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Feel like Im missing so much...


Damn, I have been gone for so long. I have literally been bouncing back and forth, online offline for 2 years. Oh well, it happens, I'm 24 and have a 2 yr old daughter. But we are fianlly 2 weeks away from being on our feet and doing for ourselves 100%. Thank god.

I have been missing all the mk9 talk, news, pics, videos..I haven't been online in how ever long...ps move, ps 3D, discless net flix, ps3 dedicated surround system...wtf. I'm so excited.

I have been working my dick in the dirt, 6 days a week, 65 a week for the past 3 months trying to get caught up. I have lived in 3 different sates and lived with 4 different family members, of course having my wife and daughter right there with me.

BD- is about to rise up and become what we should have been this whole time, more active, which is not the members fault, its mine. "The time of the 9 has begun, get out of the way or you will suffer as one!!" --Slipknot


You have nothing to feel bad about man. Your talking about real life. You have a job that consumes alot of your time, and a wife and daughter that depend on you. Your only 24, thats alot of responsibility for someone so young. And it sounds like your working your ass off and holding it down like a man.
This is video game forum, and as serious as we sometimes sound about what we do here, in the end its all about fun. The site will be here for you, for as much or as little as you can be here.
Welcome back Sic.

Tim Static

Yup, you take care of the real life stuff, and support those who need you and that you love. We'll keep this lil train a chuggin for you whenever you need it. Good to hear from you again bro. :)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah dude, life is more important...always remember that. I want to spend more time on MK and other hobbies but there's more important things going on with me right now that has priority.