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Evolution of the MK franchise.


If we're talking about a dedicated run button with no other functions then yeah, that's dumb. But think about the other functions that the dedicated block in mk9 has (enhanced moves , x-rays, etc). Mvc3 has a launch button that obviously does way more then just launch.

It's easy to imagine a "run" that could be combined with other buttons for other functions or with directions for rolls and advanced movement options. They could come up with something new and interesting, just have some imagination.


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
That's fine man. Agree to disagree, however, MK9 was very jump friendly and it didn't have any crossups. I just want to see this franchise do other things that can potentially evolve it into something better, or even different. If we continue to make MK games with a block button and everything on block does chip damage, then they will ultimately play the same. It's true that if we add crossups, double tap+hold to run, and back to block that it will be like every other 2D fighting game in terms of mechanics, but the game is different than the other 2D fighting games in terms of feel, ambiance, and design. I can see it working rather well. I just feel the block button also caters to those who don't want to think when they block. All you have to do is hold down+block button to block low, and hold down the block button to block everything else.

If they do keep the block button in then add something new to the game, like a guard meter, or something. You take chip damage when blocking, but pressure strings do end, and you can block as long as you hold the block button. Being defensive needs to be a bit riskier in this series.
To be fair it is a jump friendly, but it is also very well designed for anti airing, best anti airs in any game imo
I have never understood the mentality that every fighting game must be exactly the same, and must be exactly like Street Fighter. Using back to block is completely illogical to me. Think about it. If I am walking backwards, I am invincible? Blocking should be an active decision, and thus requires a button to actively press, not a passive response that the computer does for you if you happen to walking backwards and your opponent attempts to strike. Same thing to me with canceling projectiles. If I throw a fireball (literally an ignited ball of gas) and my opponent shoots bullets or arrows, etc at me, they both disappear? What? Clearly a bullet would pass through a fireball, and both individuals would be damaged.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
I agree with almost everything but the block button. I think it should stay and mk9 was only jump friendly the first few months and laggy online but you cant jump too much offline at a high level. You can NOT jump on the top tiers chars without getting full combo punished. Just check out tournament vids.


Head Cage
Overall I like your op but I have a few opinions of my own. BTW I completely agree on the run button concept here...useless mechanic. Replace that with a trait if you got to have another button.

The way that NRS used crossups in Injustice shows that they don't really know (or didn't at the time) about how btb (back to block) worked. Honestly the problem more likely lies in how they outlay their characters hit/hurt boxes. The way you can dash over an opponents body on a hkd in the corner to reverse their wakeup (zod, DD, WW or pressure with f3 (WW, Flash, DS) shows how wonky it is. Little risk high reward.

Street fighter is a better example of how to do it right and even they have some pretty ambiguous crossups. With MK the meta was never supposed to be about crossups. It is more about chip, armor, overhead low 50/50s or plus frames. With Skarlet I would look for ways to make my opponent block and get tons of chip damage and meter. If they decide to hit buttons or jump I can armor or AA. In Injustice, this tactic is not worth it 9 times out of 10. Aquaman, NW, and batman are really the only characters I can think of that can play the chip and meter game. Grundy can do it too but only with swamp gas.

What I am saying is that having an overhead jip that jails into chip, 50/50 or plus frames is what evolves the meta. In Injustice this ambiguous crossup is a flawed mechanic that goes against the "so called" rules of the game imo. Like batgirls bola uppercut crossing up...DD dashing over you for free in the corner. Its kinda stupid and bullshit.

The only thing that would make me want a back to block MK is if that was the only way to remove the meter drain glitch. If they can get rid of that and keep a block button I would prefer that.
I see your point, and thank you for replying to my post appropriately. I see what you and @LtLuthor are talking about. Still makes me wonder how MK would be with BTB though.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I see your point, and thank you for replying to my post appropriately. I see what you and @LtLuthor are talking about. Still makes me wonder how MK would be with BTB though.
I play scorp In injustice and do well with him. I see how it could work and I'm not opposed to it...BUT I love the footsie game and chip game MK has. That's just me

And your welcome. :)


Scrub God Lord
That's unfortunate. Crossups are a mechanics that add a small amount of depth to a game. Not having it in a 2D fighters removes how in-depth it can go, unless other mechanics are added in. I understand that everyone may not agree with me, especially you. That's fine, but you can't disagree that removing the block button and adding crossups will add depth to the game.
not when is fucking random, most batman just j2 they don't know if is gonna cross up or not.
the fuckers just comfirm it into 113 and full combo into set up..............smh


Head Cage
not when is fucking random, most batman just j2 they don't know if is gonna cross up or not.
the fuckers just comfirm it into 113 and full combo into set up..............smh
Was injustice crossups really that bad? I played it for 2 weeks and stopped.

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
I think a run button is really dumb. However, I think MK needs a block button because of all the teleports. I don't want to fight 20 prepatch IGAU scorpions.


That's unfortunate. Crossups are a mechanics that add a small amount of depth to a game. Not having it in a 2D fighters removes how in-depth it can go, unless other mechanics are added in. I understand that everyone may not agree with me, especially you. That's fine, but you can't disagree that removing the block button and adding crossups will add depth to the game.
I feel like MK needs a block button because of how fast the gameplay is and how fast teleports are. Could you imagine dealing with Kung Lao in MK9 if there was no block button? He could cancel any blockstring into teleport 3 and you would instantly have to turn around and block the other way. That would be OP. Imagine a low attack canceled into a teleport, you would have to block low one way then only have a couple frames to block high in the opposite direction.

All teleporting characters would be ridiculous in Mortal Kombat if there was no block button. Idk if you experienced Scorpion in Injustice when he was first released, but he was too much to handle with a teleport and no block button


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
I use to really despise your posts back during the mk9 era when u would suck pl and foxy off od, but man ur literally my favorite poster now a days.
what? you are the biggest CD jr, tyrant and Theo Deep throater in the entire universe........
The back to block will remain, simply because its crucial to the footsie game that developed in MK9, and because we have characters in the game that solely depend on the block button to be played at the highest level (Kabal). And with how wonky the corner game and cross ups are in injustice I don't trust NRS to get BTB right in just 1 title, so I would prefer they stick with what they been comfortable with for years, if it aint broke don't fix it. As far as the run button NO!. I was once an advocate of BTB but when I looked deeper into what would be sacrificed and he risk and impact it could have on the game I decided to hang it up on pushing for it.