitely C tier.
N'Dub I know your not on FB so you didn't see the tier list that was posted. Apparently it was quickly deleted but someone grabbed a screenshot.
They put you dead ass last bro, Biggs somehow got placement directly above Dubson, and I am getting accused of making this tier list. LOL its just funny how the low tiers really hit off lol