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Everything wrong with Destiny


Level 29 here. Completed everything. Heroic, Nightfall, Raid a couple times.
Have plenty of exotics and legendaries. Destiny is a fun game but heavily flawed. Some complaints:
-Horrendous load times
-Terrible story
-Lack of skippable cutscenes
-Repetitive mission structure (Place ghost, defend ghost)
-Not a true open world game(Return to ship after every story mission)
-Lackluster finale
-No matchmaking for Heroic/Nightfall strikes and raid. Bungie wants you to make friends to tackle the challenges, but what is the difference between me going to the tower and handing out friend requests to play the raid and them just doing that for me in matchmaking?
-Grimoire score useless cuz its not in the game, but in an app
-Super bullet sponge boss battles
-Lack of loot drops from super sponge boss battles
-Legendaries and exotics dropping from level 1 enemies(Never seen a loot system like destiny's before)
-Repetitive and simple explore missions
-Lack of strike content (5 strikes only and about 100 variations)
-Terrible online PvP map design that promotes either camping or rampant shotgun use
-No matchmaking in PvP leads to unbalanced games
-No penalty for leaving PvP or strikes
-No voice chat in PvP if not in fireteam beforehand
-No private servers
-No in game clan support
-No in game leaderboards
-No way to choose your own map and game types nor any rotating server option
-Lack of creativity in weapon designs-they all look the same and stats are variants of about 4 base weapons
-The amount of grinding needed to find a high level weapon is only matched by the amount of grinding you will need to upgrade said weapon with the possibility of you throwing it away in a week.
-Lack of open mic in the tower
-No weapon trading (It would be nice to set up a system where you can at least trade one gun of equivalent rarity per day or something so if I have an exotic sniper and someone else has an exotic shotgun, we can trade, instead of storing weapons we dont use.)

It was a fun ride but once another game I want drops in the next couple months, I'll be checking out.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I'm sorry the only problem I see is in your expectations and your perception.

I don't see flaws in this game.

"the foreground"? LOL The people who enjoy the game..... are playing the game..... While the naysayers are on the internet whining about it.
You aren't the majority, you're just loud.
Level 29 here. Completed everything. Heroic, Nightfall, Raid a couple times.
Have plenty of exotics and legendaries. Destiny is a fun game but heavily flawed. Some complaints:
-Horrendous load times
-Terrible story
-Lack of skippable cutscenes
-Repetitive mission structure (Place ghost, defend ghost)
-Not a true open world game(Return to ship after every story mission)
-Lackluster finale
-No matchmaking for Heroic/Nightfall strikes and raid. Bungie wants you to make friends to tackle the challenges, but what is the difference between me going to the tower and handing out friend requests to play the raid and them just doing that for me in matchmaking?
-Grimoire score useless cuz its not in the game, but in an app
-Super bullet sponge boss battles
-Lack of loot drops from super sponge boss battles
-Legendaries and exotics dropping from level 1 enemies(Never seen a loot system like destiny's before)
-Repetitive and simple explore missions
-Lack of strike content (5 strikes only and about 100 variations)
-Terrible online PvP map design that promotes either camping or rampant shotgun use
-No matchmaking in PvP leads to unbalanced games
-No penalty for leaving PvP or strikes
-No voice chat in PvP if not in fireteam beforehand
-No private servers
-No in game clan support
-No in game leaderboards
-No way to choose your own map and game types nor any rotating server option
-Lack of creativity in weapon designs-they all look the same and stats are variants of about 4 base weapons
-The amount of grinding needed to find a high level weapon is only matched by the amount of grinding you will need to upgrade said weapon with the possibility of you throwing it away in a week.
-Lack of open mic in the tower
-No weapon trading (It would be nice to set up a system where you can at least trade one gun of equivalent rarity per day or something so if I have an exotic sniper and someone else has an exotic shotgun, we can trade, instead of storing weapons we dont use.)

It was a fun ride but once another game I want drops in the next couple months, I'll be checking out.
There's some flaws for you, and there's even more to boot. The flaws are there and are obvious. You can still play the game and have fun despite them, but to deny they exist is disingenuous and delusional.


Joker waiting room
Looks like everyone is pumping out "next gen" games with the bare minimum to please fanboys and casuals but in reality they are mediocrities of the worst sort.

Hope BL the pre sequel doesn't screw me over like BL2, then again it's not a next gen title.

Vulcan Hades

If any of you buys any DLC for this game I will find where you live and punch you in the testicles.

Stop supporting this shit ass model and support the devs who put out full games from the get-go. Don't even think about dishing out 40$ more to make Destiny a little bit less sucky. That's what they want lol. And the more people fall for it the more companies are going to try doing the same and they'll keep getting away with it.


There's some flaws for you, and there's even more to boot. The flaws are there and are obvious. You can still play the game and have fun despite them, but to deny they exist is disingenuous and delusional.
His list is full of ridiculous false cause and effect, vague statements, generalizations, lack of context, and opinionated statements.

I think it's hilarious that anyone buys into this crap and uses it to form their own opinions.

I'm done debating this. It's completely redundant at this point.

Hope you guys find the dream game you're looking for.


His list is full of ridiculous false cause and effect, vague statements, generalizations, lack of context, and opinionated statements.

I think it's hilarious that anyone buys into this crap and uses it to form their own opinions.

I'm done debating this. It's completely redundant at this point.

Hope you guys find the dream game you're looking for.
So, do you think the story is great?

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
If any of you buys any DLC for this game I will find where you live and punch you in the testicles.

Stop supporting this shit ass model and support the devs who put out full games from the get-go. Don't even think about dishing out 40$ more to make Destiny a little bit less sucky. That's what they want lol. And the more people fall for it the more companies are going to try doing the same and they'll keep getting away with it.
This model isn't going away

Soccer moms see the fact that now they're paying only 20 bucks to shut up their kid as a godsend.

Mobile games are to blame.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
His list is full of ridiculous false cause and effect, vague statements, generalizations, lack of context, and opinionated statements.

I think it's hilarious that anyone buys into this crap and uses it to form their own opinions.

I'm done debating this. It's completely redundant at this point.

Hope you guys find the dream game you're looking for.
You're not debating anything, just refusing to acknowledge the flaws with Destiny. Which is still fine, but then to say we're full of shit for pointing out said flaws? Everyone who has commented on the game has played it, and using their own experiences as examples. And those experiences happen to be consistent with one another. No one is trying to make someone who already enjoys the game stop playing it, they're just giving their own reviews based on their experiences.

The game is objectively flawed, and subjectively boring/not fun. Which is why you can still enjoy the game despite its flaws.


His list is full of ridiculous false cause and effect, vague statements, generalizations, lack of context, and opinionated statements.

I think it's hilarious that anyone buys into this crap and uses it to form their own opinions.

I'm done debating this. It's completely redundant at this point.

Hope you guys find the dream game you're looking for.
Lol....ok. False cause and effect? Even though there are hardcore facts in what I said.
Vague statements and generalizations? You've played the game for 25+ hours according to your bungie account, what do you not understand I said? Opinionated statements? I'm glad you enjoyed the story and mission structure!


So I read your whole post and if you care I'll just address each point individually.

1. While the game has a lot of similar elements to MMO's, Bungie has specifically stated and tried their best not ot market it as such. Having been an avid MMO player myself starting back from EQ in like 1999 I can say that I would not classify this game as an MMO

2. I agree mostly. The skill trees are the most differentiating thing for classes, the gear diversity is disappointing.

3. Disagree, while blade dancers are scrubby as fuck and shotguns are annoying I've won plenty of games with auto-rifle easily leading the charts vs. hunters, shotguns and fusion rifles. Map knowledge and setting your load out appropriately is key. Also far too few people are using slide effectively.

4. Agreed
5. Agreed

6. Meh, I think this is pretty stupid as well. My guess is that they did this so people like you still benefit from running around with your friends 15 levels lower than you.

7. Agreed
8. Agreed, welcome to grinding this is the part of the game that most resembles an MMO
9. Agreed
10. Agreed

I think you are self aware that you went hard and burned yourself out which tends to happen when people do that with almost any game. When push comes to shove despite the games flaws it sounds like you at least got your 60$ worth out of the game. I hope the future content they release satiates your thirst for more.

I'd suggest trying to actually enjoy playing crucible games. Look for the fun in them and not the grind for marks or anything. Fusion rifles, hunters and shotguns are certainly prevalent but I'm confident you can work around them.


You're not debating anything, just refusing to acknowledge the flaws with Destiny. Which is still fine, but then to say we're full of shit for pointing out said flaws?
Fair point. You're right, I'm not debating anything because our difference in how we evaluate and perceive the game doesn't give us any common ground to debate. Maybe I'm the odd man out here.

I enjoyed the story, the mission structure, and the progression, and I feel the game as a whole is a masterpiece, it's a game I will continue to play for a long time. From the looks of this thread, I appear to be the only person on this site who appreciates these elements and it was a pointless decision to come in here and comment.

You guys have the right to not like the game. It was a waste of time to post here.


Yes this game has flaws, all games do. I still enjoy it and am having fun with it. I'll stick with my first impression and be stoked that I basically have Halo on my ps4 :D


I am absolutely lovig this game. For the first time in years me and all my friends picked up the same shooter and it is brilliant. This is the first time since modern warfare 2 where i've had the social aspect of a game and the thing that makes it better is this games pvp is frustrating as fuck. God ypu should hear some of the obscenities me and my friends are yelling over the microphone, i love it. Makes me feel like im in high school again. This games the perfect mix of cod (frustrating yet addicting) and halo (bullshit op weapon/abilities). This game seriously pisses me and my friends off and its the most fun ive had with a shooter in years
See, the PvP can be frustrating at times when you're playing but i find it somewhat easy to destroy people just running around with a shotgun/fusion rifle. That's all you need.

What really pisses me off is the stupid random loot distribution.

Why is it that when I'm 25 kills and 5 deaths, mvp on my team I get absolutely NOTHING and everyone else gets legendary gear? That is fucking bullshit.


I said this already on the other topic but Im saying this again

I mainly got this game for the story mode.
Remember Bungie’s PR. When asked on numerous occasions how long it would take to complete the story, Bungie would not say. Did they know how long it would take? Of course. Then said that we may “never truly finish it.” Actual time for story: 6-12 hours.

Size Matters. Over the last year Bungie has said that this game would be bigger than anyone can imagine, hyping the scale on numerous occasions. In reality, the scale is smaller than almost all similar games like Borderlands.

DLC in advance. Going along with the sparse content, it’s clear that large portions of this game were left out for future DLC. This is the result of preordering, and is a cute way of making us pay more for the game. See every other thread on DLC for more.

Release Embargo. They had a clear choice, they could either allow reviewers early access to the servers in time for a review before release, as almost all AAA games do, or they could not. They chose to put the servers up less than 24 hours prior to release. This speaks volumes to their fear of potential bad reviews. They are forcing people to follow the hype, or make an informed decision by waiting- many of us mind being manipulated. Even if you’re enjoying the game; this should bother you.

Required Pre-order to play Beta. Not too many seem to mind this much directly, since you could cancel afterward; but I assure you all, the consequences to this will be felt for years to come. Because thanks to the financial success that this game has had, we can now expect to have to pre-order for Beta access going forward. Congrats everyone- we did it.

Story Buildup. They just recently compared their story inspiration to…and I’m not kidding, Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings. When nearly zero story presented itself during the Beta, people gave the benefit of the doubt and assumed that they took some out. In reality- there is no story. A cool $20 goes to anyone that can sum it up with a straight face.

You may not agree with all of the above, but even staunch defenders cannot defend all of it. Bungie/Activision marketing is the real problem here. In trying to appeal to every type of gamer, they have pissed off quite a few for not living up to the expectations that they set.

No one can deny that the game is gorgeous, and that the shooting mechanics are great- but everything else they sold was not accurate.
A good rule for business and life: Under promise, and over deliver.They have done just the opposite.
I think Gamespot's review is on point.


Fair point. You're right, I'm not debating anything because our difference in how we evaluate and perceive the game doesn't give us any common ground to debate. Maybe I'm the odd man out here.

I enjoyed the story, the mission structure, and the progression, and I feel the game as a whole is a masterpiece, it's a game I will continue to play for a long time. From the looks of this thread, I appear to be the only person on this site who appreciates these elements and it was a pointless decision to come in here and comment.

You guys have the right to not like the game. It was a waste of time to post here.
I respect your opinion and I know a lot of people who love this game. (Hell, I've played around 110 hours in 16 days...smh)

But, you can't be ok with the horrible load times, can you?
Do you like the RNG implemented? Are you cool with no matchmaking for the weekly heroics (and the soon to be unlocked nightfall)?
How much crucible have you played and what is your opinion on it? Do you play with a clan? If not, are you cool with no mic support if you play with randoms? Are you ok with no leaderboards?

Do you feel the strikes can become tedious with bullet sponge bosses and random to no loot or are you still enjoying playing them over and over?

I listed my personal complaints and wanted to get your take on what I said and to see if you agree with any of it or disagree with all of it.


The game is bad. Multiplayer is not competitive or fun, single player is repetitive and not fun, the only time I play is when friends beg me to, and then I eventually get fed up or bored enough to just stop playing.

This game is extremely disappointing and depressing. They hyped it up as the best thing ever, and it just isn't. I admittedly get bored of games fast, but it's sad when a game like CoD: Ghosts can hold my attention for far longer. There's no reason to play Destiny, it's boring and lacks content. It has so much potential, and maybe in a few years they can build on the foundation, but it's still unfun at its core, so yeah.
I disagree on the multiplayer. I enjoy it and I use auto-rifle mostly. 3v3 skirmish already feels very competitive and I think if they release private servers that you will def see a competitive seen come out of it.

I love the unorthodox way that Bungie tells their stories.
To each their own I guess, but I think the delivery of the story was awful. It's too soon to see if the overall story is actually decent but so far the delivery has been pretty poor. Character development is almost non existent, missions while supposedly are supposed to have great impact are extremely forgettable. I couldn't tell you what I actually did and how my actions effected the story line. This is what I took from it.

-Wake up from dinklebot
-Mission to push back darkness from the speaker we all warship the traveler
-Nothing memorable happens for a while
-Find out about black garden
-Need to find black garden
-Find Key by killing robot
-Open black garden
-Kill Boss
-End game credits.

Things left out, who are the fallen why am I killing them, who are the vex why am I killing them, who are the cabal why am I killing them, who are the hive why am I killing them? Where did this queen come from and why do I care about her? Is this shit all explained in grimiors? Perhaps, but a competent game could deliver such points in the game for even the most retarded people to understand.

Lucky for me I wasn't counting on the story to be anything to write home about so I wasn't really disappointed. But I whole heartedly agree with people who think it's current iteration is shit.


I respect your opinion and I know a lot of people who love this game. (Hell, I've played around 110 hours in 16 days...smh)

But, you can't be ok with the horrible load times, can you?
Do you like the RNG implemented? Are you cool with no matchmaking for the weekly heroics (and the soon to be unlocked nightfall)?
How much crucible have you played and what is your opinion on it? Do you play with a clan? If not, are you cool with no mic support if you play with randoms? Are you ok with no leaderboards?

Do you feel the strikes can become tedious with bullet sponge bosses and random to no loot or are you still enjoying playing them over and over?

I listed my personal complaints and wanted to get your take on what I said and to see if you agree with any of it or disagree with all of it.

The load times do not bother me. No.
But I play in our living room on my monitor while my fiance talks with me and watches TV on the big HDTV so I'm never really bored.

RNG doesn't bother me. I played D2 for 10 years. I enjoy grinding.

I love the bullet sponge aspect. Finally bosses that can take a damn punch. I also think it's false to say that there is no loot in these. Worst case scenario, you salvage what you don't need for glimmer and crafting material. I've found legendary engrams during strikes multiple times.

I've played probably like 100 total crucible matches. I think crucible is really fluid and I enjoy it. It brings back much desired elements of the arena shooter. The fact that they put this smooth of a feature in with their single player is extremely impressive to me. I don't play with a clan . If you play with randoms I seriously doubt you're going to want to hear what they have to say and if you do (correct me if I'm wrong) wouldn't simply partying up instantly give you mic support?

No leaderboards does not bother me.


-Wake up from dinklebot
-Mission to push back darkness from the speaker we all warship the traveler
-Nothing memorable happens for a while
-Find out about black garden
-Need to find black garden
-Find Key by killing robot
-Open black garden
-Kill Boss
-End game credits..
Our story comprehension and information retention seems to differ greatly.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I'd just like to add that I thank god daily for no mic support in PVP. I hate cocksuckers talking during my game. The only people I want to speak to in game are already on my friend's list. This is the only reason I like PVP, to be honest. It's peaceful...

Lots of valid points about the negative aspects, though. Honestly, this just may not be the game for me. I have a full-time job, part-time job and a gf. I don't have time to grind a video game for 5 fucking hours a day. I did zero research on this game prior to getting it (I got it free, btw), so I can't complain too much.

I will probably play it until Far Cry 4 comes out.