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Match Footage Emperor Jupiter Wins Injustice: Gods Among Us at The Break #239


Best Doomsday in the world
Well if I was going to lose to anyone at NEC I'm glad it was Jupiter.

mmh wakeup range is just incredible, can't do nothing vs his wake up with my DD, i think mmh is TOP1 in tier list
You can venom through force push every time on a read, or you can mb b3 it for a full combo punish. If he tries to wake up teleport you can literally dash up and hit any normal and it'll stuff it completely as long as you time it right. Doomsday does better than most characters in this match up.


Well if I was going to lose to anyone at NEC I'm glad it was Jupiter.

You can venom through force push every time on a read, or you can mb b3 it for a full combo punish. If he tries to wake up teleport you can literally dash up and hit any normal and it'll stuff it completely as long as you time it right. Doomsday does better than most characters in this match up.
i want JD3 but its nt even work when i am just over his head :(


Death comes to all!
I really really hate the downplaying people in TYM are giving to Jupiter.

So far Jupiter is the only consistent complete MMH I see in tourneys. Unless we suddenly get an influx of MMH players who can play as well as Jupiter with very little practice (a la pre-patch Supes or Bladam), no more downplaying MMH players who perform well.

It's seriously insulting not only for the MMH players but also the players they beat.
I really really despise people who cannot differentiate between downplaying a great combatant like jupiter AND beeing not fond off the toolset/safe or advantageous options a character has.

(to name some: plus a million pillar, op teleport setups, wakeupgame that laughes at almost the entire cast, monstertrait, great mixups, double hitting b3 (why!!?), best meterless antizoning, great zoning and jesus christ dat mb groundsparkthing hits everywhere! and combos!!

And now wait another six month for the advanced dirt and you will see the broken mess mmh is)
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