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ESL League, The tournament standard, and the problem for pad players.


"I still got it...but not much of it"
This is really disappointing, i own a PC and a Ps4 but when i try to sign up for any upcoming cup it says it requires an XBL tag...what do?


cr. HP Master
The bottom line here is simple; This is a prime example of why you shouldn't restrict yourself to only 1 console. If I owned a PS4 I would go out and purchase a XB1 to participate in this. It's not like there won't be other games to play on that platform. Sony has the better hardware, SFV, Bloodborne, will be the grass roots standard, yet I'm seeing people complain because they can't have everything. Well, you have the majority of everything. Let the XB1 owners have some fun too.


cr. HP Master
This is really disappointing, i own a PC and a Ps4 but when i try to sign up for any upcoming cup it says it requires an XBL tag...what do?
Only certain regions can participate via PC. The online weeklies are XB1 exclusive in NA. The UK offline events do not require you to own a XB1 to participate, so it really comes down to your location.
When it comes down to which organization is using which console it boils down to sponsorship plain and simple. So instead of complaining lets look at both event formats and then decide which one we should as a communtiy model ourselves after

  • e-Sports
  • Supported by Netherrealm & Warner Bros (hell they are streaming top 16 of each week)
  • Weekly free 1k$ event. Now I understand people are complaining about it being ft1 until top 16, but with a cap of 1024 players there is no way it would end in a reasonable amount of time
  • Finals for $50k which you qualify for from online events
  • Not clear if the Sub Zero DLC goes towards this
  • XBox One (insert your issue of choice 1. Don't own it 2. dpad sucks 3. Don't have a XB1 stick)

Pro/hardcore players will do both but do you think it will leave a good impression with WB/NRS when they invest so heavily into the community and there is 0 participation culminating in no Season 2 from ESL? If you wan't to participate in ESL should you be punished when you want to go to your local event and you don't have a ps4 stick/pad? For me as a tournament organizer this sucks to be honest because I would think the ESL would be the more popular series of events(seriously this should have been announced sooner)and I would want my events to be on that same console(SF5 doesn't come out till next year and EVO has been wrong about consoles before [SF4/UMVC3 on ps3]). In a perfect world we would all play on PC and this whole stick/pad/console debate would be non existent : /


"I still got it...but not much of it"
I'm fine with ESL choosing Xbox One for their online cups, seeing that the Ps4 is region-locked, but why not allow PC as well? Sucks for me at least, cause i will have the game on PC and Ps4.


How dare they throw money at only half of us, shame on them! This thread is pretty ridiculous.
Honestly it's not the money that interested me it's the competition itself. Where I'm from I have no fighting game scene so I'm left with online only. If ESL did do EU pc tournaments I'd enter just for fun knowing well enough that I wouldn't get in the money. I'm pretty sure there's more people beside me that think the same on this matter.


"I still got it...but not much of it"
Honestly it's not the money that interested me it's the competition itself. Where I'm from I have no fighting game scene so I'm left with online only. If ESL did do EU pc tournaments I'd enter just for fun knowing well enough that I wouldn't get in the money. I'm pretty sure there's more people beside me that think the same on this matter.
I'm in the exact same position as you.


Founder of Team Renegade
This is a digression from the thread topic so it's the only post I'll make on the subject, but this is not even close to true. You can build a PC with perfect console parity for a hundred dollars cheaper than buying a console; for the same amount of money you'd expend on that console you can do notably better. Your assertion would have been true ten years ago when the 360 and PS3 were new and offering very robust hardware for the price point, but the Bone and PS4 do not hold up the same way. PC is flat out better power for the price - plain fact.
I can purchase an X1 for $349 from anywhere and I have even seen them as cheap as $300. And you are saying you can build an equal quality PC that can run mkx on the same graphics level or better for $100 cheaper? If that was true then would see all the tournaments running on PC but they aren't cause the fact is that consoles are much cheaper and easier to run these tournaments with period and if you think diffrent then make your case to the TO's. otherwise play on the consoles they have. Plain and simple


What WarlordRenegade said is right, you can't build a PC able to run MKX with the same money you'd be able to buy an Xbox or a PS. The real advantage of PC gaming is that even though you invest a larger amount of money in the hardware you'll be getting a lot of cash back.
Lets say you put down 1000$, with that money you can buy parts and build yourself a machine that will last you at least 3-4 years 'till you'll upgrade and it will run MKX at 1080p 60fps guaranteed.
You're probably thinking 1000$ is too much as opposed to 400 or less that you'd spend on a console but think about how much money you'll be saving in those 4 years.
4 years of psn is 200$, for xbox live you'll be saving an extra 40$, you'll be saving money on converters or any such apparel let's say 100$ or so AND you'll be getting a huge amount of deals on games, I'm talking 50 to 75% discounts on 2-3 month old games.
Add all that together AND the fact that after those 4 years pass and you'll want to upgrade you will have the opportunity to sell your old parts to get more cash back and you will the very least break even.
Getting into PC gaming isn't about the money it's about the "comfort" factor, are you willing to let go of the "put disk in and play " mentality and fiddle with stuff like installs?
If the answer is yes then get a PC you won't regret it, if you don't feel confident enough to dabble with expensive hardware, DRM, game installs and other PC specific stuff then just get a console.


"I still got it...but not much of it"
So is ESL gonna stick by this standard forever (NA/EU XboxOne, CIS PC)? Do they realize how many participants they are losing because of this?


cr. HP Master
So is ESL gonna stick by this standard forever (NA/EU XboxOne, CIS PC)? Do they realize how many participants they are losing because of this?
One company wasn't willing to play ball and the other one was. It's as simple as that. They may add PS4 events in the future, but then it becomes mangled and confusing. Do they run two separate tournaments with different payouts? Or do they run a tournament where the best players from PS4 and XB1 play at the world finals on the same system even though 1 person may not be use to a PS4 controller or vice versa?

Bottom line, if you're a true competitor and have the money for a XB1 as well...you do both.


cr. HP Master
So basically i have to buy the Xbox One just to compete online in MK lol you gotta be kidding me...
Online every week for $1k and potentially, $50k. Nothing to sneeze at considering it's free to enter and comes with the possibility of winning money from playing a video game.


"I still got it...but not much of it"
Online every week for $1k and potentially, $50k. Nothing to sneeze at considering it's free to enter and comes with the possibility of winning money from playing a video game.
I understand that, but there is literally NOTHING else i need an Xbox One for...