Level 29 here. Completed everything. Heroic, Nightfall, Raid a couple times.
Have plenty of exotics and legendaries. Destiny is a fun game but heavily flawed. Some complaints:
-Horrendous load times
-Terrible story
-Lack of skippable cutscenes
-Repetitive mission structure (Place ghost, defend ghost)
-Not a true open world game(Return to ship after every story mission)
-Lackluster finale
-No matchmaking for Heroic/Nightfall strikes and raid. Bungie wants you to make friends to tackle the challenges, but what is the difference between me going to the tower and handing out friend requests to play the raid and them just doing that for me in matchmaking?
-Grimoire score useless cuz its not in the game, but in an app
-Super bullet sponge boss battles
-Lack of loot drops from super sponge boss battles
-Legendaries and exotics dropping from level 1 enemies(Never seen a loot system like destiny's before)
-Repetitive and simple explore missions
-Lack of strike content (5 strikes only and about 100 variations)
-Terrible online PvP map design that promotes either camping or rampant shotgun use
-No matchmaking in PvP leads to unbalanced games
-No penalty for leaving PvP or strikes
-No voice chat in PvP if not in fireteam beforehand
-No private servers
-No in game clan support
-No in game leaderboards
-No way to choose your own map and game types nor any rotating server option
-Lack of creativity in weapon designs-they all look the same and stats are variants of about 4 base weapons
-The amount of grinding needed to find a high level weapon is only matched by the amount of grinding you will need to upgrade said weapon with the possibility of you throwing it away in a week.
-Lack of open mic in the tower
-No weapon trading (It would be nice to set up a system where you can at least trade one gun of equivalent rarity per day or something so if I have an exotic sniper and someone else has an exotic shotgun, we can trade, instead of storing weapons we dont use.)
It was a fun ride but once another game I want drops in the next couple months, I'll be checking out.
Have plenty of exotics and legendaries. Destiny is a fun game but heavily flawed. Some complaints:
-Horrendous load times
-Terrible story
-Lack of skippable cutscenes
-Repetitive mission structure (Place ghost, defend ghost)
-Not a true open world game(Return to ship after every story mission)
-Lackluster finale
-No matchmaking for Heroic/Nightfall strikes and raid. Bungie wants you to make friends to tackle the challenges, but what is the difference between me going to the tower and handing out friend requests to play the raid and them just doing that for me in matchmaking?
-Grimoire score useless cuz its not in the game, but in an app
-Super bullet sponge boss battles
-Lack of loot drops from super sponge boss battles
-Legendaries and exotics dropping from level 1 enemies(Never seen a loot system like destiny's before)
-Repetitive and simple explore missions
-Lack of strike content (5 strikes only and about 100 variations)
-Terrible online PvP map design that promotes either camping or rampant shotgun use
-No matchmaking in PvP leads to unbalanced games
-No penalty for leaving PvP or strikes
-No voice chat in PvP if not in fireteam beforehand
-No private servers
-No in game clan support
-No in game leaderboards
-No way to choose your own map and game types nor any rotating server option
-Lack of creativity in weapon designs-they all look the same and stats are variants of about 4 base weapons
-The amount of grinding needed to find a high level weapon is only matched by the amount of grinding you will need to upgrade said weapon with the possibility of you throwing it away in a week.
-Lack of open mic in the tower
-No weapon trading (It would be nice to set up a system where you can at least trade one gun of equivalent rarity per day or something so if I have an exotic sniper and someone else has an exotic shotgun, we can trade, instead of storing weapons we dont use.)
It was a fun ride but once another game I want drops in the next couple months, I'll be checking out.