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General/Other - Ferra/Torr Ferra/Bane underestimated?


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Big grapplers are always assumed to suck by casuals because they're slow. I can't make a judgement on him because I haven't played or seen a good one yet.


Head Cage
i see people say they are low tier all the time. I don't see it. ferra makes overheads etc safe, and eats projectiles. they dont rely on meter so you can store the big damage xray combos. ruthless buffs lets you trade with zoners for better damage and vicious boss toss makes things like subs grandmaster style seem weak. They seem strong or is it just me...
If anyone says a character is low tier so early in the games life you should just ignore them. It takes a while for a character to develop and flesh out, granted one can see a characters short comings early on, but there are always things to discover for how to deal with said characters short comings down the road. If you like Ferra/Bane then play them. There aren't enough Ferra players at the moment, so the character could use some fleshing out. The only character(s) i'd say that is bad to be honest is Shinnok and that's because he feels incomplete, but even then he has his uses. Normals are bleh, set ups are decent, damage is meh, unsafe, flick in Necromancer doesn't track which is a huge problem. He has a good low, and some decent oki setups, but that's pretty much it. Play the game, screw what others say, and when that time comes down the road a year from now and there isn't much with Ferra/Bane compared to other characters then I'd start to worry.


Lackey Torr is probably the character/variant I enjoy playing the most so far. His D1 alone makes me prefer him over the other variants and characters I've played. I love characters like Lackey/Torr, there's just more of a feeling of accomplishment when you win a match without using teleports or projectiles, especially against people who are trying their hardest to zone you out. I suppose it's because you have to actually think to win, rather than just rely on brain-dead gimmicks.


Filled with determination
I've tried Lackey a few times and got blown up for the most part. I just can't comprehend playing FT without that NJP
I don't see many Ferra/Torr players the few times I'm able to go to work. When I do run into one, I have no idea what to do, so I respect them.


Wannabe Pro Jobber
They seem pretty good to me. I have seen EGP Wonder_Chef whip out a pocket Vicious Ferra/Torr once or twice.