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Ermac Kombo Thread

  • A thread for Ermac combos in Mortal Kombat 1

    NO Kameo combos
    1. Midscreen:
      • 0-Bar
        • 42~db2 > 1 > dash > 4~bf3 > dash > 123 1+3 = 300
        • 212 > B24~bf3 > dash > 123 1+3 = 301
          • 212 > 4~bf3 > 4~Fatal Blow = 462
        • F4~db2 > 3 > dash > B2~bf3 > J14 > 123 1+3 = 318
      • 1-Bar
        • 12~bf3 > J122 > 3~db1(EX) > J123 > bf2 = 368
        • 212, 4~bf3 > dash 4~db1(EX) > J123~bf2 = 348
        • 42~db4d(EX) > B24~bf3 > 123 1+3 = 351
        • F2~bf3 > J122 > dash 4~db1(EX) > J123 > bf2 = 367
        • B24~bf3 > dash 4~db1(EX) > J14 > 123 1+3 = 345 (easy)
        • B24~bf3 > J122 > dash 1~db1(EX) > J123 > bf2 = 350 (hard)
        • 3~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > J14 > 123 1+3 = 389
        • F4~db2 > 1 > 212 > 4~bf3 > dash > 4~db1(EX) > J123 > db4 = 330
      • 2-Bars
        • 12~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > dash 4~db1(EX) > J123 > bf2 = 390
        • 3~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > J122 > 4~db1(EX) > J123 > bf2 = 456
        • 3~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > J122 > 4~db1(EX) > J123 > dash > F43 = 465
      • 3-Bars
        • 212~db4~db4(EX) > J123~db4(EX) > 4~db1(EX) > J123~db4 = 390
        • 3~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > J123~db1(EX2) > db4-Up (empty teleport) >Njp > 21 1+3) = 443
        • 3~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > J122 > 4~db1(EX) > J123~db4(EX) > F43 = 483
    2. Anti-Air:
      • Searching......
    3. Corner:
      • 0-Bar
        • 3~bf1(cancel) > F4~db2 > 2 > 42~db2 > 122 > J123 > 4~bf2 = 322
        • 4~bf3 > J122 > J123~db2 > 3 > 123 1+3 = 393 - takes opponent out of corner
        • F4~db2 > 3 > 4~bf3 > J123~db2 > 3 > 123 1+3 = 343 - takes opponent out of corner
        • 3~bf1(cancel) > F4~db2 > 2 > 42~db2 > 122 > J123~db2 > 3 > 123 1+3 = 337 - takes opponent out of corner
      • 1-Bar
        • 12~bf3 > J122 > J123 > 4~db1(EX) > Neutral J123 > bf2 = 402
        • 4~bf3 > dash > 4 > 4~db1(EX) > J123~db2 > 123 > 123 1+3 = 435 - takes opponent out of corner
      • 2-Bars
        • 3~bf1(EX)(full charge) > 4~bf3 > J123 > 4~db1(EX) > deep Jump kick > 123 1+3 = 461 - takes opponent out of corner
        • 3~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > J122 > 4~db1(EX) > J123~db2 > 242 = 503 - Side switch, puts opponent in the corner
        • 3~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > 4~db1(EX) > J123 > 4~Fatal Blow = 618 - Side switch, puts opponent in the corner
      • 3-Bars
        • 4~bf3 > 4 > F4~db1(EX2) > bf1(full charge) > Neutral J123 > 4~db1(EX) > J123~db2 > 3~bf2 = 465
        • 3~db4(EX) > 4~bf3(EX) > J122 > 4~db1(EX) > J123~db2 > 3 > F43 = 500 - Side switch, puts opponent in the corner
  1. Midscreen:
    • 0-Bar, 2 Kameos
      • 12~bf3 > dash 42 > F+RB > RB > J123 > bf2 > F+RB > RB > bf2 = 384
      • 212 > 4~bf3 > F+RB > RB > J123 > bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4 = 370
      • F2~bf3 > 42 > F+RB > RB > J123 > bf2 > F+RB > RB > bf2 = 383
    • 1-Bar, 1 Kameo
      • 12~bf3 > J122 > F43 > F+RB > RB > RB > J123 > bf2 = 403 ----can be improved or made easier Im sure
      • 3~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > J14 > 123 1+3 > B+RB > RB > RB = 412 ----can be improved Im sure
      • Back Throw > F+RB > RB > RB > db4(EX) > 4~bf2 = 227
      • 12~bf3 > 42 > F+RB > RB > J123 > db1(EX) > deep JiK~Fatal Blow = 445
    • 1-Bar, 2 Kameos
      • 12~bf3 > dash 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 452
      • 212 > 4~bf3 > dash 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 444
      • F2~bf3 > dash 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 455
      • F4~db2 > 2 > 2~bf3 > dash 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 403
      • B24~bf3 > dash 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 440
      • Back Throw > F+RB > RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > bf2 = 251
    • 2-Bars, 2 Kameos
      • 12~bf3 > dash 3~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > 3~db1(EX) > J24~F+RB > RB > J242 = 473
      • 12~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > dash 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 510
      • 2~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > dash 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 516
      • B24~db4(EX) > 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 466
      • F4~db2 > 2 > 2~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > dash 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 444
      • db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > dash 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > db4(EX) > F43 > F+RB > RB > J242 = 511
  2. Anti-Air:
    • 1 > 4~bf3 > J123 > F43 > F+RB > RB > RB > J21 = ???
  3. Corner:
    • 12~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > J123 > 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > 4~bf2 > F+RB > RB > bf2 = 500 - Side switch, puts opponent in the corner
  1. Midscreen:
    • (2-bar) 12~db4(EX) > 4~bf3 > J123 > dash > 12~db1(EX) > dash > B23~bf2 > timed darius tornado kicks = 46%
  2. Anti-Air:
    • YYY
  3. Corner:
    • ZZZ
  • Midscreen:
    • 2~bf1(cancel)> 42 > Jax back breaker > db4 > J123 > 4~db1(EX) > J123 > bf2 = 387
  • Anti-Air:
    • YYY
  • Corner:
    • 2~bf1(cancel) > 3~bf1(full charge) > Neutral J123 > 4~bf2 > Jax Back breaker > 4~BF2 = 404
  • Midscreen:
    • F2 > Lao spin > J122 > 21 1+3 = 295
    • B23 > Lao spin > J14 > 123 1+3 = 277
  • Anti-Air:
    • YYY
  • Corner:
    • ZZZ
  • Midscreen:
    • 12~bf3 > J122 > 4~bf2 (right after skeleton monster slams them) > Scorpion far kameo upskull > dash > 4~bf2 = 372 (2 kameo bars = 41%)
    • 12~bf3 > J122 > 4~bf2 > Scorpion far kameo upskull > dash > 4~db1(EX) > deep JIK~bf3 = 42%
    • 12 S4 bf2 (skeleton monster slam) Scorpion far kameo upskull dash S4 db1EX deep JI123 bf2 = 37%
    • 21 > dash > 2~bf3 > 4~db1(EX) > J123 > bf2 > far scorp fireballs > 4~db1 = 39%
    • 2~bf1(EX)(full charge) > dash > 4~bf3(cancel) > 4~db1(EX) > J123 > bf2 > Far fireballs > j242 = 46%
    • (2 Kameos) 12~bf3 > J122 > 4~choke(scorp far fireballs) > micro dash > 4~choke(scorp far fireballs) > J242 = 44%
  • Anti-Air:
    • 1 > 4~bf1 > 4~bf2 > Scorpion fireball> 4~bf2 > Scorpion fireball > 4~db1 = 418
    • 3~bf3 > dash 4~db1(EX) > J123 > bf2 > upKameo > 2~bf2 > upKameo > dash F43 = 50%
  • Corner:
    • ZZZ

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I’m trying to figure out why people are calling 40-45% for 0 or 1 bars with 1 kameo low. That’s perfectly fine.
Well your results have shown Janet which, true, it is high damage. Howver, much like Scorpion thats one of her signature strengths... but much like Scorpion she does 0 to aid in neutral. Neutral & disadvantage are weak spots for Ermac so youll get high damage in exchange for having to work the hardest for it. Fair trade off but it'll feel bad.
Well your results have shown Janet which, true, it is high damage. Howver, much like Scorpion thats one of her signature strengths... but much like Scorpion she does 0 to aid in neutral. Neutral & disadvantage are weak spots for Ermac so youll get high damage in exchange for having to work the hardest for it. Fair trade off but it'll feel bad.
I guess we'll see how people deal with him. Imo, he feels like he's built to not need much help in neutral. Good footsie-range normals, good midrange space control, and mobility. In the hands of a good player his base kit should be highly effective.
Played a little yesterday evening the route ive been doing is b23 bf3 dash ji14 db2 db3 ex, havent figured out an ender yet still early days ,, cant wait to lab this fucker after work later

12 bf3 dash J122 dash s4 bf2 (right after skeleton monster slams them) Scorpion far kameo upskull dash s4 bf2 does 372. For two kameo bars it does like 41%

An easier version for one bar would be:

12 bf3 dash J122 dash s4 bf2 (skeleton monster slam) Scorpion far kameo upskull dash s4 db1EX deep JIK bf3 for like 42%

212 as the starter:

212 S4 bf2 (skeleton monster slam) Scorpion far kameo upskull dash S4 db1EX deep JI123 bf2 for 37%

My findings so far with Scorpion.

I like Scorpion because we get a safe mix off 12
EX lift having +211 hit advantage is ridiculous, you can easily setup Frost Snowflakes and any other Kameo move.

You could probably even backdash and setup a hard to blockable with Tremor's Ambush Overhead Goldball and low hands
EX lift having +211 hit advantage is ridiculous, you can easily setup Frost Snowflakes and any other Kameo move.

You could probably even backdash and setup a hard to blockable with Tremor's Ambush Overhead Goldball and low hands
Fully charged crumple state also im not sute if itl work after lift tho , need to lab later on

12 bf3 dash J122 dash s4 bf2 (right after skeleton monster slams them) Scorpion far kameo upskull dash s4 bf2 does 372. For two kameo bars it does like 41%

An easier version for one bar would be:

12 bf3 dash J122 dash s4 bf2 (skeleton monster slam) Scorpion far kameo upskull dash s4 db1EX deep JIK bf3 for like 42%

212 as the starter:

212 S4 bf2 (skeleton monster slam) Scorpion far kameo upskull dash S4 db1EX deep JI123 bf2 for 37%

My findings so far with Scorpion.

I like Scorpion because we get a safe mix off 12
Nice ones. Got one with scorp too

21,dash 2××bf3 dash cancle,s4xxEX lift j123,buffer bf2,(far scorp fireballs),s4××db1 does 39% for 1 bar and 1 kameo.
Im going to update the OP today with all these new juicy combos.
Is it just me or is he quite execution heavy? (not that it's a bad thing)
Utlizing the crumple state with scorpion

2xxbf1EX(full charge),dash s4xxbf3 dash cancle s4xxEx lift,j123 buffer bf2(scorp far fire balls),j242. 46% 2bars 1 kameo
Nice ones. Got one with scorp too

21,dash 2××bf3 dash cancle,s4xxEX lift j123,buffer bf2,(far scorp fireballs),s4××db1 does 39% for 1 bar and 1 kameo.
Very good! Go to wiff punisher I'd say. Along with
b24 bf3 dash s4db1EX j123 bf2 far scorpion upskull s4 db1 for 38%. It's nice because although worse range than s2, b2 is a mid

Doing a 12 bf1 cancel into a back dash (vs a blocking opponent) and both these can catch them pressing buttons! Both are also safe vs most of the cast, B24 is easy to hitconfirm, and most importantly, they're easy on my fingers!!
Here some meterless kameoless kombos of off several starters.

12~Shriek, dash f4~levi 14, j14, 123 3+4 (325,08)

12~Shriek, dash f4~levi 14, j123, dash s4~lift (318,33)

42~levi 14, ji14, 123 3+4 (290,07)

F2~Shriek, dash f4~levi 14, j14, 123 3+4 (321,13)

B24~Shriek, dash ji14, 123 3+4 (302,50)

B24~Shriek (only 4 hits), dash f4~levi 14, j14, 123 3+4 (321,13)

212, b24, 123 3+4 (278,67)

I think this is not bad for no resources. But they feel a bit clunky to do compared to some other characters.

Also scorpion can make 34 a launcher with either close flame or far flame. Not sure how useful this is but caught some ppl with it, mostly cuz they stood up probably thinking Scorps OH was coming.
Kameoless stuff 1 bar:

12 shriek, dash j122(or j123), dash 4 ex lift, jump 123, push = 36.8%. FB ENDER 48%

42 levitate j2, dash 4 shriek, dash 12 ex lift, j123, push = 33.3%. FB ENDER 42.7%

12 bf1 cancel, 12 ex lift, late jump 1, f4 levitate j14, 4 push = 29.5%. FB ENDER 41.3%

212, b24 shriek, dash 12 ex lift, j123 push = 33.2%. FB ENDER 42.2%

Seems like optimal punish is to cancel into shriek as soon as possible.
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12xx ex tele seems to have great combo scaling

12xxtele ex S4xxShreik~dash S4xxPush (scorp kameo) j212 (418.something)
Thanks man. I completely disregarded tele for combos but this thing hurts. If you spend a second Kameo Bar you get almost 50%

12~ex tele, s4~Shriek, dash s4~push, scorpion far, micro dash ji123~push, scorpion far, ji242 (495,93)

You can also easily restand them after the ji123 or at the end (if you have 2 bars ofc)

FB Kombos with this route are between 50 and 57% for me so far.

This route is also way more chill than all the others too :)
Optimal? Kameoless stuff 1 bar:

12 shriek, dash j122(or j123), dash 4 ex lift, jump 123, push = 36.8%. FB ENDER 48%

42 levitate j122, dash 4 ex lift, j123, push = 32.6%. FB ENDER 42.5%

12 bf1 cancel, 12 ex lift, late jump 1, f4 levitate j14, 4 push = 29.5%. FB ENDER 41.3%

212, b24 shriek, dash 12 ex lift, j123 push = 33.2%. FB ENDER 42.2%

Seems like optimal punish is to cancel into shriek as soon as possible.
For 12 my highest atm is 37,1%
12~ex tele, s4~Shriek, ji14, dash 123 3+4 (371,46) // FB is 50,8% (after Shriek s4~FB)

For 42 starter 33,8%
42~levi 14, j112 dash s4~ex lift, deep j123~push 33,8% // FB 41,3%
42~levi 14, s4~shriek dash 12~ex lift, ji123~push 33,8% // FB 41,4%

For 212 its 34,8%
242, s4~shriek, dash s4~ex lift, ji123~push (348,60) // FB 46%

For the 12 cancel i have 32,1%
12~bf cancel 12~ex tele, f4~levi 14, ji123~push (321,50) // FB 42,7% (44,1% if you dont do the cancel at the start. 48% if you just do 12~ex tele, s4~FB)

BF1 Cancel Kombos are not worth it if you want to use FB or can fit Shriek into the kombo. You always end up loosing damage.