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Evil Dead *spoilers*


The Ignore Button Is Free
The gore was a tad bit too much, and that's crazy because the movie was toned down.

I enjoyed the movie tho. Very brutal and intense. Not scary at all tho, few jumps here and there but nothing bad. Mainly creepy.


Saw the first showing near me yesterday, loved it. IMO overall way better then the original in a lot of ways. There should be NO comedy in a horror movie, hence the name HORROR.

The only thing I was disappointed in was the rape scene, should have been worse, more detailed instead of the Hentai demon method...

Still, this movie isn't terrible if you compare it to most remakes which are terrible this one is not one of them..the acting is pretty good for a horror movie, the special effects are 100x better then the 81 version, it's far more scary and gory then the original and morbid. Very violent too.

Storyline overall is the same except for the Mia vs. Ash character, who essentially is the same kind of character(the ending would kind of hint at that)

As a bigtime horror fan, I'd give this movie a 9 out of 10 honestly. One reason for this is not only does it look far better then the original, no comedy which is key for "horror" film and most of all it didn't end stupid like "let's just kill everyone a la Cabin in the woods" style...

There's also no way in hell the remake was worse then 2 and 3...Army Of Darkness is the Bride Of Chucky/Seed Of Chucky of the ED films and no to be taken seriously. THIS movie however IS very serious...

The next big remake I look forward to in the genre is Child's Play out next year, but first Curse of Chucky comes later this year to DVD.
Dude Cabin in the woods was amazing, one of the most unique and refreshing horror movies to date. I also disagree about your view on comedy horror. Horror and Comedy can work quite well together if executed correctly. "Frankenhooker" "Dale and Tucker vs. Evil" "Evil Dead 2" "Severance" "botched" "The Cottage" "Cabin Fever" these were all movies that melted the comedy and horror element very well.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Dude Cabin in the woods was amazing, one of the most unique and refreshing horror movies to date. I also disagree about your view on comedy horror. Horror and Comedy can work quite well together if executed correctly. "Frankenhooker" "Dale and Tucker vs. Evil" "Evil Dead 2" "Severance" "botched" "The Cottage" "Cabin Fever" these were all movies that melted the comedy and horror element very well.
Oh don't get me wrong, I have it ;) I liked the movie just hated the ending...I hate endings where everyone dies, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth unless it's for a greater purpose. I think if the movie is meant to be silly or goofy(like say Young Frankenstein) it can definitely work, but series like where Chucky went, ED (originally) just makes a lot of people mock the genre.

I'm all for it, if it's appropriate a series imo like Child's Play or Evil Dead...comedy imo has no place considering the storyline which drives both of those stories. One a killer that practices voodoo, and the other an evil book that releases demons possessing people. I just don't see where comedy should take place there.


Noob Saibot
They just don't make horror movies like they used to.

Im a slasher/serial killer fan and have been disappointed for years.

Nothing beats the oldies and the originals.

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
I was under the impression evil dead 2 was a dark comedy and the first one was horribly under-budgeted horror flick. I love all three of them anyway.